
Farm Africa

Radio 4 Appeal 13 Dec 2020

Photo: Anna (far left) and other women in her village in Karamoja, Uganda, with goats they received from Farm Africa.

Farm Africa has done a great thing by giving goats to women. I didn’t always get permission to sell a goat to send my child to school. Now, it’s my decision.” Anna, Karamoja, Uganda"

Enormous thanks to everyone who has donated to our appeal, presented by Sir Michael Palin. You've given an incredible £59,489 including Gift Aid. Every pound is hugely appreciated and will help change the lives of farming families living in eastern Africa.

“There is one important reason why women should be given goats. Before, I did not have authorisation from my husband to own property.” Like most women in the pastoralist region of Karamoja in north-east Uganda, Anna has lived most of her life not owning anything.
Caring for children falls to women here, but whenever Anna needed money to pay school fees, she had to ask her husband. Sometimes he said yes, sometimes no.

The unpredictable weather made feeding her children a struggle. “When it is rainy or windy, the crops get destroyed.”
Farm Africa supports women like Anna by giving them their own goats, which means a supply of goats’ milk and meat when harvests fail, and their own money to pay for basic needs for their children.
Each woman receives two or three goats from Farm Africa on the condition they pass on two or three goat kids to another woman in need once their herd has grown.

Anna told us: “The village received 20 goats in total from Farm Africa last year. I have seen the difference that having goats has made. When we have the goats’ milk, the children will be able to grow big, strong and healthy.  We can sell the milk, and this means we are able to send our children to school.”

For more information about Farm Africa please visit .



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