Archives for November 2009

James King Types - December Preview

James King | 10:51 UK time, Monday, 30 November 2009

December Preview

Bah humbug. December's here again and there are no new Christmas films to look forward to. Since Mickey Mouse decided to release his version of A Christmas Carol way back in mid-November, the traditional Crimbo film is already done and dusted for this year. Back to my DVD of Elf, then.

Still, there's plenty of stuff out there over the next few weeks. Women stuck down potholes might not be hugely festive but The Descent Part 2 (out Dec 4th) delivers just like its predecessor. You'll never want to explore monster-ridden caves in the Appalachians again. Freaky in a different way - beautifully so, in fact - is Where The Wild Things Are, visionary director Spike Jonze's adaptation of the classic kids' book. I love it when directors are called 'visionary' (Guillermo Del Toro gets it too). It basically means that they make stuff too weird to be summed up in a pithy sentence on the poster - all good in my book. Where The Wild Things Are might be a children's story but Spike's turned into a film about childhood... and probably more for adults. Vying with Fantastic Mr Fox for most out-there kiddy book flick, this one. It's on the 11th.

Avatar is supposedly going to change the face of cinema when it comes out on the 17th, not least since tons of cinemas will convert to 3-D so that they can show it. James Cameron hasn't made a mainstream film since something called Titanic so the buzz is big. It's also the Terminator creator's return to sci-fi. To be honest, the trailer left me colder than Leo in the freezing Atlantic but that could be a good thing. It's the first law of cinema that awesome trailers often result in forgettable movies and vice versa.

The rest of December is a blend of the classy and the dumb. Like my DVD collection. The classy stuff? Look out of the awesome Aaron Johnson as a young John Lennon in Nowhere Boy, out on Boxing Day and Daniel Day-Lewis blending brains with show tunes in the musical Nine, out a few days earlier. The silly stuff? I know you've all been waiting for a sequel to Alvin & The Chipmunks - well, on the 21st there's something even better. It's a....ahem....squeakwel. But how can they top the rodent rendition of Daniel Powter's 'Bad Day' from the first one?

Finally, St Trinian's 2: The Legend Of Fritton's Gold. Let's hope it really is 'finally'. That said, as someone who thinks that 'Call The Shots' is The Greatest Pop Song Ever Written, Sarah Harding's presence is an obvious bonus. Almost makes up for Rupert Everett. See ya!

What Do You Mean You've Never Seen? Into The Wild

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James King | 08:11 UK time, Sunday, 29 November 2009

Into The Wild

This'll blow you away. Emile Hirsch is blimmin' awesome as Christopher McCandless, a single-minded graduate who decides to give up on the rat race and go travelling to Alaska. Giving up his worldly possessions he soon discovers the cameradie out there on the road, amongst the travellers and hippies with nothing but love to keep them going, a million miles away from the safety of his middle-class upbringing.

Christopher's journey is hardly a straight line - he heads down to Mexico at one point - but this is a roadtrip based on intuition rather than Sat Nav. It's also not easy. After reaching the wilds of America's most northerly state, nature proves Christopher's biggest challenge.

The mighty Sean Penn wrote and directed this poetic nod to the freedom of the open road. It's also star-packed - Vince Vaughn, Kristen Stewart and Zach Galifianakis all turn up along the way. But what packs the most punch is that this is true story. A tragic one, at that.

The genuine buzz of being young and being free runs through every scene, each a snapshot of a hidden America and the people who've decided that the 21st century no longer floats their boat. It's only by going without that you can really appreciate what you've got.

James King Defends: Glitter (2001)

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James King | 08:11 UK time, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Mariah Carey

The problems with Glitter are obvious. As this tale of high-pitched New York warbler Billie (Mariah Carey) unfolded I just couldn't give a monkey's. From the very start, with a young Billie entering an orphanage after being dumped by her single mom, you could see that Mariah would be guilty of over-egging emotion with her one "sad face", hewn from granite and hauled out throughout the film at appropriate moments. Not to mention her excruciatingly over-explaining lyrics ('She was kinda fragile and she had a lot to grapple with...'). I got the point from your pout, Mariah. I need no more information on your grappling issues.

But this weakness becomes Glitter's gift. I was so turned off by Mimi's melodic couplets, my attentions then turned to the film's second star - Dice. Here was a character hungrily played by Max Beesley, frantic to prove himself in his Hollywood debut, proud like a cockerel from high-profile Mel B love-ins and blissfully unaware that the TV slag heap of Hotel Babylon was waiting in the wings like a stalker. Dice is supposedly the most famous DJ/producer in New York and boy does our Max go for it. Resplendent in singlets or leather trousers (or both) for most of the film, he bounces around like a panting puppy. Sometimes he's the overprotective manager, outraged when his Billie has to wear skimpy outfits for video shoots. Other times he's a grinning in puppet master with ADD, eager to push Billie's cleavage into the faces of every music mogul in town.

Glitter works best not as a music star's vanity project but as a film about a man gagging to prove his worth. Mariah may look bored, but Max is hyperactive. As an accurate portrayal of alpha male desperation, it's up there with Fight Club.

The Lovely Bones Exclusive Clip

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Producer Chris | 17:40 UK time, Friday, 27 November 2009

The Lovely Bones

Earlier this week The Lovely Bones, the new film from Peter (Lord Of The Rings / King Kong) Jackson had a Royal Premier in London's Glittering West Endâ„¢.

The film is an adaptation of best selling book by Alice Sebold telling the story of a young girl who watches over her family from heaven....so not a giant ape or hobbit in sight then. It stars Mark (ey Mark) Wahlberg, Susan (Thelma & Louise) Sarandon, Rachel (The Mummy) Weisz and Saroise (Atonement) Ronan as Suzie.

We've got this EXCLUSIVE clip to show you of Suzie's encounter with Ray Singh, who she has a crush on, just before her family's lives get turned upside down.Once you've watched that why not read what Edith had to say about the film.

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Lovely Lovely Bones

Edith Bowman | 17:35 UK time, Friday, 27 November 2009

Double whammy for me this week as I not only got to watch The Lovely Bones but I also did some interviews at the Royal Premier in London. Firstly the film, a film that I have been SO excited about seeing and was slightly concerned that I had built it up way too much in my own head.

Everyone keeps asking me if it's true to the book and I really think it is. Of course it's always difficult with book adaptations but the world that Peter Jackson has created from the original Alice Sebold novel is magical. It's not out till the beginning of next year but I promise it will be worth the wait.

I spoke to Peter Jackson, Saoirse Ronan, Michael Imperioli and Reece Ritchie at the world premier on a very wet Tuesday night in London. What topped the night off perfectly was my cuddle from Stephen Fry, looking cold and slightly windswept he engulfed me in his big arms to warm me up. Love him.

E x

Weekend TV Movies To Watch

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Producer Chris | 15:58 UK time, Friday, 27 November 2009

So a Friday night is upon us, and here at Radio 1's Team Movies we've decided to not goÌý out this weekend because there are some pretty, pretty, pretty good films on the TV to keep us company.

But what films are they I hear you cry? Well here are some top tips for what to watch if you're staying in. Oh, if you're going out you can stick them on your generic hard disc digital recording device.

Burn After Reading

Burn After Reading
Friday 9:00pm Sky Movies Screen HD2

Star-studded but frustrating Coen Bros comedy. A quiffed Brad Pitt steals it.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Friday 11.05pm ITV1

You've never seen this? You need it! Great action comedy that signalled Rob Downey Jnr's return to the living.

Star Wars
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Saturday 4.45pm ITV1

It's the best one because it's not directed by George 'Gimme more CGI! I NEED MORE CGI!!!!!' Lucas.

Jim Carrey
Bruce Almighty
Saturday 9.45pm ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Three

'Okay Mr Carrey. Just pretend you're God and show off a bit, the audience will love it'. We did.

Ewan McGregor
Sunday 6:25pm Channel 4

When Ewan McGregor started doing stuff like this I knew it was all down hill.

Danny Boyle
Sunday 10pm Channel 4

Or as it's known, 'the film Danny Boyle made BEFORE Slumdog'. Its space chic is eye-popping. Got no idea what it's about though.

Friday Reviews

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James King | 13:09 UK time, Friday, 27 November 2009

Bunny & The Bull

Law Abiding Citizen
Gerry Butler attempts to expose the loopholes of the US justice system after his wife's murderer goes free. How does he do it?
By becoming a murderer himself, obviously. Totally ridiculous but with big explosions.
2 stars.

Bunny & The Bull
Eye-popping comedy from Mighy Boosh director Paul King (and featuring cameos from Noel and Julian). The tale of a road trip around Europe looks great - all cardboard sets and jumble sale clothes - but it's too trapped in its own claustrophobic world to really breakout into classic territory.
3 stars.


Always approach films using exclamation points with caution.
Nativity! is the kind of offensively inoffensive ambition-free British cack that you'd find on ITV1 on Christmas Eve. I actually can't believe Robson Greene's not in it. And are we really meant to care that two primary schools would compete ferocioulsy for the best review of their nativity play in the local paper? Poor.
1 star.

Avatar Exclusive

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Producer Chris | 13:14 UK time, Thursday, 26 November 2009

Avatar Planes

You know James Cameron right? The Oscar winning guy behind Titanic, Aliens, Terminator and stuff? Well he's got a new film out on December the 17th. It's being touted as the most expensive movie ever made, oh and it's called Avatar. You might have heard of it.

Cameron first conceived the film 15 years ago and has been making it for the last 4, he's even invented his own technology to make it happen in super cool 3D. It's all about a band of humans who are pitted in a battle against a distant planet's indigenous population.

We've managed to get our hands on this EXCLUSIVE clip from the film showing the main character Jake Sully in his Avatar form being chased by some nasty beast. It looks pretty incredible, and is no doubt going to blow people away in 3D or at the IMAX.

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Robots Expert Talks Terminator

Producer Chris | 10:58 UK time, Thursday, 26 November 2009

Noel Sharkey

We have our very own Radio 1 Movies Blog Robot, it's true. We got the robot, he/she doesn't have a name, nor have we worked out what sex he/she is. He/she did however have a chat to robotics expert Noel Sharkey because Terminator Salvation has come out on DVD.

Our robot asks all the big questions such as 'could a Terminator style takeover happen? 'What's the best way to stop an evil robot?' And the most important one, 'who would win in a fight, Terminator or Buzz Lightyear?' Have a listen and find out.

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Paranormal Activity - Review

James King | 09:05 UK time, Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Paranormal Activity

Everything about Paranormal Activity is minimal. It's set in one house and it's simply home footage of a couple (Micah & Katie) investigating a possible poltergeist. They record everything, including sticking their camera on a tripod in their bedroom at night, then watch back looking for weird stuff.

And weird stuff is DEFINITELY found. Yet the pic keeps everything believable. The grainy footage helps, so does the down-to-earth acting (from two unknowns). Mainly though, it's the pace. At first, Katie and Micah only notice tiny things; a door closes a little bit at 3am, their car keys move from the worktop to the floor. They're freaked out... yet not massively. But the grip of whatever is in their house tightens and tensions become unbearable.

The repetition of one particular shot is crucial - the static camera in their bedroom, recording night after night. The couple sleep, their door enticingly open. Night-time noises are heard. Was it just the pipes? And are those footsteps on the staircase? A shadow on the wall? You can never be sure. We see this same shot umpteen times over umpteen nights, each time something a little more odd happens. It's a shot I began to dread.

This a masterpiece of eliciting thrills from what you don't see rather than what you do. Events seem at a distance. Sounds are heard a long way off. You feel like a helpless voyeur as the initial bubbliness of the film descends into pure, ice-cold terror.

5 stars.
Paranormal Activity is out today.

A Chat with the director of Paranormal Activity

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Producer Chris | 15:33 UK time, Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Last week we caught up with Oren Peli the director of the super scary Paranormal Activity. The film comes out tomorrow so we'll stick James King's review online for you to read then, but thought you might like a look at this.

It's an exclusive little chat with Oren about the film where he talks about some of his favourite directors, films that scare him, tips on how to be a good director and his favourite part of the movie.

You'll notice that he doesn't look particularly scary as a person, so we made his photo a bit scarier. Enjoy.

Oren Peli

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Nativity Exclusive Clip

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Producer Chris | 13:39 UK time, Monday, 23 November 2009

There's a new film coming out on the 27th November called Nativity and we've only gone and got our grubby internet paws on an exclusive clip from it.


It's one of those cool partly improvised films (a bit like Curb Your Enthusiasm is on the tv) and has got Martin Freeman, Ashley Jensen, Marc Wooton and Alan Carr in it. Martin's character Mr Maddens has given up his career as a frustrated, under-achieving actor and has become a frustrated, under-achieving primary school teacher. We've checked. This hasn't actually happened to Martin 'Tim Off Of The Office' Freeman, he's not gone into teaching he is definitely still an actor.... But he does come across as a very good teacher indeed. So if things dry up we think he'll be alright.

Anyway have a look at our exclusive clip. Here are three reasons why we like it.

1. Good child actors.
2. Martin Freeman's glasses.
3. We really really like blue jumpers.

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What do you think?

Ear Ear 4

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Producer Chris | 12:55 UK time, Monday, 23 November 2009

Can you believe we're now on our 4th round of guess the ear? Nope. Us neither. Anyway... we're keeping going with this piece of internet funtimes gold.

For the first time, it's an animated ear. So answer us the question, whose ear is this?

Whose Ear Is This? 4

Click on read the rest of the entry for the answer.....

Read the rest of this entry

James King Types - Hype Movies

James King | 09:45 UK time, Monday, 23 November 2009

Hype Movies It was The Blair Witch Project that broke the rules. Back in the days when the internet was boxfresh, the horror pic made the most of the web's global community by hitting the message boards big-time. Coupled with rumours that the events in the movie were actually true, word spread big time. The film itself was creepy because of its lo-fi technique but it would never have been one of the most profitable films of all time if it wasn't for the hype surrounding it.

Hype doesn't always work. Pearl Harbour was billed as the new Titanic.

Er... it wasn't. After much slating it was also billed as 'the film the critics hate but the public love' which was sort of anti-hype, but still hype. Confusing. Snakes On A Plane, meantime, showed that lots of buzz on the internet, laughing at its rubbish trailer, doesn't necessarily mean we're gonna shell out a tenner to see the whole thing.

New Moon's hype is different as it's coming from the already-converted. The fans. They're going to love it, whatever. With Paranormal Activity we're back to Blair Witch - an unknown quantity that's intriguing people by its online presence.

It's obviously a great - and cheap - way of marketing but let's hope it doesn't backfire. Paranormal Activity isn't a big, loud, gruesome horror movie. It's the quietest scary thing you'll ever see. Hype is all well and good on major motion picture events but when something's charm is its minimalism, that's more difficult to get across.

R Patz & Taylor Lautner Videos

Producer Chris | 19:00 UK time, Sunday, 22 November 2009

Twilight Is Here

Grimmy is possibly one of the luckiest men in the world. He got to hang out with R-Patz twice... and Taylor Lautner. Have a look and see for yourself.

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9 Days To New Moon - The Highlights

Producer Chris | 18:59 UK time, Sunday, 22 November 2009

Well the film is finally out, and I'm assuming most of you have already seen it... probably a few times. We've stuck loads of cool Twilight New Moon stuff on the blog in the 9 days leading up to it, so just in case you missed any of it. Here are some of the highlights.

See The Edward Illusion Watch the R-Patz Interview
Watch the Kristen Interview Watch the Taylor Interview
Watch the Director Interview Watch the other R-Patz Interview
Hear Charley Bewley See Greg transform into Edward

Ear Ear 3

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Producer Chris | 08:55 UK time, Saturday, 21 November 2009

We know how much you love working out which film star's ear we put a picture up of, so here's another fantastic round of Ear Ear for you.

So once again we ask you, in all seriousness, whose ear is this?


Click on read the rest of the entry for the answer.....

Read the rest of this entry

New Moon Is Here

Producer Chris | 07:53 UK time, Saturday, 21 November 2009

Twilight Is Here

So New Moon is finally out. We'd love to know what you think when you've seen it so please let us know in the comments box.

Here's a question though. How much working out do you think Taylor has done between the first film and this one? He looks like he's spent his days either in the gym or eating his greens. So after Greg transformed himself into Edward here is our two step plan to turn yourself into Jacob Black...

Skinny JacobEat Your Greens

Jacob Hair

Also we've noticed the Bella seems to spend most of the film in a perpetual state of angst. Seriously, you have two fittie mcfits fighting over you. Cheer up a bit.

Kristen in a heart

While you're at it, we love you and think you're great but stop biting your lower lip please. .

New Moon: Director Interview

Producer Chris | 15:00 UK time, Friday, 20 November 2009

Twilight Is Here

The film might be out, but we're not done with New Moon just yet. James King got to have a chat with Chris Weitz who directed the film, have a little look at this.

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There's more to come from New Moon as well. On this very blog you'll be able to see an extended interview that Grimmy did with R-Patz plus a chat with Taylor Lautner on Sunday night. Also be sure to tune into Switch on Sunday from 7 where they will be chatting to Robert, Taylor and Kristen. Also Charlie Bewley who plays Demetri will answer Switch's facebook questions and they'll be playing tracks from the film.

Grimmy & R Patz
Grimmy & Taylor

Twilight New Moon - The Review

James King | 11:50 UK time, Friday, 20 November 2009

Twilight Is Here review.jpg

If New Moon was a facial expression, it would be a scowl. Even more than Twilight, this is a story full of pain, confusion and a lot of furrowed brows. Amanda Holden would be useless in it.

Director Chris Weitz has said that he took the movie because he wanted to make a film about depression. Well, he's sure done that. Kristen Stewart makes Bella's angst totally believable, stuck between missing the largely absent Edward (Robert Pattinson) and getting closer to old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner). In fact, there's a solid half hour in the middle where all that rainy Washington state misery almost gets a bit too much.

When Bella heads to Italy to rescue Edward it's a welcome blast of colour and sunshine. The senior vampires - The Volturi - are also a nice touch. But there's a feeling throughout New Moon that with a bit more time (Twilight was only out a year ago) the movie could've had way more style.

It still works though. The tunes are haunting, the acting spot-on and the eye candy plentiful. Why is it werewolf boys never wanna wear a shirt? It's not as punchy a tale as Twilight and there's still loads of room for improvement looks- wise but this is a movie that knows about the intense emotions that we the audience relish. It knows about heartbreak. It knows about lovesick. It knows how to frown. 3 stars.

Vampires vs Werewolves FINAL

James King | 09:32 UK time, Friday, 20 November 2009

Twilight Is Here

After days of fierce battling it's time for the final of Vampires vs Werewolves. It's all down to these two.

Jacob Vs Blade

Blade vs Jacob Black

After a controversial victory over Ed Cullen, Blade's on a roll. But he's also old. Jake's a fresh werewolf and - as the New Moon movie proves - is ripped like nobody's business. When he's an enormo-wolf there's little to stop him. Meaning...deep breath...


Jacob Wins

1 Day To New Moon

Producer Chris | 12:21 UK time, Thursday, 19 November 2009


That is all.

Vampires vs Werewolves Semi Final 2

James King | 10:12 UK time, Thursday, 19 November 2009

1 Day To New MoonSo who is going to meet Blade in the final, let's find out.

Eli Vs Jacob

Jacob vs Eli

Check out Let The Right One In if you've never seen it. Eli is eerily scary - and not just because she's Swedish. Still, Scandinavian weirdness isn't much use up against a hungry werewolf. So...


Tomorrow it's the final, Jacob vs Blade. Bring. It. On!

Ear Ear 2

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Producer Chris | 15:00 UK time, Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Our last round of Ear Ear was so popular we thought we'd do another... honest.

So all you have to do is try and guess whose ear this is.

Seriously. That's the game.

Whose Ear Is This?

Click on read the rest of the entry for the answer.....

Read the rest of this entry

Greg James Gets The Edward Cullen Look

Producer Chris | 13:49 UK time, Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Two Days To New Moon

So it's only two days till you can feast your eye-holes on Edward, Jacob and Bella. We thought Radio 1's Greg James looks a tiny bit like Edward Cullen so invited super stylist Ciona Johnson-King (whose worked with the Twilight cast & crew) to give him an Edward Cullen make-over.

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Pre Gregward

See more pics

Ciona also gave us these handy hints for how you can get your own Edward look.


Edward has a bed head look.

1. Use some setting lotion at the roots and blow dry for root lift.
2. A wax will add texture to the hair, use a hairspray to set it.
3. It's important the hair goes in different directions and not just straight up.


Edward has a pale icy complexion, with bruised coloured lips, dark eyes and black or golden eyes depending on whether he's hungry or fed.
A Cullen vampire is not gothic so no white make up and black clothes.

1. Pale the complexion with a light foundation.
2. use a 'mud' colour eyeshadow around the eyelash roots for that dark brooding Cullen stare.
3. A touch of red near the lashes really emphasises the vampire look.
4. Shade just underneath the cheek bones to enhance them, he's a handsome vampire.
5. Tint the lips with a bruised coloured lipstick, blend with the fingers.

Here's where it gets really special, exposed the the sunlight Edwards skin sparkles like millions of crushed diamonds. For this effect add the following two products..

1. A white shimmer powder softly brushed over the skin.
2. Fine silver glitter to be dabbed over the skin. Use a spray or one suspended in liquid for ease of use.

Vampires vs Werewolves Semi Final 1

James King | 11:07 UK time, Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Two Days To New MoonSo we reach the first Semi Final in our Vampires vs Werewolves battle, and stepping into the movie shaped ring this time it's these two.

Edward Vs Blade

Blade vs Edward Cullen

Oooh, it's a toughy. Ed can brood like there's no tomorrow but will that help in a fight against Blade's muscles? Er, no. Sorry ladies, but Eddie's a goner.


R-PATZ ALERT! A chat with the star of Twilight New Moon

Producer Chris | 15:59 UK time, Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Two Days To New Moon

Well look who we managed to have a bit of a chat with? It's only blooming R-Patz himself answering questions suggested by Scott's listeners.

You'll be able to see and hear more from R-Patz if you listen to Switch on Sunday from 7pm or pop back and have a look at this blog. I suppose I needn't write any more as you've probably already clicked play and are now covered in drool.

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Vampires vs Werewolves Round 4

Producer Chris | 13:27 UK time, Tuesday, 17 November 2009

3 Days To New Moon

Ding Ding Ding, it's time for Round 4 of James King's great battle between Vampires and Werewolves. Yesterdays winner was Jacob from Twilight and there is only one semi final place left. FIGHT ON.

Eli Vs Shakira

Eli (from Let The Right One In) vs Shakira

The she-vamp versus the she-wolf. Amazing. Eli is one of the scariest bloodsuckers in recent years though - the Colombian would be done in seconds.


So we now have the Semi Final line up which means, Blade, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black & Eli will be fighting it out from tomorrow.

Elementary My Dear Watson

Post categories: ,Ìý

Producer Chris | 12:07 UK time, Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Oh look! It's a blog post not about Twilight.

We think Robert Downey Jnr is blooming brilliant here at the Radio 1 Movies Blog. He is particularly great in , which is well worth a look. He's obviously going to be brilliant in Iron Man 2 next year but that's ages away. So it's a good job Guy Ritchie has teamed him up with Jude Law for Sherlock Holmes which is out on the 26th December.

We've been sent some pictures from it why not have a little look? Is it just us or does RDJ have an enviously buff body for a 44 year old?

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes Hats

Sherlock Holmes Facial Hair

Not only that but they've also released a . We're hoping it'll be a return to form for Guy Ritchie coupled with strong performances, a good script, things that explode and go boom, nice facial hair and lovely hats.

3 Days To New Moon - We chat to Demetri

Producer Chris | 09:29 UK time, Tuesday, 17 November 2009

3 Days To New Moon

OMG! OMG! OMG! 3 Days to go till you can feast your eyes on the new Twilight movie and decide once and for all if you're Team Edward or Team Jacob.

Recently Switch asked you to send in some questions for the Twilight cast. They hooked up with Charlie Bewley who plays Demetri in the new film and posed some of your questions to him.

You can hear the whole thing this Sunday from 7pm on Radio 1 but for now enjoy these choice highlights.

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Greg James In Twilight

Producer Chris | 13:50 UK time, Monday, 16 November 2009

4 Days To New Moon

Today Greg James was joined by Ciona Johnson-King, a makeup artist who has worked with the Twilight cast and crew. She gave Greg the Edward look.

On Wednesday we'll be giving you the lowdown on how to get that vampire look, but for now this picture of Greg might whet your appitite.
Greg Twilight Tease

See you Wednesday

Vampire vs Werewolves Round 3

James King | 12:09 UK time, Monday, 16 November 2009

4 Days To New Moon

The winner from Sunday's battle was Edward himself, but that only means he's through to the semi-finals, he's not won yet. It's time for Round 3

Marlowe (from 30 Days Of Night) vs Jacob Black

It's a case of youth versus experience in this round. Jake's still getting used to his powers but Marlowe's got lazy. It's a vampire fail.


Other Films The Twilight Cast Are In

James King | 09:35 UK time, Monday, 16 November 2009

5 Days To New Moon

Kristen in a heartKristen Stewart may be still in her teens but she's been acting for a LONG time - and with a lot of cool movies to her credit. See her as a littl'un in the seriously thrilling Panic Room (2002) alongside fellow former child star Jodie Foster, the fun family fantasy Zathura from a couple of years later, and the awesome Into The Wild with Emile Hirsch from 2007. You'll be blubbing big time. She's even managed some quality pics since finding fame as Bella Swan - the hilarious slacker comedy Adventureland came out just a couple of months back.

Edward In A HeartRob Pattinson's Harry Potter years are well known but search a bit deeper and dig out Little Ashes (2008) for some arty farty class. The true story of artist Salvador Dali during the Spanish Civil War is occasionally hard going but R Patz shows himself as the successor to Johnny Depp's crown with a beautifully oddball turn as the famous Surrealist painter.

Jacob in a heartTaylor Lautner, meantime, may be the breakout vampire-hating star of New Moon but his CV is mainly littered with telly shows and ...er... Cheaper By The Dozen 2. He did, however, play the 13 year old lead in Sharkboy & Lavagirl in 2005. It was a fun slice of 3D cheese made by Robert Rodriguez, a man no stranger to vampire movies as co-creator of the From Dusk Till Dawn pics.

Vampires vs Werewolves Round 2

James King | 08:53 UK time, Sunday, 15 November 2009

5 Days To New Moon
So yesterday Blade was the first winner, today it's time for Edward to put his pretty head into the boxing ring.

Edward Cullen vs Lucian (from Underworld)

Make no mistake, Lucian takes no prisoners. But Edward has got years of pent up aggression inside of him. Lucian's a goner.


More Movies For Blood Thirsty Vampire Lovers

James King | 08:16 UK time, Sunday, 15 November 2009

5 Days To New Moon
The Count
If you're a fan of Vampire films, then here are a few other ones you might have missed.

The Daddy of the vamps, a certain Mr Dracula, has been in more films than R Patz has had Google hits. Check out the old-skool Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), with Gary Oldman and Keanu Reeves, for some class or a pre-fame Gerry Butler in Dracula 2000 (that came out here in 2001, confusingly) for some cack.

In the last 10 years though, the franchises have taken over. Blade, the half-vampire/half-human warrior, managed 3 films since 1998 whilst Underworld, first out in 2003, has also managed a couple of sequels. Even From Dusk Till Dawn did a couple of straight-to-DVD follow-ups.

But for my faves look to the oddball bloodsuckers. This year's Let The Right One In was a cold, icy, chilling Swedish vamp tale that'll turn your legs to jelly. A Hollywood remake beckons.

For an 80s classic look to The Lost Boys, still holding up thanks to the brooding charisma of Kiefer Sutherland even if the FX are pretty ropey.

And finally there's 2007's awesome 30 Days Of Night, with Josh Hartnett battling fanged killers in the Alaskan darkness. It's seriously stylish - all a good sign for the next Twilight movie, Eclipse, as they're both directed by David Slade.

Ear Ear

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Producer Chris | 10:52 UK time, Saturday, 14 November 2009

Are you a bit bored? Yes? Well then why not have a look at this famous actors ear and tell us whose ear you think it is.


Who does this ear belong to?

Whose Ear Is This? 1

Click on read the rest of the entry for the answer.....

Read the rest of this entry

Vampires vs Werewolves Round 1

James King | 08:46 UK time, Saturday, 14 November 2009

6 Days To New Moon

In the lead up to the ultimate battle between Vampires and Werewolves* I've decided to see who might actually win this non-existent fight.

*not actually the ultimate battle

So Round 1, ding ding....

Prof Lupin

In the Vampire Corner it's Blade

And fighting it out for the Werewolves it's Professor Lupin from Harry Potter

FIGHT ON......

He may only be half-vamp, but Blade's brawn beats Lupin's brains anyday. It's bye bye to the Prof. BLADE WINS.

He's through to the first semi final, come back to the blog tomorrow to see who our next competitors are.

When Edith Met Kristen Stewart - Twilight A New Moon

Producer Chris | 08:30 UK time, Saturday, 14 November 2009

6 Days To New Moon

Edith Bowman got to hang out with Kristen Stewart this week, I am very jealous check out the video.

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This week's movie reviews!

James King | 16:34 UK time, Friday, 13 November 2009

2012 - Prepare yourself - it's the end of the world in a couple of years' time and there's not much we can do. This is big on bangs, not so good on actual story, acting, dialogue etc etc. Maybe it's a future cheesy classic... but with a huge budget, premise and running time surely this should have been more than just cheese? Starring John Cusack. 1 star

Harry Brown - Some seriously ballsy stuff from Sir Michael Caine as avigilante pensioner tackling gang crime on his housing estate. It's an odd mix - half a sensitive look at ageing, half badass gun-slinging - but there are enough intense moments to make it worth your while. 3 stars.

Amelia - Double Oscar winner Hillary Swank may have been gunning for a third with this biopic of legendary 1930s pilot Amelia Earhart but her obsession with inane grinning throughout the movie won't win any gongs. It's very glossy and slick - but ultimately it's turned a story of daring and passion into something very flat. With Richard Gere. 2 stars.

7 Days To New Moon - Twilight Movie Photos

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Producer Chris | 09:11 UK time, Friday, 13 November 2009

7 Days To New Moon

It's a week today till Twilight: New Moon hits our movie screens, 'citing isn't it? Yes. Obviously.

Look what I've managed to get my hands on, it's a batch of images from the new movie. Enjoy looking at these with your eye holes and let us know what you think of them.

Twilight New Moon

Twilight New Moon

Twilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New MoonTwilight New Moon

Paranormal Activity - Get your questions in

Producer Chris | 17:48 UK time, Thursday, 12 November 2009

Alright there,

Just a quick one, but we've got Oren Peli popping into Radio 1 towers soon, he's the director of one of the scariest films to be released this year, Paranormal Activity. James King saw it the other day and had problems sleeping that night.

We think he can make anything scary so we're going to put a load of non-scary stuff (like 'bananas', 'grandma' and 'a football') in a hat, get him to pick a few out and come up with a scary scenario. Feel free to suggest some stuff to us...if it's not offensive and we think it's good then we'll put it in, and he might pick it out. That is, if he's up for taking part in our crazy idea. If not, maybe we'll put up a picture of him looking scary.

Just use the comment box below. Thank you!

First Look At Streetdance 3D

Producer Chris | 12:06 UK time, Thursday, 12 November 2009

George SampsonI know I know, you love George Sampson but want to see him make his slick dancy moves in more than rubbishy 2D on your normal TV screens. Well we have some good news for you.

The UK's first 3D street dance movie STREETDANCE 3D, comes out in cinemas in May 2010.

It features performances from Britain's Got Talent dance sensations Flawless, Diversity and George Sampson. They've just released the trailer for it... have a little look, it could be pretty amazing seeing them flip and dance in magical 3D glory and as an added bonus you get to wear those cool specs.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon - A Preview!

James King | 09:00 UK time, Thursday, 12 November 2009

8 Days To New Moon

Stop! I've seen New Moon
So I've seen New Moon and here's what you need to know...

1. Well, I can't really tell you that much. I've signed a form saying I won't reveal stuff about it until 17th November (after the US premiere) otherwise the Volturi will have me for dinner. Or something.

2. That said, I will mention just how much I loved Bella in this story. Such a strong female character, brilliantly played by Kristen Stewart.

3. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) are so physically perfect in this film, every man in the audience will feel about as sexy as Roy from Coronation Street in comparison.

4. Expect some awesome musical moments (tunes on the soundtrack, not the cast breaking out into song, obv).

I thought we could also have a little look back to around this time last year when Twilight first came out. Edith was joined by Kristen and R-Patz for a little chat... here is a bit of what happened.

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So how excited are you about the film? Let us know in the comments box below.

9 Days To New Moon - Twilight Fans Rejoice!

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Producer Chris | 09:09 UK time, Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Hello and welcome along to the Radio 1 Movies Blog,

Do you want to know some very exciting news? Of course you do. It's now only 9 Days To New Moon, just 9 days till you can get your next Edward & Bella fix as the Twilight saga continues on the cinema screen. We are so excited about the new film that we're going to try and have a different blog online everyday to give Twilight lovers something to sink their teeth and/or fangs into.

9 Days To New Moon

"I was ninety-nine point nine percent sure I was dreaming." Bella Swan

OMG! Twilight Time!

First up with have this EXCLUSIVE Edward illusion that will allow you to see Edward everywhere.

All you need to do is stare at the image for about 30 seconds and then look at a white wall, piece of paper or computer screen. To experience the strongest view of Edward focus on the red cross in the centre and try not to move your eyes or head.

Twilight Illusion

Let us know how you got on at seeing R Patz in your mind, and while your at it you can have a look at some previous entries on this blog about the Vampire ones. Check out the poster , Meet Jacob Black and feast your eyes some of the pretty faces in the movie.

it's the Top 5... hairstyles in the movies!

James King | 08:42 UK time, Sunday, 8 November 2009


1. Marge Simpson - y'know, she's only been in ONE film but blue-haired Marge still rocks the showbiz world's most recognisable 'do. How much hairspray does this woman use everyday?

2. Princess Leia - from the first batch of Star Wars movies where Carrie Fisher buried what looked liked some kind of giant pretzel on the sides of her head. Well, this was 'a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away' so who knows what styles were in? Her mum, Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman), was no stranger to serious hair sculpting too.

3. Johnny Depp in most things - always afraid of just being 'the pretty boy', Mr Depp goes to great lengths to look way out in his movies. Personal hair faves include the shiny bob of Willy Wonka and the grungey rats' tails of Jack Sparrow. His Mad Hatter in next year's Alice In Wonderland will continue the trend...

4. Edward Cullen - what else would a troubled teen vampire have but serious bed hair? This kind of ruffled, can't-be-bothered is no easy feat though. One ruffle too many and you'll be more Jedward than Edward.

5. Foxxy Cleopatra - waaaay before Jamie Archer hit our TV screens, Beyonce 'fro-ed out with her nod to the 70s in Goldmember. Austin Powers, understandably, was smitten.


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