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Are you on this list?

Eddie Mair | 12:44 UK time, Monday, 19 March 2007

I know of course that several regular froggers ARE.

It's a list of people who contributed comments on Day One of the PM blog, but whose words we managed to LOSE. We gave them all to Terry Wogan but something happened and let's just leave it at that.

Anyway. We want to make things right. If YOU are on the list below and would like to see your original comment posted on the Blog - just send us an email. PLEASE mark the subject line "You screwed up the Blog again you losers" and send it to pm@bbc.co.uk.

PM: not always right, but when we make a mess we like to try to put it right.

Anne Connell
Grant Thomas
Al Findlay
Susan Wakefield
Hugh Jarce (ho ho ho)
Susie Witterick
Angela Smith
Bill Braham
Rob F
R Brown
Anthony Hood
Michael Helm
Rob Young
Sally W
Andrew Richards
Lorraine P
John Quinton-Barber
The Stirrer's Mate
Chin Hiong-Chong
Greg Ashman
Nick Burch
John Osborne
Chris Carter
Mark Drew
John Cant
Roger Croxson
Ian Roberts
David Buckland
Michael Ames
Matt Whitby
Sarah Caney
Chris Charlton
Joel Hammond-Turner
Joel Wood
Sarah's mum
Sean Williams
Peter Gray
Liz Taylor
Jo Pott
David Way
Whisht (a familiar name)
Sebastian Sandys
Steve Waring
Mark Drew
Phil Harrison
Di Millman
Sharon W
Bob O
Richard Goldsby
Alan Stratton
Jane Merrifield
Liz Arundell (another familiar name)
Brian W
Chrissie L
Helensparkles (ditto)
John Crowther
John Westward
Christopher Stone
Nick Firth
Del Hintze
Harry Giles
Charles Hatton
Cary Godsen
D Baker
Clare Metcalfe
Daniel Gordon
Ollie K
Howard Almond
Julie Bingham
Steph Smith
Cathy Harrison
Sheila Russell
Hilary Allen
Bill (scotland)
Alan Watson
Barbara Wright
Adam IC2eyes
Fearless Fred
Lynn Taylor
Geoff Realname
James Newman
Tim C
Roy Hayter
Gill Bonnell
Andrew Knight
Dave G
Mrs Trellis from North Wales
Les Hemmings
John Arrowsmith
David Reed
Boa Mondo
Adrian Shaw
R of P


  1. At 12:59 PM on 19 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Obviously I wasn't on it before it became a beach.


  2. At 01:32 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    This is what I like to see; conservation of a national treasure: The Day One Beach :-) Suffive to say my email will be going in a few minutes' time...

  3. At 01:45 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Gosh... makes me wonder when I first frogged.

    Shouldn't it be like your first kiss, or whatever, summat you remember forever?

    I remember 'Sarah's Mum' as a good name

  4. At 02:09 PM on 19 Mar 2007, wrote:


    If you want to cross-reference, there's an archived copy at Jonnie's

    Yours Aye,

  5. At 02:15 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    I frogged on Day One, but not on day one, if you see what I mean. And it wasn't called 'frogging 'then either. Goodness, how times have changed...

  6. At 02:27 PM on 19 Mar 2007, wrote:

    So will there be a public apology over the lost comments? Or even a public enquiry? Will there be resignations? Sackings? Will heads roll????

    No? Thought not.

    But if all those names write in again, you could be quite a few comments further on towards the ultimate goal of 30,000, and thence world domination. I think I see your plan...

  7. At 02:34 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Appy, how 'things' have changed, eh?

    Never was a blog addict before, oh, dear...

  8. At 02:34 PM on 19 Mar 2007, F.T. Fong, Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia wrote:

    When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and arguments. That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding.

  9. At 03:11 PM on 19 Mar 2007, wrote:

    blimey - what on earth would i have said back then??

    erm... usually the standard from me is pretty low, so I wouldn't worry.

    You losers.


    mind you, i feel cherished that you recognised my name. I'm touched (honestly!)

  10. At 03:58 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Yes, Eddie, I am. You know I am. And, I suspect, there are a lot of other on the list who are now incognito, like me.

    And you now know how to retrieve all the lost comments, there there's really no excuse, is there?

    Oh, don't we love these PM c*ck ups!

  11. At 04:11 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    So - does that mean that slowly and inexorably, all the comments which we made and blasted off into the ether (or wherever else they may have gone) and then never saw the light of day, will be found? and published? surely not... ..Has a Moderator, somewhere, been found harbouring screeds and screeds of posts which he wouldn't let through, for reasons best known to him/herself? Oh, hush my boggling mind......

  12. At 04:13 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Oh how I wish my name was on the list! Little did I know then what I was missing.
    Btw, has anyone heard from Helensparkles lately?

  13. At 04:21 PM on 19 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Personally, I think these little foibles are quite endearing!! Oddly enough its what compells me to Frog - its not a faceless, flawless thing but lively and....human. And when I start to thik about it isn't this whole thing quite mind blowing?? People from all over the world, sending these little electronic blitherings for the enjoyment/provocation of others. I don't understand how it works, but its really quite marvellous!

  14. At 05:17 PM on 19 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I'll drop Helen an email Gillian. She was getting very busy some time ago ... but then so are we all.

    Fifi ;o)

  15. At 05:54 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Lissa-with-an-A (former PM Blog Editress) wrote:

    Gosh, this rather blows out of the water my "blame it all on Marc / It wouldn't have happened in my day" excuse.

    Retrospective apologies.

    All I can say is it's a good thing they sacked me before they realised the full extent of the havoc I wreaked.

    PS - It's snowing up North today.
    PPS - I'm finally listening to PM on a digital radio, plugged into the telly aerial.
    PPS I'm at home because the snow meant the train wasn't working this morning.
    PPPS We're getting a dog called Moses! I'll send photos soon. Don't tell Mr Knibbs.

  16. At 05:55 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Oh, Eddie. Our very own KoKo

    Altogether now ....

    As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
    I've got a little list — I've got a little list
    Of early PM bloggers who might well be underground,
    And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!........

  17. At 06:24 PM on 19 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I'm on the list - as John Westward - Is this the list of entries washed away?

  18. At 06:39 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Re: F T Fong (8)

    What a peaceful world would evolve if more people were to think this way! The thought of such a prospect makes me all gooey... a shame it's such an unlikely one.

    How are all ye Froggers anyway? I'm really fed up that I can't do this as often as I used to - silly training course at work is eating it's way into my precious evenings - not a happy Frog!

    Anyway, I think of you all often and hope everything is as ok as it can be. Hope no-one's been hailed on to any great extent! I expect you've copped it Ed Ig?

    FFred - I'd complain to the management if I were you; Eddie didn't seem to recognise your name on "The List"!! And you being one of the most Faithful Froggers an' all.


  19. At 07:09 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Humph wrote:

    Sorry, Mr. Mayor, but I am not on that list. Before my time, type of thing. By the way why do you not publish a list of your successes? Wave the flag abit. Show how you sometimes succeed at some things. How about printing a list of the people whose straplines you have used, for instance. Not that my name would appear on it, of course (sob, sniffle). :,-(


  20. At 09:34 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Humph - have you seen this message from Marc with no K? I've just found it on the Beach (the bottle must have smashed), perhaps this is where you were going wrong? not marking CLEARLY enough??

    "At 10:15 AM on 19 Mar 2007, The New Blog Prince aka Marc wrote: Gillian @ 17
    I'm always on the look-out for more straplines! Just email them to pm@bbc.co.uk, but mark them CLEARLY in the title section PM STRAPLINES.

    Don't say I'm not trying my best for you Humph!

  21. At 09:49 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Humph wrote:

    To carry on Big Sister’s theme (16)

    It starts with Tom and Ann Connell
    Then many others too
    Such as Hugh Jarce and Rob Young
    (We’ve only just begun!)
    Look, there’s Fearless Fred and Liz Taylor
    There’s Daffers and Bob O
    And there is Sarah’s mum
    (I’m sure that’s Sarah’s mum)
    We see Charles Hatton and Rosalind and Rosalind again
    There’s Mrs. T. from Wales and a Cathy Harrison
    We also see Liz Arundell and there’s another Liz
    And one Joel Hammond-Taylor’s there who also did the Buis
    And many other people you can see upon the list
    But don’t forget our Whisht
    We can’t forget our Whisht
    You can see them on the list
    You can see them on the list
    And I’m sure that they’re not drunk
    I am certain they’re not pi**ed


  22. At 10:28 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Musical Humph!

  23. At 11:08 PM on 19 Mar 2007, Frances O wrote:

    I like the lettuce solution.

    Lettuce, pray,

    do likewise

  24. At 11:45 PM on 19 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I wonder who Liz Arundell could be then :-)

    I need a Walnut Whip!

    PS: Whisht, You said :-

    .................'erm... usually the standard from me is pretty low, so I wouldn't worry.'..................

    Are you the Whisht we know and love?

  25. At 11:01 AM on 20 Mar 2007, vyle hernia wrote:

    Re. F.T. Fong (8)

    I tried pouring water on my family and applying fertilizer, even mulched them. Their response was utterly disappointing.

    Love the ditty, Humph.

  26. At 11:32 AM on 20 Mar 2007, Chrissie the Trekkie wrote:

    My goodness, did I really post on here that long ago??? Gosh.

  27. At 02:20 PM on 20 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Well, I'm on the list.

    I was there at the beginning.

    I got a post read out on air !!!!!!!!!

    Then I got a proper job, and now I have to work again - rather than waste my day on the internet.

    Anyway, in way of homage to the early days and our old (now apparently sacked) moderator Lissa;

    This should be post 27

    Now back to work - just another 7 hours to go to reach my 12 for today :-(


  28. At 02:34 PM on 20 Mar 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Chris the Trekkie (26) Who were you back then, Chris?

  29. At 02:37 PM on 20 Mar 2007, Gillian wrote:

    And why is Jonnie using his Sunday name again?!

  30. At 03:39 PM on 20 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Tim C - still 27 - well hello there! Ah, those were the days.....


  31. At 06:18 PM on 20 Mar 2007, sandi Dunn wrote:

    Complaint: I was upset by the way this story was covered by PM. Your cannabis angle was contrived - why? You can't have it both ways... the report said he was convicted of murder - the judge and the police (why the police anyway)? directed in effect that he was in his 'right mind' i.e. not 'diminished', so just what did cananbis have to do with it then? It may be the case that he was under the influence of cannabis (and therefore of diminished responsibility to follow the logic) and so the judge and jury were wrong. Anyway, you should have differentiated between 'the weed' and 'skunk' which, because of the way it is grown is much stronger and so not what most people use in the uk - including those like the proverbial little old woman who hit the news recently. I feel it was dishonest biased reporting to bring the mental health person in for interview given the verdict which said in effect there was no mental health issue. anyway, it was also said that he was obsessed with martial arts and violent films so why no interview with those who want to ban those as dangerous!? Also, I do in fact believe that it is not reported that most murders are probably as a result of drug induced mania of one kind or another .. and that all drugs should be urgently decriminalised so that users will be helped as social cases rather than banged up after so called 'murder' when the assailent was under the influence and so of 'diminished responsibility'. In this way the public could be safer. I am not a drug or canabis user. But I believe that cannabis (not skunk) is used by a large percentage of people who clearly are ok... so what is your argument? whether it is declassified or not will not change that will it?

  32. At 12:06 PM on 21 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:


    Just having a nostalgia trip :-)

  33. At 03:52 PM on 21 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Appy - ah well you know me, memory lane's a long one......

  34. At 04:07 PM on 21 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Ah, I liked the SB game Valery -- I wonder who had the most points in the end? (I failed again above).


  35. At 07:52 PM on 21 Mar 2007, Humph wrote:

    When I started on the Frog, one of the most in-penetrable aspects (for me) was why most people ended their comments with an SB number. It was only when the Frog started to be hit by a bloggage, and people started using CB, and explaining that it meant Could Be, that the penny dropped. It could never work now, of course!


  36. At 10:50 PM on 21 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    SBs - Far be it from me to blow a trumpet (let alone my own) but if you care to trawl through way back when, you'll find that John H (where are you now?) did a recce at one point, and decided that I seemed to be doing awfully well - he reckoned I had A System! No comment :o)

  37. At 11:30 PM on 21 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    You trumpet away Valery! You deserve it :-)

  38. At 01:22 PM on 22 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hey! I advised Valery to trumpet last night and it hasn't appeared! It wasn't rude you know???

  39. At 01:53 PM on 22 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Just needed a push then, eh?

  40. At 11:32 PM on 22 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Ap - you and your push's :o). I've commented on so many threads tonight, that I won't even notice if half of them don't turn up. Though, having said that, most of mine do appear, even when they'd have been better being lost down the back of the sofa. What I have noticed tonight is that no matter how quickly I've moved from one thread to the other, I have not yet had a "maliciously fast" message - yay! - are these long-heralded improvements afoot? perhaps the September slippage is all part of the massaging of the Frog?

  41. At 11:35 PM on 22 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    btw - Toot-toot :oD

  42. At 12:24 PM on 24 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Appy - I did trumpet the other night, but it never appeared. How ironic, and there was me saying my posts never seemed to go astray...

    Ah well - toot toot - there you go.

  43. At 12:36 PM on 24 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Yey Valery :-)

  44. At 02:55 PM on 24 Mar 2007, Molly wrote:

    The list is awesome!
    Wish I were on it........


  45. At 03:08 PM on 24 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    a huge list. but not a post from me (boo hoo) ... I was a mere tadpole not a frogger

    nikki noodle

  46. At 04:54 PM on 24 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Appy - so your Push Theory works then?? Needless to say, my 40 & 41 weren't there this morning when I posted 42!

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