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Eddie Mair | 12:58 UK time, Monday, 27 October 2008

This is of Barbara Goody's garden in Exeter.

From Carrie Ward.

"Eddie & Team, Here's a nice autumnal picture I took this morning of the moon through wispy clouds. What? You wanted trees? Bah. All of us are trudging through slimy leaf- drifts, but some of us are looking at the stars, as Oscar Wilde might have said on an off-day. The Stainless Steel Cat".

"Cornus Eddy's White Wonder at Shucknall Court, Herefordshire. From Cessa

"Autumn is just spectacular here. This taken from across the House Lake. "Lady Sue""

"My two sons enjoying the autumn sun in Ware, Hertfordshire! Andrew Francis"

"Attached is photo of a corner of my garden, in Wallington, Surrey. I took it on Saturday morning. Unfortunately, yesterday's wind and rain has rather spoilt the effect. I enjoyed the chap from Stourhead - his descriptions were so vivid I could see everything. Could we have him back to describe the effects of the first snows and then again when the spring bulbs are in full swing? Best Wishes AllotmentJo.

"Picture taken at Sheffield Park today 20/10/08. Lovely colours inspite of an overcast and at times damp day from Chris Pearce".

"Another photo from Kew gardens yesterday Best wishes Nick Day"

"Hi Eddie. I took this at Bridge of Dee on Monday 20th October about 1630. We sure know how to enjoy ourselves in Aberdeen but I suppose it makes a change from the more usual shopping trolley. Regards Monica Neville"

"Nuts! Don't forget the fruits of the forest! Oi 'ave bin out this morn and have bin to a secret place! Only known to for or foive 'undred peeps, to start gathering the nuts for making our stuffing for the Christmas foul. In these 'ard time the Squire gives us ten whole minutes a day to forrage in 'is undergrowth. He's a roight gent is our Squire, looks after his peeps roight proper 'e does! DiY :-)"

Taken last weekend "at Coleton Fishacre, near Kingswear, Devon. National Trust property once the home of the D'Oyly Cartes. Shelley French"

"Near Caswell, in Northamptonshire. Leaves are still pretty green around here, but the wind had stripped most off this tree. The crop has gone, but still some sunshine left. Robin Simmons"



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