The Glass Box for Friday
The Glass Box is the place where you can comment on what you heard on PM, interact with other listeners and get responses from the people who make the programme.
Just click on the "comment" link.
The Glass Box is named after the booth outside the PM studio where we all discuss the programme at 18.00 every weeknight. We try to be honest and constructive. Sometimes there is criticism, and the criticised get a chance to explain themselves.
The people who make PM will read the comments posted, and will sometimes respond.
If you want to post a comment about something that is on your mind but was not on the programme - use the link on the right to The Furrowed Brow. Also on the right, you'll find FAQ: try it. And why not visit The Beach?
Fastest talking woman ! ?
You ain't kidding !!!
The Nigeria piece was enlightening (as I always expect you to be!). The fastest talking woman piece was an entertaining piece of fluff for before the Wimbers section. Not sure that we need to hear from Sven, though.... all wasted on me....when women talk fast...i listen's a male thingy!!
..BTW...did i mention that it is my birfday today (well actually at 19:45 GMT to be accurate....nuvver male thingy!)
....all together now...Happy....
I loved the comment "I'm flattered" by Eddie. Absolutely perfect timing delivered with just the right emphasis.
Happy birthday DIY (sorry to be 26 minutes early)
Friday July 06, 2007 at 20:19:24 BST
Congrats DI, have a drink on me when this week's beach opens...
Did anyone record that fast talking woman? It would be interesting to play her back slow to check that she was actually talking proper words - I caught a few, but without listening to a slowed down version I can't tell if it was 100% real words or the occasional real word interspersed with mumbo jumbo...
So Sven is taking over at Man City - that'll add a new dimension to the rivalry with their slightly more famous footballing neighbours...
This is another blog that I have added. Just to let ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ PM and fellow froggers know.
Great blog, Roberto.
Great blog indeed, Roberto! And all truly bilingual folk make me GREEN with envy!
07/07/2007 at 09:26:05 GMT
DI Wyman @ 3
...hippo birdie 2 ewe, hippo birdie 2 ewe...
(for yesterday)
Re your "What am I doing..." box on the Blog
Yesterday you stated you'd "Just done the Archbishop" but, gave no further details.
This morning I read "Alice just did all the foreign names from Wimbers without flinching"
Why Alice discriminated against non-foreign names (whatever they are and might sound like) isn't clear
however, undeniably, Alice is a most generous person and, it would seem, possessed of great stamina...
The PM "Did" list is rapidly growing. So, I wonder, how does one get "Done"? Or should that be, invited to be done AND, does one have a choice as to who does one...
And, perhaps even commerative badges could be issued along the lines of "I've been done by Eddie/Alice etc..?"
Bruce Forsyth, eat your heart-out
Great 'blog, Roberto.
Piper (11), I love it! Can I have an "I've been done by Eddie" t-shirt? Can I? Please? Oh please?!... (continues on page 94)...
That woman could do the shipping forecast in three minutes, leaving at least twelve extra minutes for TV trails.
Malicious is as malicious does!
Aperitif @ 13
T-shirt? I never thought of those.
What a great idea! Why not?
After all, the precedent's been set. PM would only be following on, in a sense, from the late R2 presenter John Dunn who gave (was it a car sticker..?) to those listeners who failed to guess the name of John's nightly mystery voice.
Didn't the sticker say something like, "I've been wronged by John Dunn"?
Maybe Aperitif, PM could offer stickers as well..?
And the phrase "I've been done by Eddie" (or Alice etc etc) certainly does have a certain something about it...
Aperitif @ 13 may well also be, that John Dunn only gave the stickers to those who guessed correctly and gave a signed photograph to the losers... Whatever. The precedent's there.
"T-shirts" are your idea and a great idea and you should get the first one
Appy !!
Naughty corner for you!
I've been done by Eddie! It sounds -- welll lets say it's the type of thing that should be confined to the Chris Moyles or Evans type of blog.
Excellent Piper! Thank you for this gem!
Never mind the naughty corner Jonnie -- I'm off to the t-shirt printing shop! Of course, strictly speaking, I'll have to be done by Eddie before I can wear it...
FOCUS | : The Road ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ
Well, if the New York Times can admit it, maybe our Great Leader(s) might finally see the link between our behaviour and other folks' resentment/hatred of "our freedom"
Malicious of course! Grrrr! Thrice so far, and it's at least half an hour since last comment posted. Oh well, I'll just watch the squirrels and grumble...
Re Appy (18) Are you trying to say that you have never done a telephone interview with Mr. Mayor? If you try to deny it, remember that there were a number of witnesses there at the time! I would suggest that you go for the T-shirt; you qualify for it. ;-)
Gosh Humph! Do you think that counts??? Excellent! I shall wear it with pride :-)
Why now should the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ be funded by licence payers
all other utilities have been privatised, so should the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ.
once privatised it can spew out as much false informations as it likes without it costing ME anything.
Its a big world out there, could the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ survive without the licence fee, it needs to try and survive on its own.