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Archives for October 2007

Gis a job...

Victoria Derbyshire | 12:13 UK time, Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Mark from Harrow is so desperate to work that he phoned the show today and effectively asked 2 million listeners if they had a job for him.

Listen to the interview here (5m 57s)

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Name Dropping

Victoria Derbyshire | 19:24 UK time, Monday, 29 October 2007


I've just read Chris Evans' blog ...and I think I'm a bit envious.

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How the Phone-in Subject is Chosen

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:30 UK time, Sunday, 28 October 2007


This came up last week when a listener (Mark from Halesowen I think) accused us of being racist because we were discussing the two British jails which now house only foreign prisoners; we asked on the phone-in "should foreign criminals be sent straight home?".

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Fact and Fiction

Victoria Derbyshire | 07:37 UK time, Friday, 26 October 2007


I was fascinated to hear the stories from listeners on yesterday's show who'd found themselves at the centre of a media story. WIthout fail, every one said they felt they had been mistreated, inaccurately represented, had their privacy invaded or felt bits of the stories were simply made up.

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Heaven Knows I'm Global Now

Victoria Derbyshire | 07:47 UK time, Wednesday, 24 October 2007


Did you know The Smiths were massive in Brazil? The interview we did with Johnny Marr on Monday made the front page of Brazil's main newspaper O Globo

Johnny Marr
I love it. Hope your Portuguese is up to speed. Apparently all British rock and pop from the 80s went down well with Brazilians. Clearly a nation with taste.

NME picked it up too:

I'll confess I was slightly apprehensive about speaking to Mr Marr cos you never know if cool musicians will be defensive/monosyllabic/broadly uncommunicative. He started off a bit like that but then warmed up.

Don't Call Me Vicky

Victoria Derbyshire | 11:08 UK time, Monday, 22 October 2007


It reminds me of being at school. I don't know why suddenly everyone is calling me it. Please stop it or I will come round and take your radios away.

Eastenders Five Nights a Week?

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:58 UK time, Thursday, 18 October 2007


deano_med.jpgAs far as I know there isn't a plan for a Wed night episode of Eastenders, but I wanted to catch your attention.

Tomorrow morning we've got a big ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ TV boss coming on the show. Big as in important. Anyway she's called Jana Bennett and she's what we call in showbiz the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ's Director of Vision, which means she's in charge of a lot of TV and online stuff.

So you can ask her about the being made to your fave TV and radio programmes, about presenters' salaries - whatever you fancy really. All you have to do is call 0500 909693 or email victoria@bbc.co.uk with your question. She was also the boss of the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ One controller who recently resigned over the false and mad editing of the footage of the queen. Perhaps that will come up too.

By the way I wouldn't want you to read anything into the fact that I have used a picture of Deano Wicks rather than say Ian Beale to illustrate this piece.

Vodka - No Tonic

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:44 UK time, Wednesday, 17 October 2007


Feeling deeply let down by England. Again.Thought I'd come on the blog and take my frustrations out on you if that's okay.

I wish I could terminate my relationship with them and jump on the rugby bandwagon. Unfortunately it doesn't make the blood course through my veins in the same way.

I've just heard Steve McClaren say on the radio "Incredible - decisions swing games. I couldn't fault the players, there was nothing more I could ask of them". Apart from maybe Stevie G and Sol C scoring when they could have done. And Paul Robinson catching that ball instead of pushing it straight to the Russian bloke.

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Where do YOU listen?

Victoria Derbyshire | 07:46 UK time, Monday, 15 October 2007



I want you to let me know where you listen to the programme. Last week a poster suggested it's mainly people at home who listen because of the time it's on.

Send in your photos to victoria@bbc.co.uk and we'll put them into our gallery.

We were all really jealous when we recieved this from one listener, they informed us that they listen from a yacht in the port of Benalmadena, Spain


Gerry emailed me to say that the places he listens to the show from are his kitchen


And his studio which is in the top of a tower, he rubbed it in by sending us views from both the inside and outside



Leah also listens from her studio


James sent us this


James tells me he's worked from home since 1972 and ask this: "How many others work in a round office? It has a nice echo, is very untidy and seriously dirty".

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The Delay Button

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:48 UK time, Wednesday, 10 October 2007


Loads of people ask me if we have a "delay" button. We don't. Which means we run the risk of listeners 'phoning up and swearing or llibelling someone on the radio without us being able to stop it.

I've been presenting news and current affairs programmes and phone-ins for ages now and never once has anyone rung up and said "F***" or "S**t" for the sake of it. The same can't be said of my ex-collegaue David Mellor when presenting 606.

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Here today gone tomorrow

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:55 UK time, Tuesday, 9 October 2007



I'm off for the next 3 days, Stephen Nolan's in the chair. While I'm away your mission should you choose to accept it is this - let me know WHERE you listen to the programme.

This because an earlier poster suggested it's mainly people at home who listen to the show because of the time it's on.

So let's do an unscientific survey - post on here or send me a photo of your workplace to victoria@bbc.co.uk


More from Thom the teacher

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:58 UK time, Monday, 8 October 2007


Thom the teacher has been in the job for a month now. You can find out more about Thom from his previous blog entry here. Here's his latest blog:

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You never 'phone, you never write...

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:36 UK time, Monday, 8 October 2007


a broadcast stormThe studio was a very lonely place today without your text messages and emails.

Apparently there was a "broadcast storm" which knocked out all our 'phones and computers: your definition of a broadcast storm is most welcome.

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Hangin' on the Telephone

Victoria Derbyshire | 19:38 UK time, Thursday, 4 October 2007


Right, so you hear everyone talking on the radio about oo I dunno donating a kidney (I'm amazed at how many people only have one of 'em), and you think " Yes, I'd donate mine to a stranger and I want to say that on the radio to 2 million people".

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Natasha's story

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:49 UK time, Wednesday, 3 October 2007


Interesting how most of those texting in yesterday had little sympathy with the 17-year-old who agreed to swallow 11 bags of crack cocaine in return for £3000 and a free holiday in Grenada.

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Child's Play

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:16 UK time, Monday, 1 October 2007


My 3 and a half year old and I were listening to 5 Live Breakfast at 6 o clock this morning, and he said, "Mummy what's a microphone?"

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