
Diwali Story

Watch the story of Rama as he searches for Sita with help from Hanuman the monkey.

There was once a prince called Rama and his wife Sita, there was also a wicked King Ravanna who was a great and powerful demon, he had ten heads and twenty arms and took Sita away from Rama where she couldn't be found.

Rama set off in search of Sita, on the way he was helped by all the animals in the forest. A monkey called Hanuman became Rama's friend, Hanuman was no ordinary monkey, he could fly over mountains and across oceans. After searching for many days and nights, Hanuman finally found Sita imprisoned in one of Ravanna's beautiful gardens. Rama fought Ravanna to get his wife back. The battle went on for days until finally Rama used a special arrow, given to him by the Gods, and shot Ravanna in the chest.

Rama and Sita were together again and they decided to return home. By the time they got back it was the middle of the night, but the entire kingdom celebrated their return by decorating the city with flowers and lamps to show them the way home.

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