
Keep Britain Tidy

Radio 4 Appeal 3rd January 2021

Photo: Some of Keep Britain Tidy’s LitterHeroes volunteers cleaning up Brighton Beach.

Having been involved with Keep Britain Tidy for some years, I know how important this money is to help protect our precious local environments and to make the changes that are desperately needed to bring an end to the environmental devastation being caused by plastic pollution". Chris Packham

We would like to thank all the generous listeners who supported our Radio 4 Appeal. Thanks to your support we raised £41,695 not including Gift Aid and all of our staff, trustees and volunteers were thrilled to receive so many generous donations.

On 3 January 2021, the renowned naturalist and broadcaster Chris Packham OBE made a powerful appeal to Radio 4 listeners to support our work to protect our precious wildlife and countryside from the scourge of litter, including four million small mammals - shrews and mice- that die every year imprisoned in the bottles and cans thrown from car windows or just dropped by roadsides.

The money that Radio 4 listeners donated, will support our charity’s work to promote positive policy changes on litter and waste including the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme for drinks containers and Extended Producer Responsibility so that we can finally stem the flow of plastic packaging at source.
At the same time we will continue to inspire people across the country to take action on their doorstep through our annual ‘Great British Spring Clean’. This year we aim to achieve 1 million miles worth of litter picking, because what is good for our environment is good for our mental and physical health too. We are also working with schools where thousands of children are getting ready to take part in The Great Big School Clean, helping to inspire the next generation to take action for the environment on their doorstep.

For more information about Keep Britain Tidy please visit .



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