

Radio 4 Appeal 14 May 2017

Women are able to live free from violence and are empowered to stand up for their rights and take control over their own lives.

Radio 4 listeners’ responded very generously to Womankind Worldwide’s appeal in May raising £27,255 to support women and girls fleeing violence in Africa and Asia.

Womankind works in partnership with local women’s rights organisations and movements to provide the tools and resources they need to change the everyday lives of women, in the home, the workplace and the community they live in.

Our appeal told the story of Mekedes who arrived at a Womankind-funded shelter in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia after years of abuse at the hands of her older brother. With medical care, counselling and training, Mekedes was able to move onto independent living, and has now returned to the shelter to train other young women in hairdressing, giving them the skills and confidence they need to build a future free from violence.

With funds raised through the appeal, we are supporting other women’s rights organisations to support women like Mekedes in cities, towns and villages across Ethiopia, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Kenya. By funding local organisations we are working to ensure women are able to live free from violence, and are empowered to stand up for their rights and take control over their own lives.

You can find out more about the charity . 

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