
Hello World

Radio 4 Appeal 3 May 2020

Hello World's solution is so simple, so achievable, so brilliant, that I think it's really worth supporting" - Stephen Fry, Actor, Author and Broadcaster

Everyone at Hello World has been overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of Radio 4 listeners. Our appeal raised £30,741 and through it we have made many new friends. This money will help us provide education where it is needed most.

The appeal was made on our behalf by Stephen Fry and we are enormously grateful to him for his support and enthusiasm throughout the process.

Globally, 1 in 5 children does not have access to an education. This alarming statistic is likely to get even worse as the full cost of COVID-19 is revealed. But Hello World’s solution is simple, affordable and scalable.

We build solar-powered, WiFi enabled computer terminals, each fitted with 8 tablet screens and loaded with state-of-the-art educational software. These ‘Hello Hubs’ are built and maintained by the community and are free for everyone to use.

Since our appeal was broadcast, we have heard from pupils who have been able to keep studying while their schools are closed and from parents still able to research business ideas and learn new skills using the WiFi provided by Hello World.

One such story comes from Deng Akot, a chemist from South Sudan who now lives in Uganda. His place of work was forced to close during lockdown so Deng used the hub to explore ways to manufacture essential items in short supply.

At the start of September 2020, Deng set up his own company producing liquid soap to help keep people in his community safe. His first customer? Hello World. (We provide soap and water at each of our hubs!)

Without the support and generosity of so many, we simply would not be able to carry out our life changing work. On behalf of all the team at Hello World - thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

You can find out more about our charity.

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