Generosity or a guilty conscience?
President Jacob Zuma's son, Duduzane, that he plans to donate a fortune
- earned abruptly and in somewhat unusual circumstances - to underprivileged South Africans. People who "are needy and disadvantaged like I once was".
All of the money comes from a that has outraged many here and to describe South Africa as "heading in the direction of a full-blown predator state, in which a powerful, corrupt and demagogic elite of political hyenas increasingly controls the state as a vehicle for accumulation".
Interestingly, it's not just Duduzane who has suddenly been overcome by a charitable urge. His , the Gupta family, are also reported to be giving away 70% of their profits.
The timing is interesting. President Zuma - bruised and weakened - is trying to rally support ahead of the ANC's national general council in a week's time. He has in relation to his family. But stand by for plenty more revelations and fireworks in the coming days.
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