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Coming soon to the Blog

Eddie Mair | 07:13 UK time, Friday, 6 July 2007

A brand new thing that you'll see at the top of the page....


  1. At 07:17 AM on 06 Jul 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    go on then wot?

    not nuvver 'ward surely?


  2. At 08:27 AM on 06 Jul 2007, wrote:

    could it finally be a photo showing the top of your 'ead, Ed?

  3. At 08:42 AM on 06 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    The top of Eddie's head?

  4. At 08:55 AM on 06 Jul 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Methinks a new Eddie masthead may emerge - Correct?

    And - all due respect to Alan - will the banner come down now? A celebratory flag by all means, but we all associate that picture of Alan J with his imprisonment .....

  5. At 08:59 AM on 06 Jul 2007, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    As long as it's not a message saying "PM: Now only available on digital radio".

    Did you hear that Channel Four Radio woman this morning saying she wanted the analogue radio signals switched off? Just so that we can have more commercial pap I suppose.

    Grrrr. Go on Eddie, cheer me up with your new top-of-page Thing.

  6. At 09:26 AM on 06 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Are we having a new presenter?

  7. At 09:43 AM on 06 Jul 2007, Kevin wrote:

    A lovely picture of Dot?
    What does she do when it's not Wimbledon anyway?

  8. At 10:11 AM on 06 Jul 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    blimey..aint 'alf echoy in here..top of Eddies 'ead?


  9. At 10:24 AM on 06 Jul 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Don't you remember the warning in this song, Eddie?

    The Thing

    While I was walking down the beach one bright and sunny day,
    I saw a great big wooden box a floating in the bay.
    I pulled it in and opened it up and much to my surprise:
    Oh, I discovered a (ratatatat) right before my eyes.
    Oh, I discovered a (ratatatat)) right before my eyes.

    I picked it up and ran to town as happy as a king.
    I took it to a guy I knew who'd buy most anything.
    But this is what he hollered at me as I walked in his shop:
    Oh, get out of here with that (ratatatat)) before I call a cop.
    Oh, get out of here with that (ratatatat)) before I call a cop.

    I turned around and got right out a running for my life.
    And then I took it home with me to give it to my wife.
    But this is what she hollered at me as I walked in the door:
    Oh, get out of here with that (ratatatat)) and don't come back no more.
    Oh, get out of here with that (ratatatat)) and don't come back no more.

    I wandered all around the town until I chanced to meet,
    A hobo who was looking for a handout on the street,
    He said he'd take most anything - he was a desperate man.
    But, when I showed him the (ratatatat)) he turned around and ran.
    Oh, when I showed him the (ratatatat)) he turned around and ran.

    I wandered on for many years a victim of my fate.
    Until, one day, I came upon St. Peter at the gate.
    And when I tried to take it inside, he told me where to go:
    Get out of here with that (ratatatat)) and take it down below.
    Oh, get out of here with that (ratatatat) and take it down below.

    The moral of this story is if you're out on the beach,
    And you should see a great big box, and it's within your reach,
    Don't ever stop and open it up, that's my advice to you
    'Cause you'll never get rid of that (clap - clap - clap) no matter what you do.
    'Cause you'll never get rid of that (clap - clap - clap) no matter what you do.

    So, Eddie, do we need one of these, either on the Beach or elsewhere on the Blog?

  10. At 10:42 AM on 06 Jul 2007, Carl wrote:

    I hope it's something interactive. There's next years Sonys to think about.

    How about a PM game where you have to crash little animated Eddies into Big Ben, or 'dress the Carolyn' where you choose clothes, hairstyle, colours etc. How about how many jornalists can you squeeze into a glass box? Or best idea of all 'Run down Rippon' where you have to drive animated cars with PM people in and try and run Peter down.

    You could have a ticker, or a countdown clock to the next edition of PM.

    I bet I've wetted your appetite, so off you go. Feel free to use any or all of my ideas at no charge.

  11. At 10:50 AM on 06 Jul 2007, tony ferney wrote:

    Could it just be "EM" instead of "PM". Cult of personality and all that, don't ye know.

  12. At 10:58 AM on 06 Jul 2007, Mr Snow wrote:

    Carl (10)

    "Dress the Carolyn"? Can we play the game in reverse please?
    Sorry...I'll take myself off to the naughty step now.

  13. At 11:13 AM on 06 Jul 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Carl: I've already tried the 'Dress the Eddie' trick, but it didn't go down too well. And, Mr. Snow, don't even think of 'undressing the Eddie' jokes or Appy will be thumping the table.

    But, now that it's emerged, just how right that song was - It's a BOX!

  14. At 12:48 PM on 06 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Carl (10): I am sure with subtle variation the dressing up game will have wide appeal.

  15. At 01:06 PM on 06 Jul 2007, Ben wrote:

    Who needs enemies?

  16. At 04:34 PM on 06 Jul 2007, admin annie wrote:

    I like the idea od Run Down Rippon whihc sounds great fun, and perhaps in its other mode we could Run Down Roger, but obviously that would have to be a dog sled rather than a car.

  17. At 11:40 PM on 06 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Well Mr Snow (12) I just keep imagining you're still Mrs Trellis and that puts a whole new slant on things......

  18. At 12:26 AM on 07 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Sis (13), The table's bit punch drunk now. Do you think I should stop?

    Ben (15), I think mainly those who have bowel problems. Why do you ask?

    Admin Annie (16) A dog sled?

  19. At 01:02 AM on 07 Jul 2007, Chris Ghoti wrote:

    Mr. Snow (@12) How do we Carolyn the dress?

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