We will reach 50,000 comments sometime soon
and it occurs to me I haven't got clearance to announce our "news". And the person who can give me that clearance is now away. For a while.
Um. I think I might just go ahead anyway when the day comes. Or at least drop a heavy hint.
Who reported the Sony Winner 2007??
"Producers: Roger Sawyer, David Hass, Jeremy Rawlins, Lissa Cook, Fiona Leach, Rupert Allman, Liz ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖwood & Manveen Rana
Writer & Presenter: Eddie Mair
Editor: Peter Rippon"
My (miniscule) tuppenceworth is that you interview Peter Rippon on air BEFOREHAND, as to the likely effect on current affairs programmes, of the Gold Interactive Award winning Sony 2007 PM programme blog reaching 50 000 comments sometime in the near future!!!
tee hee!
What news is that, Eddie? Is Rupert pregnant?
You are such a tease!
Re: Twitter.
Keep that fresh-as-a-daisy feeling all day! Did you know that Ariel with Febreze effect is perfect for your everyday washing needs.
Did the argument with Ryan lead to your reading of Ariel or are they both linked with the (as yet unannounced) "news"?
Will the 50,000 Frogger get a prize? (maybe we'll all get catapaulted - scuse the spelling - back to September)
Paul (5) the argument with Ryan was because he was pretending not to know any of the hits of a well known singer. Reading Ariel is a regular Tuesday treat.
Oh my, so Ryan's never heard of Tony Bennett?
The loveliness of Paris seems somehow sadly gay,
The glory that was Rome is just another day,
I've been terribly alone and forgotten in Manhattan,
I'm going home to my city by the bay.
. . . altogether now . . .
I left my heart in San Francisco. . . .
Withiwoman (6):
I don't want to be me-apulted!
I think I've spotted the woman on telly that gave Eddie's friend the creeps :-(
...any chance the "frogger" who makes the 50,000 comment will receive a commemorative PM Blog T-shirt..?
Guys, are we missing something? Isn't this thread something of a hint? Have we reached it already???
Eddie, perhaps if we all ask you to tell us when the 50,000th comment is made, you might kindly do so?
Piper 12
Good suggestion.
We'll watch the Blog-count log in the PM offices and make sure one of our staff puts in the 50,000 entry.
In the meantime everyone, carry on blogging.
Everyone stands an equal chance of winning...
Publish (or blog) and be damned, Eddie!
Alternatively, if you do drop a heavy hint, make sure you don't drop it on your toes :-)
OK. Hint: November.
Ah! I see. . . .
News? November? Blog? - Ahhh, must be time for Window on Your World.
...you're not leaving PM are you Eddie..?
Can it be a new competition - like windows on YOUR world?
Eddie, I would have thought given your obvious easy rapport with your mate the DG, you didn't need to ask anyone's permission to do ANYTHING.
Eh? can someone explain to a fearless (but dim) Fred?
re twitter, do I put you in, so as to be your follower? Or would you end up as my follower? Like fred I have dim (& confused,) moments
A new Blog - Yes that's it :-)
'Ear, don't you diss my mate Fred, Monsieur Courageux!
Actually, Fearless, we're all guessing. And - 'know what? - I'll bet it won't materialise, whatever it is. Just like the 'much improved Blog'.
Oh, just thought - Perhaps that's what Eddie's on about.
Jonnie - You will never drum up custom with iffy weather reports from Bournemouth. Tell 'em the sun never stops shining and you haven't seen clouds since March!
perhaps we should try the Jerry Springer approach
Ehh Dee
Ehh Dee
Ehh Dee
Ehh Dee
Come on - out with it!
Weather report from Manchester : sunny, blue sky, lawns mowed, cat asleep outside on paving, improving sun-tan to his stomach. All seems well with the world. It can't last.
50,000 comments looming, hmm? Interesting to know how many different people have commented over the last year. Some people (mentioning no names, jonnie) might have been responsible for quite a large chunk of that particular pie chart all by themselves, I think. Will Jonnie be getting a long-service blog medal?
During last week's insomnia, I heard more than I really wanted of the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ World Service. And I noticed they are running a "Wonder of Your World " competition. Soundeed awfully similar to "Window on your world" (especially at 2 a.m.) I hope they don't read this blog to crib your ideas, Eddie.
I also noticed they invite listeners to join their "email network". This is something of which we fm listeners have heard nothing so far, and why not? I presume they mean more than a simple newsletter, or they would call it "the simple world service newsletter" or similar. So what are they getting that we are not? Enlightenment please!
Thinking of Anna's post, I wonder how easy it would be for someone to set up a script to tally everyone's contributions (as it's a blog not a forum I doubt this is automatically done by the software)...
It would be interesting to see where Eddie comes in the rankings, as at a rough estimate, he starts 95% of blogs, but only contributes to about 5%.
But in the category of most dedicated frogger, I expect Annasee, Big Sis and Fifi will join Jonnie in the top ten...
And I'll be somewhere around the middle (I usually contribute to a few postings per week, and there are bound to be lots of lurkers who only grab the limelight for one post before disappearing back into the shadows).
As for the prize for the 50k blogger, how about a "behind the scenes" tour of PM, including the studio, control room, glass box (real world version!) and, of course, the blog box (aka Eddie's computer)?
Is it being suggested that the amount of comments on this blog indicates quality and is to be celebrated?
The ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ is s publicly funded public broadcasting organisation. It stands accused of institutional bias and behaving like a political party pushing it's own agenda. The blog to a large extent reflects this.
Is this to be celebrated?
"It stands accused of institutional bias and behaving like a political party pushing it's own agenda."
Consider the source.
The source of no 32 quote obviously needs to learn where to put apostrophes.
Paul - 31- no, I don't think there was ever any suggestion that the number of comments indicates quality. What a touchingly naive idea!
It's just a small moment of triumph for Eddie in the bbc tea room one-upmanship "More people read my blog so there".
We just like to encourage him 'cos he's lovely when he's happy. And we don't want Mr Grumpy on air at 5pm, do we?
Eddie, are we nearly there yet? ;o)
Gillian (35) I think we're around 46000...
Thanks Eddie (36) We've still some way to go then.....
How about a game of I-spy?
Oh Eddie, so it's ages to go yet! Couldn't we have a 'comfort stop' along the PM motorway? ;o)
Perhaps when we get there all Frogger pcs will spew forth large amounts of glitter, streamers and the Froggers Song as performed by a star studded cast.
Paul - a celebration of a blog that has brought like minded people together and fostered a sense of community is surely a good thing.
I think there would be more cause for celebration if the blog was a more realistic reflection of the general population rather than just a community of likeminded people.
Paul (31) Is it being suggested that the amount of comments on this blog indicates quality and is to be celebrated?
"Number" rather than "amount". But no, it isn't. (Unless you have heard otherwise?)
Take this one -- a moment of pedantry, intended only to help the number grow... :-)
Please provide evidence that the views of those who contribute to this blog are not a realistic reflection of the general populace. By evidence, I would think you should be able to supply poll statistics, voting evidence from general/local elections etrc. Other blogs/commentary pieces in newspapers do not count as evidence I'm afraid...
Many thanks.
Actually, I shall qualify my last post: although I have seen no suggestion that the number of comments on this blog should be seen to be directly proportional to the quality of anything, I suspect many of us will be celebrating when we reach 50,000. Just for the hell of it. And a few grumpsters will see that as some indication of a ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ conspiracy or group-think or something of a sinister ilk. But the rest of us will ignore them, and all will be well. :-)
- that the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Radio Four audience is a self selecting part of the population, (audience figures from RAJAR)
- that of those, the PM listenership is a fraction,
- that of that fraction, only a percentage will choose to go on line and contribute to a blog, by posting a comment,
then I for one, would be exceedingly surprised if it managed to be a representative cross-section of the population (realistic reflection to get the exact quotation),
though to include all the age groups, genders, occupations, social strata, married/single, home owners/renting, parents/childless, lib/lab/tory, religious/not, as well as managing to get all these groups equally distributed across all the parts of England Wales, Scotland and NI, would require a minimum number of participants well into the thousands, according to my back of the envelope calculations, in order to have at least one from each.
Of course, we all contribute as part of our own drive, to build up or to knock down, to celebrate or to pour cold water on, in courtesy or in spite, each according to our own state of mind.
And that is the joy of it all - here in black and white we display our own personalities to a public viewing.
Bless you all!
nikki noodle.
Likeminded? Hmm. Gosh I hope not!
The only like-mindedness that applies here is an almost universal commitment to respect for others and their right to voice an opinion. Any cursory glance at past threads on real subjects will reveal a spectrum of views and sometimes irreconcilable positions.
Perhaps the regulars here are also likeminded in that they seem to enjoy the mix of banal and heavyweight subjects and apply their thoughts to each equally.
RJD - yep, thats what I meant!
witchiwoman - I knew YOU did! :o)
Aperitif, RJD, Witchiwoman, nikki noodle - well said! Hear!Hear! Thank you.
Likewise, hear, hear.
I'm here because I choose to be.
Now, wait a minute.
Eddoie says that we're a fair bit off the 50,000.
He also hints, "November"
But are, then, well in the future.
So why won't the person he needs permission from have returned from their villa in Tuscany by then?
Hear hear from here, and yes I am still here - just completely exhausted and unable to even catch up with y'all. Banal? Like-minded? Well, if that's what you want to think Paul, you go ahead. But I know what it does for me :o)
ttfn.....and counting.....init
hi y'all - haven't been around for awhile and doing a bit of a catchup (about 20 postings!).
Just wanted to say that I enjoyed the description by nikki noodle and RJD as to what this blog is. completely agree.
we are self selecting and not representative of the UK population... or at least not intentionally.
Which makes me think....
what is the most representative "thing"?
an honest question (for once!)
Hello Whisht,
What is "Digg"?
A, x.
Hi Aperitif,
Digg is a service that allows people to vote on a webpage they like.
This then creates lists of pages that people have found interesting or funny or whatever.
According to a friend who uses it regularly, the recommendations (and other people's 'un-recommending' of pages) really does produce a list of worthwhile pages to look at.
I was just thinking about "representative" in general and it popped into my mind (especially as Eddie has cheekily added it to the top of each blog so that we can get him high up the ratings...!)
How are you? I'm sorry I've not been in the mix - been busy.
ah well, see you around!
Your pictures are great.
I like your website alot...its lots of fun... you have to help me out with mine...
Why do governments think that they have to solve all problems!
The fact is tha they cannot and they should realise this. They create unreal expectations and do things that are counterproductive when they try to solve all problems.
They also steal our liberties