
Action on Poverty

Radio 4 Appeal 11 Jul 2021

Photo caption:  Bridget has been working in partnership with us at Action on Poverty to train people in sustainable livelihoods for over 15 years.

The women we have worked with so far, now they are taking action for their own livelihoods, they are taking action for their own entitlements.鈥
鈥 Bridget, project manager from our partner MAPCO who delivers our work locally in Sierra Leone.

Thank you so much from all of us at Action on Poverty to the lovely Radio 4 listeners and our friends, supporters and networks for your kindness in supporting our appeal, brought to life by the brilliant Big Zuu. You raised £14,306 that will help provide women in Sierra Leone with the skills and resources to change their lives and communities for good, and we’re thrilled that so many of you have joined us as supporters.

The appeal will go towards a two-year project training women in Southern and Eastern Sierra Leone to earn a living through backyard vegetable farming and soap-making, which will improve food security and health and hygiene in their communities at the same time.

Bridget at our local partner organisation MAPCO has been leading projects like this with women for years and is key in delivering our work, so she’s seen first-hand the transformation this will make:

‘The women we have worked with so far are so proud of themselves now, they can stand up to say “when MAPCO started with me I had nothing, but today, I have a saving of 300,000 of my own. I now make meaningful contributions to my home, my children now go to school, I provide three meals for my children, my children can wear good clothes, my husband is now proud of me.”’

Radio 4 listeners have been part of making this a reality for more Sierra Leonean women in future and we can’t thank you enough for this.

To find out more about how we tackle poverty with livelihoods and how your support can help, . Thank you!

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