ࡱ>       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F48yWorkbookSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8 0\pMurray744 Ba==h,b8X@"1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1 Arial1$Arial1 Arial10 Monotype Corsiva1( Arial Narrow1(  Arial Narrow1hArial1Arial1@Arial""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00#""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.005*0_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-,)'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-=,8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-4+/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-                + ) , *    !     p@ @   X  x  !P    8 @ @          !   ! !      !    @@ @   @ @     * @  *  *  *"  *"  * " X  8 0 0P 0P 0P 0PP  `!Sheet1 Sheet1 (2),"Tmy=posh y=not poshtotal questions asked total poshratio percentage Answer 'y' or 'n'81. Would you walk down the shop in the PJs and slippers?'9. Do you have pudding after your meal?=11. Do you ever eat your meal on your lap in front of the TV?%13. Have you ever owned a shell suit?E14. Have you ever stood in your front garden and drank a can of beer?#15. Would you swig out of a bottle?+16. Ever you ever lived in a council house?<17. Do you cut the paper up when you've run out of loo roll?!18. Do you buy cheapy own brands?419. Would you leave the house without having a wash?&20. Do you put tinsel up at Christmas? 21. Do you read the broadsheets?822. Have you ever brought a watch worth more than 1000?523. Do you have take-away more than 3 times per week?624. Is the majority of your shopping convenience food?+25. Have you ever owned a shopping trolley?430. Do you wear trainers other than for working out?~ Common Test ~ynH32 Did your Dad leave the toilet door open when he sat down on the loo?'28. Have you ever shopped in Poundland?26. Do you know a Kylie?933 Have you ever licked your plate at the end of a meal?:35 Do you think Jordan is a great role model for females?%8. Have you ever owned a Rover Metro?74. Do you have laminate flooring anywhere in the house?438 Do you call your early evening meal your 'tea' ?839 Do you or would you like to own a pit bull terrier ?740 Have you ever farted in company and owned up to it?841 Are you a regular reader of Closer or Now magazine ?J37 Do you think Ant & Dec's Takeaway is better than the South Bank Show ?.42 Do you think Roy 'Chubby' Brown is funny ?,43 Do you drink at a social or works club ?F34 Have you ever eaten off someone else's plate at the end of a meal?945 Have you had a caravan holiday in the last 10 years ?346 Do you put up your Christmas tree in November ?847 Have you ever told someone to "f*** off" in public ?449 Do you and your partner regularly use fake tan ?I36 Do you think Kate Winslet is more attractive than Victoria Beckham ? 244 Do you think organic food is worth the money ?J48 Would you like to go on a Mediterranean cruise in the next few years ?'50 Do you prefer Thai food to Indian ?cuM12. Have you or your partner ever enetered a 'Miss Wet T-Shirt' competition ?%7. Have you ever pee'd in the shower?.3. Would you eat mushy peas with your fingers?(2. Have you ever been to an art gallery?75. Have you travelled on a bus in the last five years ?(6. Would you shop in Matalan or TK Maxx?10. Do you play darts or pool ?F27. Have you ever been to the theatre to watch Shakespeare or Chekhov?:29. Have you ever spent more than 10 on a bottle of wine?731 Have you ever spat phlegm out of a moving vehicle ?845 Have you had a caravan holiday in the last 5 years ?27. Do you have a Lowry painting on a wall at home?L12. Have you or your partner ever entered a 'Miss Wet T-Shirt' competition ?H25. Do you approve of counterfeit goods such as a fake designer handbag?834 Are you a regular reader of Closer or Now magazine ?F41 Have you ever eaten off someone else's plate at the end of a meal?%17. Do you prefer Sky News to ˿ 24?A20. Do you have lights on the outside of your house at Christmas?;14. Have you ever hired a limousine for a day or night out?)24. Have you ever owned a sovereign ring?730. Do you have personalised number plates on your car?N32 Does your Dad or Grandad leave the door open when he sits down on the loo?<29. Can you taste the difference between Champagne and Cava?$19. Have you ever been line dancing? 1. Have you ever played croquet?)15. Have you ever been to an art gallery?911. Do you have a TV with a screen size bigger than 40" ?126. Do you know someone called Kylie or Brooklyn?78. Have you ever owned a Rover Metro or a Citroen Saxo?<2. Have you ever danced to "New York New York" at a wedding?822. Have you been on holiday to Florida more than once ?'40 Do you prefer Thai food to Indian ??50 Have you ever had flatulence in company and owned up to it?%6. Do you shop in Matalan or TK Maxx?/9. Do you call dessert, 'pudding' after a meal?110. Do you or your partner address pals as 'man'?413. Do you own any Lacoste or Burberry leisure wear?@16. Have you ever had a car without an MOT parked on your drive?r4You are that posh you are half-German half-corgi dog4You are that posh you think Polo is a bit downmarket.23. Is Jeremy Kyle or Trisha great TV viewing?UYou are that posh you would rather be hung drawn and quartered than shop at PoundlandVYou are that posh you would rather be flogged at dawn than be seen shopping in PrimarkHYou are posh enough to view a day drip to Blackpool as community serviceBYou are that posh you think Camilla Parker Bowles is a sex goddessCYou are posh enough to consider anyone with a scouse accent a thiefGCongratulations you are that perfect balance between refinement and tatNYou're common enough to enjoy Shameless so much because it reminds you of home`You're so common that your ideal 3 course meal is a pasty, deep fried mars bar, and can of tizer<You're that common you think Dewsbury is quaint and upmarket=18. Have you ever bought Elizabeth Duke jewellery from Argos?DOh dear, there is common and there is common and you are truly both!NIt goes without saying that you don't know anyone called Sebastian or FelicityKYou should take comfort in the fact that still have a bit of a common touchXYou're that common you wouldn't go to Benidorm because the tourists are so up themselvesr  s' qe {o xl wkccj 0 e(EPksB|%mEթe=]5} U-uM#(-%3m8=BEHMRXe]bg=mrw}]5}Ŝ U-u5  dMbP?_*+%,M\\GDLDC01\COMPANY01? dXXLetter.HP LaserJet 8150 PCL 62xeQnSAǁD ;DG#))W ̘{m BLEh(x4|?+x?v )93ڝ=e-!U!]; +Mvڍew޷/nɧl }A~tx :<f<䭑 :/u > LB!02gUPHQ$/#..tkN{G#$> NS {ՔVZ a+Ÿ.ң1 d?kEyk8s/Ŀ(Nx~%Adx\W<~AFQ' lC{/x]S=A4.7ndM׹r܍C&R(PhsZddӓ_+zӞl):Y9^N>sgg܉yf/%I%) FIϠt5?fx#˰0_w0" d,,??cU} H)} m"} *} "}  "}  *}  "} "} $ "  Y@ Y@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@ ,@ ,@ J@ J@ / # $$$/ " % $$$ &M "3!6" Dn  B6" Dy  BC'-D  Try Again!@ B "DAE"/DD  Try again  B Try again4"D Try again D B$ (R "4!"* Ly  B6" Dn  BC'-D  Try Again!@ B "DAE"/DD  Try again  B Try again4"D Try again D B$ &7 "3!""* Ln  B'72#-L  Try Again!@ B "2*LA"9!/LL  Try again  B Try again"(!L Try again L B$ &" "3!""C',-D  Try Again!@ B ""0 Try again" &9 "3!""'D ""H Try again" &V "3!""'\ ""` Try again" &@ "3!" 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