Tickets, touts and flying the flag
- 19 Jun 06, 01:30 PM
It all started with Christina - a Mexico fan who forked out for tickets for all her group games more than a year ago. When she arrived in Germany turns out she didn’t get such a good deal after all.
She did receive a ticket for the first group game against Iran but nothing more. Now she's turned to touts to secure a seat at Wednesday's match against Portugal. The asking price - 1,000 Euros.
Fans have been contacting us about problems with tickets. As usual the touts appear to be making a killing.
成人快手 reporter Matthew Kenyon paid double the face value of a ticket for the Italy vs Ghana game. He even spotted a Liverpudlian with a sign stating he'd pay 2,000 Euros for a ticket for tomorrow's England game against Sweden. More money than sense? Have you ever paid a tout for a ticket? How easy is it to get hold of tickets in Germany? Leave a comment and let us know.
Our presenter Martin was joined in the studio this morning with Romero, an Angola fan freshly returned from Germany who was wearing a particularly splendid team shirt. Apparently his friend had won it off some England fans who bet him to do 20 push-ups on a train. If you fancy keeping Martin company in our central London studio and representing your national team then email us. We need your name, team and phone number.
And finally it's Germany's last group game tomorrow and what a start it's been for the hosts. An attempt to be a more attacking side, younger players and two wins under their belt - things are looking good for Klinsmann and his men. Off the pitch things appear to be changing too. The German flag - for so long a source of embarrasment - is flying from cars, balconies and in shops and restaurants. Are Germans finally realising it's OK to be patriotic? Have you been in Germany for the World Cup? If so what was the atmosphere like? Or if you're German - is it different this time around to your wins in 1974 and 1990? Will the flag-waving fervour last or will it end as soon as Germany is knocked out? Or maybe you think I'm talking a load of Ballacks? Leave a comment below and let us know.
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The Cuban Community is the only US Latin Community that prefers Baseball, Basketball, and American Football. It is not easy convincing the rest of the community that I am one of the few that loves football. During the Brazil VS Australia Game, many of my family members including my daughter saw the game. Some are beginning to have a liking to the game.
Regardless, I enjoyed the Brazil VS Australia Game. Portugal VS Iran was interesting. Ghana VS Czech Republic was great [because of Ghana's Victory]. South Korea VS France was also great.
Now I am trying to see the Togo VS Switzerland Game. Let's see how that plays out.
I would like to comment that the ticket scams and other types of scams [which I am reading about in the 成人快手] deserve punishment. I read how one group of school children were deceived when they arrived in Germany and had problems with the sponsors.
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I managed to see Togo VS Switzerland on the 成人快手 Sports Web Page [the one that automatically refills every 2 seconds]. From what I have read, Switzerland played a great game although Togo could have done more.
Regardless, Togo has a future in World Cups to come. France and Switzerland [I think] will not survive South Korea in this World Cup.
The next games from Group H will be interesting: Saudi Arabia VS Ukraine and Spain VS Tunisia.
Before leaving, I was impressed with Italy and USA equalizing. Many people here in Miami Florida that are football fans agree that it was significant. But like the old bolero by Fernando Alvarez whose verses stated: "Bajate de las Nubes y ven aqui a la realidad" [translation: "Get reconnected to reality"] the USA is in its adolescent phase of football. In fact, the European and Latin American Teams have more support inside the USA than the USA Team.
Regardless, I am tempted to comment why I support the USA Team without stating "I Live Here".
The USA Team is an example of what should be the USA. People playing football [without regards to race, ethnicity, ideologies, or other classifications] for the love of it.
I would also like to add that one of the US players [Donovan] turned down an offer from one of the German Clubs for Six Figures because he still believes in the possibility of football in the USA. The other reason was his love of Los Angeles [where he lives]. This is something that does not exist in the USA because the majority of people here have been corrupted by money.
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For those who thought Ukraine VS Saudi Arabia was going to be a dull game, this is a big surprise. Ukraine 4 to Saudi Arabia 0 has proven that there is no such thing as a dull game. This depends on the teams, and the circumstances.
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After the Ukraine's Victory over Saudi Arabia. I heard Spain VS Tunisia on the car radio. I was afraid that we would lose. I made the mistake of turning off the radio only to find out about this beautiful victory.
Spain's Victory is justice done after previous humiliatioms.
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I think the game of football is becoming more difficult for referees to umpire. It is therefore recommended that referees should be given a chance to view a video clip play back of critical scenes before taking a decision. Also, if players should disagree with a referee's decision the referee should be allowed to view the video clip of the scene before making a final decision. I think if this is introduce in the game of football then the game would really represent the desire of FIFA for fair play in the game of football.
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