
Royal Society for Blind Children

Lifeline Appeal 15 April 2018

A young man tells a story at a lecturn
Yash, who has been helped by the Royal Society for Blind Children. Video: Bertie Carvel's Lifeline Appeal for the Royal Society for Blind Children

Every day, four families in the UK are told the devastating news that their child is losing their sight. As experts in the field of childhood sight loss we have first-hand experience of the challenges families face, and the potential blind children have.

Our 2018 Lifeline Appeal raised a fantastic £16,739, which has been used to support blind children, young people and their families in England and Wales.

Thanks to those who responded to our appeal, we’ve been able to turn things around for Yash, a teenager who felt low and isolated when we first met him. Now, as he gets ready to perform in our choir at the RSBC Christmas Concert, he says:

I’ve started taking part in music groups and residential trips and I've done so many amazing things that I'd never have had the chance or the confidence to do otherwise. I’ve even done raft building, so if you plan on getting stuck on a desert island, take me with you! I've had the most amazing time and these experiences with RSBC have been some of the most important of my life. I now have friends that I can talk to that understand what I'm going through and can help.

Each donation to our Lifeline Appeal has helped us to reach another child like Yash this year. Thank you for your support.

To find out more about RSBC please visit our 

Bertie Carvel's Lifeline Appeal for the Royal Society for Blind Children

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