
Music In Detention

Radio 4 Appeal 16 February 2020

Photo caption: In UK Immigration Removal Centres, the days melt into one another and there’s no end point in sight. But your gift of music, like oxygen, helps people breathe.

[The music] gives you a freedom that you can still be happy. Ah, so I can still be happy for one minute, it means I can be happy for two minutes. Before you know what is happening, you change your thinking. It can go a long way to help.

What better way to show the difference you made by hearing directly from one of the past participants of the music sessions.

Because of people like you, more than 1,000 people indefinitely locked up in UK Immigration Removal Centres will make music and find some peace in their soul. Together, you donated a life-giving £18,932!

Your gift gave someone a safe, mental refuge away from the unrelenting distress. Because with every note they made - whether singing, playing the djembe or moving their feet to the beat - the walls of the detention centre dissolved away, and an inner peace was found.

On behalf of everyone in detention, thank you.  You can find out more about our charity.

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