Robin Lustig
meets a lot of famous people. His facebook site has these snaps:
"with Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel, September 2001"
"with President Obasanjo of Nigeria, February 2002"
"with Tony Blair at Downing Street, December 2002"
"with President Museveni of Uganda, August 2005"
"with President Chavez of Venezuela, October 2005"
Clearly, this is all terribly impressive and I am anxious not to be outdone. So here is a snap of me this lunchtime, with none other than George South, our Broadcast Assistant today.
Eddie - This is Priceless! You have absolutely made my day!
Top Totty Mair Humour.
(Oh, and lots more hair than the sceptics have credited you with!)
But you've got hair!
And, of course, i'm full of envy and malice!
With reference to today's newsletter, whose cash - yours or mine?
Mr South is doing an excellent job of mimicing the bemused (bewildered?) facial expressions of Presidents Museveni and Obasanjo. They look like they have absolutely no idea why they are having their picture taken with this person.
Delighted to see that, at last, you have found a photographer worthy of the photographic subject.
What handsome young men and no sign of a beard or specatcles.
Must get this set as my "wallpaper".
...a south-paw eh...
Blimey! Eddie, you've found the top of your head!
Any chance of finding tops for Martha, Carrie and Carolyn?
Apropos of marrying for money:
Bob, a 70-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtakingly beautiful and very sexy 25 year- old blonde who knocks everyone's socks off with her youthful sex appeal and charm.
She hangs onto Bob's arm and listens intently to his every word. His buddies at the club are all aghast. At the very first chance, they corner him and ask, "Bob, how did you get the trophy girlfriend?" Bob replies, "Girlfriend? She's my wife!" They're amazed, but continue to ask. "So, how did you persuade her to marry you?" "I lied about my age", Bob replies
"What, did you tell her you were only 50?" Bob smiles and says, "No, I told her I was 90."
Hahaha -- excellent! But that's a bit of a sinister smile you're giving the camera Eric! Is an unsuspecting George about to get whoopee-cushioned or something?
BigSis, Ed;
Our Eddie is the one on the left of the shot, the hairy one is on the right....
Eddie, for purposes of clarification only, would I be right in supposing you are the one-armed old fellow on the left and the far younger, handsome fellow is George..?
That's a great head of hair, Eddie.
Are not even News presenters free of competition? Would Mr. Lustig have got through to Rt.Hon G. Osbourne they way you did last full-moon? I think not!
Now I know why there is a world shortage of palm oil.
Apologies Simon @ 10. Your post only appeared after I'd sent mine
Re marriage
True story.
He Who Is Now My Husband wanted to buy a new car.
" We can afford it, " he said, "if I get the married man's tax allowance."
"Shouldn't you be asking me something then?" quoth I.
My engagement ring was a new car key ring....
We couldn't do that nowadays!
Now I know why there is a world shortage of palm oil.
Well, Simon, just like Goldilocks of old, my response to you is that Eddie has 'just the right amount' of hair.
By the way, I note your hair is cut off your online photo ............. or should that read, the bit where your hair should be? ;o)
As to poor young George, I hope he didn't mind being called hairy.
Iraq: Private Contractors Outnumber Soldiers
Surge accompanied by splurge.
U.S. Tightens Export Controls On Military-Use Technology
Much of it made in China.
Generals Warn Against Islamists in Turkey
Cite catastrophe of religious rule in Iran, U.S.
Ask your doctor if he's a suicide bomber.
Pair of scruffy herberts.
Speaking of photographic likenesses, does look like a future PM?
First the photograph goes up and then I get a marriage proposal in the PM newsletter. Sorry Eddie, I do like you but my wife just wouldn't stand for it.
Following on from the Alistair Campbell diaries coverage on Today, World at One, PM is it permissible or subversive to admit to the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ that one is an unapologetic admirer of Tony Blair as Prime Minister?
good grief Ray, and we thought you'd all gone the way of the Dodo.
But you can admit what you like here, because even if we don't sgree we won't laugh or shout at you.
Ed "does this guy look like a future PM?"
No! It does look a bit like David Cameron though.
No worries. Great minds and all that...
That just means that I'm as lousy with the Photoshop cropping tool as the chap at the Beeb!
Poor quality photo though, terribly underexposed. Big contrast range from very light to very dark. Bad positioning of the two subjects, so that the face of one is brightly lit, the other in dark shade. Great gaping gap between them bang in the middle of the image. Huge depth of field, so that you are drawn away to look at all the office clutter (except Appy, who has eyes for only one thing in the image).
1 / 10, see me after school.
I wonder if Eddie would like a new photo for the Blog? I could arrange that. Mind you, in one or two of the mugshots lying around the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ website he looks as if he enjoys having his photo taken about as much as he would enjoy a serious attack of shingles..... So I doubt that he'll be in touch.
Looking at the Lustig photos;
Mandela looks asleep and his wife looks like she has a hunch. Obasanjo has committed the photographers nightmare of wearing white against his dark skin, so the kaftan is beautifully exposed, whilst you can't see him at all. The Blair one is also badly exposed and composed. Museveni looks like he's just been informed of a death in the family and Chavez has malaria and is about to pick Lustig's pockets.
Ray Piggot,
Sorry, but he's .
On tax breaks for married people, should bigamists get paid double? I really do not see the point of penalising single people.
Great photographs.
Note to the moderators: something doesn't become funnier by repetition!
Si, your very enjoyable comment led me to look more closely than I had before at the photos. I am intrigues by eh Tony Blair one as on the table there appears to be two glasses and a milk jug. I am struggling with the purpose of the milk jug. Had they previously had tea or coffee and the rest of the china has been cleared away? I thought it might be a water jug for the whisky (oh sin, sin, sin) but then thought that surely Cherie would see that water for whisky wasn't served in a china jug.
All this wittering, anyone would think I had soemthing to do that I was trying to avoid...
PS I don't like what I can see of the rug much either!
Jason (28),
Was that aimed at me? And I wished you luck!
Ed (26) That's fantastic. Wonder if Cherie knows.
Ed (31): No, my friend, it was in reference to my own (13) and (16).
Admin: Challenged by your comment, I did a close up on Tony and can confidently confirm it is a mug. The jug is a mug, I mean, NOT Tony is a mug (though there may be others who'd disagree).
I'm now speculating the following:
(1) Was he drinking tea? or
(2) Did he lie to the nation about giving up coffee?
I suggest we subpoena Robin to divulge the truth on this point.
On the positive side, zooming in gave me a chance to see Eddie's hair in greater detail, and I can confirm that today he is sporting a cheeky ruffled look, but that, sadly, he is suffering the fate of the dark haired and becoming rapidly (but very distinguishedly) grey.
I rather suspect Eddie's claim to have been reading the "Tory marriage proposals" for so long is spurious...
Perhaps he's found a pending financial advantage and rushed-off to get "spliced"
Vegas perhaps..?
Why not? After all, he may still have his £5 winnings to squander...
..a repeat of last evening's un-edited "language" for those who missed it..?
...he's back on the "Tory marriage proposals".
It's surely got to be a pending financial advantage...
Thanks (33), but is it because so many have been greased?(16)
Is it really naughty of me to have spent a few minutes putting the blokes in the pictures into a mental "Order in Which I Would Do Them"?
George makes a new entry fairly high up.
Tsk, tsk people! I meant "Do" in the PM sense -- inteview! But then again...
Appy - naughty step!
re 30 from admin Annie: it wasn't a milk jug on the table in front of T Blair, it was a rather large mug of tea. And Eddie, Eddie, what did poor George do to deserve being pictured with you? I just hope he doesn't make a formal complaint to HR.
Big Sis, well that makes it even odder in a way because it implies Tony had a cup of tea but Robin didn't. Well maybe Robin wasn't thirsty. Or perhaps he had been hearing rumours about how A Campbell was out to get the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ and didn't dare partake.
Robin - (I did like seeing Robin Lustig on Robin Lustig in the Recent Comments list) - George shouldn't be too bothered. He's got himself a whole new female fanclub here on the blog (well, me and Appy, anyway).
That's not THE George South is it?
O be still my beating heart.....
o and you can add me to the Lustig fanzo's, I often fall asleep with, to, or by, him
actually that isn't all that much of a wholehearted recommendation but the sleepiness is shift work, not tedium
Thank you, Eddie.
It's been a bit of a traumatic evening - friend in crisis turning to me for help - and you've made me laugh out loud.
The best medicine in the world for frazzled nerves.
Simon W - v interesting comments on the photos. I thought President Obasanjo looked as if he had been cut-and-pasted in!
Does Robin always wear that red tie when interviewing important guests?
And why is Eddie using that photo at the top of the blog which looks nothing like that handsome chappie in the pink shirt?
George is looking suitably important!!
Thanks GossipMrs.
I agree about Obasanjo. It is a trick of the eye, a sudden harsh change of contrast from very light to very dark can give the appearance of a cut-and-paste job.
Had another look at the Chavez one. Maybe jaundiced, not malarial. And the wall colour looks like the aftermath of the 'Dirty Protests' at the Maze prison decades ago in Norn Iron. If I were him I'd sack the decorators and interior designers.