Your photo ten years on...
As Tony Blair prepares to mark 10 years at number 10, we've a piece tonight on some of the people who were there to greet him on Day One. How have their lives changed?
They of course have changed - as you can see from photos you'll find by clicking on "entries with photos", and then "1997-2007".
If you have a photo of yourself from 1997 and one from this year, why not send them to Legal blurb: "By sending us your photos, you are agreeing to the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ's normal terms and conditions which can be found here /terms/ . You are also granting us permission to host your photos on a 3rd party website, if necessary". Please mark your email TEN YEARS.
I'd love to do this, but as my WOYW photo is STILL inside the camera, don't hold your breath.
I do remember voting 10 years ago, though. My daughter was 2 months old and I wheeled her down to the local school in her pram in glorious sunshine, where she was carefully babysat by two lovely old ladies whilst I voted. Now she regularly rolls her eyes at the dinner table and says "Do you know that Tony Blair has been Prime Minister for, like, nearly my ENTIRE life?"
That reminds me - all the photos of me in May 1997 are ones of me looking haggard after too many sleepless nights. I may be some time finding a decent one........
And Eric - I think you need to lead the way!
They have all heard, like many of us, more stories of · p’lice vs terraceds · over the ten years.......
Somebody is publicising Mr. Mair's win on Chris Evan's Blog. Or, perhaps, self publicising?;o)
Ha ha, Chris. ;o)
Now, in response to Eddie's suggestion yesterday that listeners might want to become fashion designers, and linking this to the Sony Awards successes, I've had a few ideas.
Great Blog. I heard about the results on the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Website and Short Wave Service.
Eddie - I don't think I'll bother if you don't mind, but thanks for the invitation. I don't seem to have much luck with sending photos in to you :o(
Hold the front page.
Lord Browne, CEO of BP resigns immediately after the courts lifted an injunction banning newspapers from reporting something about his private life.
What could be so bad that one of the biggest businessmen in Britain would go straight-away, when he was going in a few weeks anyway? Can't be divorce or even an affair, those aren't resigning matters any longer.
Pictures at eleven.
Congratulations to you all and in particular to long-suffering Rupert who has suffered the slings and arrows of Eddie. It's a wonder he still wants to edit the programme!
Thanks and long may you all continue.
Simon: Here it is
Well, as if I'd post pix of me as a lithe young slip of a girl and contrast them with the haggard and careworn creature I am now. Feh!
As for the 10-year contrast: from excitement and hope to disillusionment and anger. Yes, as with many other posters, Iraq plays its part in my feelings about 'new labour'.
Actually some things have got a lot better over the last decade. But that's because I have started doing things which nourish my spirit, if that's not too new-agey to make people vomit, instead of nourishing my bank manager.
Big sis.......ha ha very good! Personally I think he should go with the Roy Rogers look :)
Fiona: Sad person that I am, I've added another item to Eddie's wardrobe. It's a 'homage' to Tony Bennett.
Eddie: I do hope you realise this is only a bit of fun ;o)
Not having seen the blog for a couple of days, I was surprised at the paucity of comments on the ten-years-after photo invitation. As if WOYW wasn't enough, Eddie now invites us all to send in TWO photographs. I hope the necessary infrastructure is in place...