
Challenging behaviour in young children

Helpful tips for you and your child on understanding their emotions

Challenging behaviour in young children

Watching your child grow up is really exciting and rewarding, but no one ever promised it would be easy.

Dealing with difficult behaviour (whether your child is the cause or on the receiving end) can be worrying. However, this is a very common issue for parents and carers. You aren't alone - dealing with the day-to-day challenges of raising a young child isn't easy.

How CBeebies can help

Have a go at making an emotions mask with your child, using a paper circle of card for the face. Draw and decorate a happy face on one side and a sad face on the other.听

Talk about what things we might do that would make us - or someone else - happy or sad.听

Children love being praised. Have a special reward chart with some smiley face stickers that can be added. How many happy faces can your child stick on the chart today to show how fantastic their behaviour has been?听

Afterwards, maybe you could make some biscuits and decorate them with a smiley face to celebrate all that brilliant behaviour!

by Caroline Gee.

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