
Wellbeing of Women

Radio 4 Appeal 29 November 2020

On behalf of Amy and every woman, girl and baby whose life will be changed by our research, thank you

We'd like to say a huge thank you to Radio 4 listeners who supported our appeal. With your generosity, we raised over £30,000 to invest in life-saving research that will save and change the lives of women, girls and babies.

In November 2020 Jennifer Saunders told listeners the story of Amy, whose ovarian cancer tumour was the size of a mango by the time it was detected when she was just 36.

She explained that Amy’s cancer is particularly difficult to treat as it has become resistant to chemotherapy, a common occurrence with ovarian cancer and something Wellbeing of Women is looking to find solutions to in its research. But, as there is no easy test for ovarian cancer it is also often detected too late – as was the case for Amy – which is why Wellbeing of Women researchers are looking to develop a new easy test.

Jennifer explained that the lack of priority given to women’s health research (it receives just 2.1% of all UK public health funding) means that women are suffering in silence.

This is where Wellbeing of Women’s supporters come in. With your donations, we not only fund early research into poorly understood areas of women’s health – from gynaecological cancers to periods and menopause – but also train the next generation of women’s health researchers to find the next cures, tests and treatments.

On behalf of Amy and every woman, girl and baby whose life will be changed by our research, thank you.


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