
Child Poverty Action Group

Radio 4 Appeal 21 May 2017

The fact that children are being brought up in sometimes desperate poverty today is painful to me and would have shocked Dickens to the core.

Simon Callow

We were thrilled to have CPAG’s ambassador Simon Callow speak about our work and how we make a difference in the lives of thousands of children growing up in poverty in the UK.

Our appeal raised £11,250.

Simon shared the story of one of the many families struggling to make ends meet and how CPAG’s advice helped them get through a very difficult period. For a family on the breadline, good advice can make the difference between getting a decent evening meal or going to bed hungry. Last year, CPAG’s free advice line enabled 2,051 families gain greater control over their lives by ensuring they do not miss out on benefits payments that help give access to the basics of life such as rent, food and clothing.

Simon, who has spent much of his career involved in the work of Charles Dickens, commented:

“The fact that children are being brought up in sometimes desperate poverty today is painful to me and would have shocked Dickens to the core”.

You can find out more about the charity . 

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