Recipe: Pancake Palette

Here is the recipe for making Big Cook Little Cook's Pancake Palette.

You will need
  • 150g self raising flour
  • Half a teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 egg separated, the yolk in a small bowl and white into larger bowl
  • 200ml milk
  • 1 knob of butter
  • A sprinkle of Red Leicester cheese, grated
  • 1 tomato, finely chopped
  • A blob of basil pesto
  • 2 spears of asparagus, cooked
  • Large mixing bowl
  • 2 x Smaller mixing bowls
  • Frying pan (non stick)
  • Whisk
  • Wooden spoon
  • Fork
  • Spatula
  • Chopping board
  • Sieve
  • Measuring jug


Common allergens- Dairy (butter), Gluten (flour), Eggs, Nuts (green pesto)

  1. Sift the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt in a large mixing bowl. It’s important to sieve the flour because you want lots of air, so our pancake stays fluffy!

  2. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolk and the milk with a fork. Make sure to wash your hands well after handling raw egg!

  3. In a third bowl, whisk the leftover egg white until it is white and fluffy. This might take a bit of arm power as you want the egg white to look bubbly!

  4. Now we can start to combine our mixes to make our pancake batter. First, add the milk and egg yolk to the dry flour ingredients and mix together until smooth. If there are any lumps you can whisk again!

  5. Once it’s all mixed, gently fold in your egg whites with a wooden spoon. You want to do this as gently as possible to keep the air bubbles in the mixture.

  6. Now it’s time to cook our pancakes, add a small knob of butter to a small frying pan. This is a hob job so ask your grown-up helper to do this for you, as the hob is hot, hot, hot!

  7. Once the butter is melted, ladle in a big spoonful of your pancake batter to make one large pancake. You don’t need to use all the mixture as you should have enough batter to make a few. Try to form the mixture into an artist’s palette shape.

  8. Keep frying the pancake and when the edges are golden brown, you can flip it over! Be careful as the pan will be hot, hot, hot!

  9. Let your pancake cook for a couple more minutes on the other side until golden brown. It will rise a little and become light and fluffy. Then take it off the heat and carefully slide it onto a plate.

  10. To serve the palette pancake, cut a little ‘thumb hole’ in the side and add your dollops of paint. We’re using basil pesto for green paint, chopped tomatoes for red paint and yummy Red Leicester cheese for orange! But you can make any paint toppings you like.

  11. To finish it off add your cooked asparagus paint brushes and your masterpiece is complete!

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