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24 September 2014

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Do you want to join the debate about animal testing in the county? The university's plans for a new research lab in Cambridge have really got you talking. For or against it, we want your views...
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It is time to stop the testing of cosmetics on animals. How many more shampoos, toothpaste etc do we need? Over 30,000 laboratory animals are used to test cosmetics annually. Fortunately some scientists are already using alternative approaches. Non-animal research is the way forward. Human cell and tissue cultures, computer modelling and human volunteers are I believe used by research sponsored by the Dr Hadwen Trust. Government should do far more to encourage non-animal testing. Why is it left to charities? If the Government allowed more open inspections of those establishments which continue to use animals the general public would be able to see the suffering that they cause and would not be so keen to condone it. Animal suffering in cruel experiments must stop.
Joan Beever, Devon

I don't understand why people treat this issue as black and white. Of course, one cannot just unilaterally ban animal testing as those using well regulated bases in one country will simply move to another with lower standards of animal welfare. Animal testing is certainly wrong when discussing unecessary luxuries such as cosmetics, but when it comes down to investigating the effects of vaccines, drugs, etc. then animals are fundamental to good research. If ultimately we are saving lives and keep suffering to an absolute minimum in laboratories, then the ends justify the means. To suggest that a lab animal has more rights than a suffering human being is absurd. None theless, I think that regulation of such testing needs serious improvement.
Karmen, London, UK

Animal testing is horrible what is the point of it? They test on them for MANS INTEREST but i beleve that they have no respect for the animals wellbeing, its discraceful of the human race, and shows that we realy are selfish and in some ways uncareing to our animal counterparts. So why dont they test on volunter workers and synthesise human tissue and blood, then they would see first hand what effects it would have on the human anatomy insted of the animals being harmed.
Andrew, Trowbridge, UK

Animal testing is nescesory for biomedical advance. please think about all the staff such as medicines, cosmatics, lotion etc those you are using today are came out through the anmial testing research. certainly, we'll feel guilt that sacrificed the lifes of animals, yet animal tsting is impeative to the health and longevity of man and animal. do you dare to think of the patiens who suffer without animal testing to come out the medical treatment??
joselee, malaysia

Why do people value animal life as much or more than human life? What about the millions of Somalians starving to death, no body cares about them. But if a rabbit dies because of eye blush that was tested on it, people put up a big stink. If there wasnt a demand in the market to have make-up in the first place then that poor rabbit would still be alive. Or what about the millions of South Africans suffering from AIDS. Why doesn't an animal rights activist tell that suffering child that his life isn't as important as a monkey. People who are naive enough to believe that no disease has been cured or a vaccine produced through animal testing is dumber than the animals being tested on. Granted animal testing is inhumane but necessary. Polio has been destroyed, through a vaccine that has been tested on animals. A whole list of innocculations have been discovered through the use of animal testing. It has saved contless millions of lives, and can still save more. As for people who think humans should be tested on instead of animals, they better be the first ones in line.
Brad, Maine/U.S.A

I really think that animal testing is disgusting but even more fowl is the people that do it. I think that this testing should be banned - its sick. All of you that are saying keep it, should seriously think about how they would feel having needles inserted into you or numerous operations seeing how much fibre you can hold. Please those with the power to do it stop it
anna cartwright, nottingham

Without animal testing we could get defects on many products tested on animals. Animal testing is for the safety of the human race. What would you do if a shampo you used wasn't tested and when you used it your hair fell out?
Brett, U.S.A

I think that testing on animals is absolutly outrageous! They have feelings to you know they have just as much reason to be alive as us humans. i feel that if its humans that are goin to be given the treatments the animals should be kept out of the experiments as it is damn right cruelty! another thing that should be banned is testing makeup and shampoo on them i feel this strongly and hope the numbers of animal deaths through this will decrease!
N.Matthews, Warrington

I think animal testing is wrong because, after all, what have the animals done to us!
laura abbott, gorleston, Great Yarmouth

I think testing on animals should be banned because it is cruel and horrible. animals are living aswell as us so save the animals.
adam bull, dudley

I think that animal testing with products is wrong, but with medicine that can save a life is ok looking beautiful is not important but having a life is.
Jen, UK

Please stop animal tesing! It's really cruel! I don't understand why people use animals to test thing on. Why can't they just use the things that have already been tested and if they want anything else tested use something else to test it on!
Hollie, UK

Animal testing is WRONG! I saw a photograph of a monkey being forced to smoke a cigarette before it could have a drink of water, the company wanted to see if they cause lung cancer in monkeys! Another pic that I saw was of rabbits skin that was burnt all over to see if a certain chemical actually would burn skin! They did that expirement over and over again! This one company had their employees break the necks of over one hundred rabbits, just to take 3 photos. Animal testing is outragous! even though some is good.

stop animal testing because my big sister is a vet and she gets upset

Yet one interesting fact after reading all these comments is this: For example more dogs in the UK are destroyed because they are no longer wanted as pets than dogs destroyed through results of experiments. We live in a contradictory society where people want to save animal lives by targeting biomedical companies yet think nothing of their next door neighbour taking their pet dog to be put to sleep because he no longer has the same cuteness he had when he was a puppy and he now chews things and is too big. Anti experimental protesters should take a long hard look around at the "everyday" problem of pet owners long before they get on their high horse regarding other issues. Why not bring in a law that states a pet is a pet you keep until his natural life has ended. Hmmmm I wonder how many people would actually own a pet?
P, Nevada USA

Think of it this way...you walk into a teaching hospital, as a referral, on an emergency situation with your beloved pet. You go in with complete trust, and believe that they are there to help. The next thing you know, a student innocently asks you if they can have your animal. You protest, but the game continues to convince you to give up your pet to a "better" home. Then the horrible realization dawns one day throughout the family that they want your beloved pet for their lab use! STOP ANIMAL TESTING.

A lot of animal testing is done because government regulations require it to be done. If you want to stop animal testing, it should be the government that you should be lobbying. Attacking and threatening companies and institutions doing this work is only causing the work to be moved abroad, where there is even less control over the welfare of the animals.
NM, Nr Peterborough, Cambs.

Thank God that we have animals on which drugs can be tested before being given to humans. We would be infinitely worse off if such tests were not available. I believe the regulations prevent unnecessary tests, and that appropriate pain prevention is used to alleviate animal suffering.
Alan , Cambridge

I totally disagree with what people are doing to animal its a shame they arnt doing any harm to anyone. Its terrible and if i ever met these people i would really have something to say and it wouldnt be nice one bit !!!
sammy smith, wales

I think its is terrable doing tested on animals. The people that are doing this wouldnt like it done to themselves so why do it on inoccent animals.
paula williams, liverpool

When necesarry, animals should be tested for experiements. They'll only test the animals for a cure of cancer, AIDS and other death diseases. It's cruel and we have no right to do it, but if we find a cure, it can help millions of people die each day from a horrible disease.
Danielle, Melbourne, Australia

I recently watched a short film on animal testing that was secretly filmed in an animal testing lab. Before watching the film I agreed with animal testing, and now I wish I never had done. Not only were the tests barbaric, but they seemed to have no relevance to developing cures for human illnesses and diseases. However, the most disturbing factor of all is that the majority of the scientists lacked a basic level of respect for the animals they were testing on; it was pure cruelty. It would be hard to justify the treatment of those poor animals; even if it resulted in a miracle cure for one of the worlds most devastating diseases. I feel animal testing should be abolished, as many of the treatments that have been developed via the use of animal testing, prove useless or damaging to humans anyway. Would supporters of animal testing still agree with such research if the tables were turned and it was the animals who did the experimenting? I very much doubt it!
Leah Evans, Birmingham

I think that animaltesting is wright because well just emagine you having some disease that will eventually kill you in a early life and there is no cure for this disease wouldnt you want the scientist to test on animals so they can find a cure for that disease you or a loved one has. Think about it...
Garrett, Willisville/Illinois

I believe that animal testing should be stoped! Immediately!Twenty-four hours a day humans are using defenseless animals for cruel and most often useless tests. The animals have no way of fighting back. This is why there should be new laws to protect them. These legislations also need to be enforced more regularly. Too many criminals get away with murder. by six o鈥檆lock this evening, hundreds of animals will have their eyes, skin, or gastrointestinal systems unnecessarily burned or destroyed. Many animals will suffer and die this year to produce 'new' versions of deodorant, hair spray, lipstick, nail polish, and lots of other products Every day of the year, hundreds of thousands of fully conscious animals are scalded, or beaten, or crushed to death, and more are subjected to exotic surgery and then allowed to die slowly and in agony. There is no reason for this suffering to continueIn conclusion, animal testing is inhumane and no animal should be forced to endure such torture. Waste in government is one thing; it seems to be an accepted liability of democracy. But the wasting of lives is something else. How did it ever get this way?
Yvette, Livingston, California,USA

animals should be allowed to be tested on because it will help with drug use

Animal testing is out of the ark. What is needed in Cambridge or anywhere else is a centre of excellence in clinical neurological research, not the new lab. Human based research is modern and productive, so be progressive, look into the pros and cons. There is a case for a very limited number of animal experiments but 95% of research would be better tested on human data using test tube studies and computer models. Trust the government to mess this up as usual. We need an enquiry based into the scientific methods. But the way things are funded, it won't be impartial.
Another of KGs friends!, Swaffham

People that support animal testing mean well, but only a small amount of research based on animals is useful - perhaps 5-10% if you listen to many continental scientists. Drugs that appear promising in animal tests can prove harmful when tried in humans, or just useless. Over 90% of potential drug candidates don't make the mark and fail to become useful prescription drugs. Please don't base your views on uninformed emotive arguments based on how you suffer - simply support funding for alternative and more sophisticated research that doesn't cause suffering to humans or animals. Arm yourself with the facts.
J.G.F , Cromer

What's wrong with studies on living patients? Sophisticated new scanning techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) enable Alzheimer's plaques, for example, to be visualised in conscious patients. Epidemiological studies of affected versus non affected have highlighted genetic links and risk factors. Much support for animal testing is based on ignorance. It is NOT SOPHISTICATED AND NOT ACCURATE. Terry, i understand how you feel, but human based experiements are particularly important in trying to find safe drugs. Variability between individuals is predicted, and this is not possible with animal tests. Human data models are far more accurate.
Carlton, Downham Market

Does anyone want to comment that works for the Cambridge Brain Bank? Research can be humane...the CBB has obtained much useful knowledge. The CBB compares healthy human brain tissue with that of sufferers of neurological conditions, eg, schizophrenia, Parkinson's etc. And epidemiological studies have also found much useful information, links to particular genes and particular risk factors. So far, animal experts have come up with NO USEFUL INFORMATION. So if not on the basis of cruelty and humanity, then at least ban them because they are WASTEFUL.
Ruth, San Francisco

Dr Joshua Lederberg, a nobel prize winner, thinks that animal testing to ensure that chemicals are safe is 'terrible science'. Interesting!!! Also, the EU is currently putting millions of animals through god knows what in the name of safety to test 70,000 chemicals - already deemed safe and in use for a couple of decades. I smell a rat!
KG, Swaffham

Animal testing is proven USELESS for most human diseases Terry. I wish you all the best in your fight against MS but I have friends that are researchers from university and their private opinions are very different from the ones that they publish. Human pathology is different from animal pathology and no amount of testing could find a cure for MS. Mathematical models and microbiology have a role, as do human volunteers, but there has never been any breakthrough from animal testing in any medical diseases. There is a case for a small amount of animal testing but most of it should be banned. At the moment tradition is not dying but the SCIENCE IS OUTDATED. More funds should be put towards research that uses alternative methods. Even Dr Joshua Lederberg, a nobel prize winner believes that animal testing is useless. So who do you believe? Well meaning people that are suffering and therefore understandably support charities that use animal testing (and not all do, the Lord Dowding Fund for example supports humane research) OR THE VIEWS OF A NOBEL PRIZE WINNER? No, animal testing should have had its day long ago, but the fact is that it attracts research grants and means jobs for the boys.
KG, Swaffham

NO MORE ANIMAL TESTING! thats what i say i did a speech in english about animal testing and before i did that i didnt realise how bad a thing it was and how sad it is i think there should be a ban on it forever.
katie, brighton

Everything that is used by us today has been tested on animals for our well being. Now i say let these people get on with their jobs to protect us you will never be able to stop animal testing , youll always use products that have been tested on animals at some point.I value my life more thaN ANY animal and if you have a problem maybe you should offer your own body for research maybe then youll actually save an animals life.

It's easy to be against animal testing if you dont need the drugs or the surgery! Animal testing has helped develop medicines and surgical procedures which save both human and animal lives. Diabetics and those having open heart surgery are just two examples. Whilst we should look for alternatives to animal testing it would be wrong to ban it over night. I do think a human life is worth more than a pig - and would be willing see a pig killed so a human could have its organs and a have a bacon sandwich too!
hray, england

im against to animal testing!!its so senceless to make animal suffer in order to have perfet cosmetics! I hope it will stop this cruelty a soon as possible!!!

To develop new drugs the law states that they have to be tested on animals before humans. The laws in the UK about what we can and can't do to animals are much more strict than they are on the continent or in the US. If the testing is not done here in the UK it will go abroad. You figure it out ...
L, Cambridge

I am against the cruel testing on Animals. It has been proved that our bodies are different to animals so why do we continue to put these poor animals through such horrid treatment. It is terrible that these animals have to endure such suffering when us humans have the intelligence to surely use different methods.
Lynn, Northumberland

Animal testing is evil and wrong. Why do people value human lives less than animals? Who gave humans that right? I will personally volunteer to perform horrific experiments on the pro-vivisection contributors here. Just see how you like it.
Steve, UK

I consider myself someone who cares about animals AND humans. By this I mean that I value the right that EACH organism has to live without fear or suffering. The use of animals in research has and will continue to be of benefit to prolonging the life of humans AND animals, as we not only use animals to test medical drugs, but also to test the many agrochemicals released into the environment every year.
People who feel the need to voice their opinions are right to do so as it is through such valuable comments that we learn, and adjust our research to better meet the goals we ALL strive to achieve. However, that minority of people who choose to not only voice their opinion but also disrupt research work (whether through physical force or mental distress) are not working to this goal, as it is through such behaviour that we are forced to take steps backwards. There are always many paths to a solution, and it is rarely that they simply hide around the next corner.
Gordon, Eye, Suffolk (edited)

For the people who say that animal testing is necessary, I would like to ask them on what medical and scientific basis do they make this statement? Perhaps you would like to give a list of all the human diseases for which cures have been found as a direct result of animal experimentation. I am not aware of any. As for Kaye from Huntingdon and her cats, I have cats and they are like my kids. I wouldn't sacrifice them for ANYTHING, any more than I would sacrifice my child.
Pam, Louisiana, USA

Why don't all the anti-vivisection brigade volunteer to be experimented on if they want an alternative to animal testing. I am an animal lover and have three cats that I adore but if sacrificing one of them helped save a human life then it would be a sacrifice I would make. Incidentally, I think you'll find that more animals are killed or seriously maimed each day on the nations roads. Perhaps we should ban all transport to reduce this more prevelant suffering?!
Kaye, Huntingdon

Anybody against animal testing should be refused NHS treatment, as there would be no drugs without it. Perhaps they would like to volunteer to be the human guinea pig!
Lorraine Knibb, Kelvedon

I feel that it is not animals that should be tested on, it is humans. It is us humans that have these illness not the animals so why should we put them through all this testing just for us, we should be putting ourselves through it. So leave those poor animals alone and test us instead.
Amanda, Colchester

I have always supported and will continue to support organisations who are against vivisection. Tony Blair states that Huntingdon Life Sciences/animal testing etc is 'good for the economy'. Animal testing is unethical and unreliable, but it's big business which is why it is allowed to continue. When will people wake up?
M Wood, Sheffield

Before people condemn animal experimentation they should always ask questions and look at the other side of the argument. Medical progress has been made largely through the use of animals in strictly controlled laboratories. Life expectancy is now much longer because much has been learnt, thanks to the use of animals . No one should underestimate the legal strictures scientists must adhere to and that is right and proper, but ask anyone who has been cured of a cancer or had heart prosthetic surgery which has saved their life if they believe in animal experimentation, then make your judgement.
T.Gardener, Oxford

As somebody who suffers from quite progressed MS, I crave for anything that would halt the progress of my disease let alone cure it. So if the medical experts say that animal testing, only when necessary, is to be used to safely find solutions to mine and other peoples problems, then what right have the very small minority to stand in the way. Often they have no medical background or reason for their "out of the air" comments. Or maybe they would prefer to stand by the side of my bed and watch the agonising effects of untested drugs. Would or will they be the same if it was one of there own kin?
Terry, Peterborough

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