World Bicycle Relief

Radio 4 Appeal 25 June 2023

Photo: With a bicycle, Mary is now vibrant and full of possibility. Mary is on the move.


Since Mary received the bicycle we’ve seen her face brightening. Now, she’s doing well in her school exams. She also likes to participate in activities after school with her friends."
— Barbara Lungu, housemother at Children’s Village in rural Zambia.

World Bicycle Relief is a UK charity that supports communities in rural regions around the world to thrive with life-changing bicycles.

The Buffalo Bicycle isn’t your typical bike. While most of the world’s bicycles are lightweight, complex and made for recreation, the Buffalo Bicycle was created specifically to withstand the rugged terrain of the regions in which we work.

According to the World Bank, “The single most important determinant of primary school enrolment is the proximity of a school”. In country after country around the world, the further children are from school, the less likely they are to attend school – this is especially true for girls.

In June, Radio 4 listeners tuned in to listen to Maxine Peake's powerful broadcast on behalf of World Bicycle Relief. She shared Mary’s story – an 18-year-old, who spent hours walking to and from school, with the constant race against the sun. The daily walk to and from school exhausted Mary and left her no time or energy for friends, homework, or activities. Now, thanks to your support, Mary is equipped with a Buffalo Bicycle and she is thriving. She saves time during her commute to and from school. She arrives to school on time and is able to concentrate on her studies. She has time to read and play and now she can dream about her future.

Overall, our results show that girls like Mary, equipped with a Buffalo bicycle increase their punctuality by 66% and score higher at maths. They also say they feel more in control of decisions affecting their lives and have a greater belief in their potential to succeed.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported World Bicycle Relief’s ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Radio 4 Appeal. We have been so encouraged by the public’s response and generosity to our appeal. With listener’s support, we have raised a total of £72,133 including match funding to give bicycles to  more communities in Africa. These crucial funds will further mobilise more people through the Power of Bicycles.

You can find out more about World Bicycle Relief's work .

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