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Tomorrow, Marc

Eddie Mair | 16:00 UK time, Thursday, 11 January 2007

takes over from Lissa (who incidentally is "number 2" on tonight's PM. She is sitting opposite me. I'm going to miss her, unless my aim improves) anyway where was I? Oh yes, Marc is having a brief break in France before he starts Blogging duties. He's just sent this photo which clearly indicates he is thinking of you.



  1. At 04:17 PM on 11 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    I do hope that isn't written on a beach in France........

  2. At 04:20 PM on 11 Jan 2007, LadyPen wrote:

    PS It wasn't France . . . it was Whitstable! Do keep UP, Eddie :-)


  3. At 04:33 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:


    But Eddie, unless Marc has developed wings I think this may be Whitstable or thereabouts.

  4. At 04:39 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Bless you Marc :-)

    I'll try and say hello to you and the Froggers from Sri Lank in a week or two !

    Have a nice break, and thanks again to YOU Lissa for all you've done. We WILL miss you !

  5. At 04:46 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Marc, I think you'll do just fine!

  6. At 04:49 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Anne P(1): Exactly. If he were in France, it would say "Bonjour les froggeurs!". The French government would never allow that to be written in their non-native tongue.

  7. At 04:57 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Eddie Mair wrote:

    He said in his mms to me that the froggers were keeping him company during "my aborted trip to France" so yes you're probably right. Must pay more attention!

  8. At 05:02 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    He did say he was on a plane journey (on the beach) though.

  9. At 05:08 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Fiona wrote:

    ah bless him, hello to you too Marc

  10. At 05:09 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Amazing headline: "Lissa does number 2 on PM".

    Thanks for being our Beach Babe and good luck with the move and new job, Lissa.

    Marc does pick good weather for his holidays!

  11. At 05:11 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Now, thats what I call a beach....
    no palm trees at all... biting wind howling across the tundra and the camels well off piste. Roll on summer.

  12. At 05:12 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:


    Sorry Lady Pen Anne P,

    I take it all back and must keep up!

  13. At 05:12 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    For the Pedants among us to ponder upon:

    Dear Dr. Science,

    Is there a reason for not ending a sentence with a
    preposition that you can think of?

    from John Mostrom of Seattle, WA

    I must admit I don't know where you're coming from.
    Correct usage in English and Science is something
    I've devoted my whole life to. Of course, if I say
    anything you can't understand, it will just become
    a new hammer you can try to hit me or another expert
    over the head with. There are plenty of people like
    you I can't hope to change the mind of. But then,
    I've dealt with people like you before. People who
    don't really want to learn, but just hope to find
    someone they can publicly disagree with. There's
    little I can say that your type won't find something
    to object to. But getting back to your question,
    no there's really no reason for not ending a sentence
    with a preposition, at least none I can think of.

    -Ask Dr. Science
    22 Nov 2006

  14. At 05:19 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Mark Intime wrote:

    So! As soon as we get a photo of Lissa she's leaving for Derbyshire (can't say I blame her; it's a lovely county). Now where is the photo of Marc?
    By the way LadyPen are you sure it's Whitstable? By rights it should be Frogmore in Devon or even Frogwell in Cornwall.

  15. At 05:45 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    EdIgle (9) -
    Quite so.

    Lissa -
    What a wonderful thing you helped start. It seems to be taking on a life of its own. I (and loads of others) hope you'll stay with it.

    Even though changing jobs may seem to render it irrelevant.


  16. At 05:51 PM on 11 Jan 2007, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    Oh Lissa,
    We're gonna miss ya,
    Don't be a stranger to the Frog,
    Oh Lissa,
    Have some Bucks Fizz a...
    ...nd all the best from this Metal Mog!

  17. At 05:52 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Thank you, Marc! A very good start to your reign.

    Thanks, Lissa, too. and we'll be weeping over our dog-eared (cat-eared?) printouts of you and Mr K.

    Like your pedant-poser, Ed I.

    My answer to the question is:

    prepositions I can think of to end sentences with include to, of, with, by and from.

  18. At 06:28 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    What a shame that your day was ruined by the weather, but the picture is fabulous.



  19. At 06:28 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I thought it was spot on.

  20. At 07:19 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Perky wrote:

    Thanks Marc - although this looks like a serious case of taking your work away with you. I hope there was a good-sized crowd of suitably bemused onlookers behind you, but I suspect they were all inside drinking hot toddies......

    It looks like you're going to fit in extremely well!

  21. At 07:48 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Doesn't he have lovely writing?


  22. At 09:31 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Awhh Lissa. I just listened to the Shipping Forecast on Listen again and the first name I heard was yours, for the last time. It was quite a moment.

  23. At 09:46 PM on 11 Jan 2007, The New Blog Prince wrote:

    I'm very pleased how well that has come out, although not half as pleased (ie shocked) that I conquered the technology enough to get the photo to Eddie in the first place. I'm also a tad surprised he managed to post it to the Blog, but then what Eddie manages to do never ceases to amaze me, let alone the rest of the office.

    Have you ever spent a windy wet January in Margate? I wouldn't recommend it, to be perfectly honest.

    I did enjoy writing in the sand (my debut on The Beach, one could say) but sadly there was nary an audience except the seagulls circling overhead ominously. The day brightened up briefly, with a modicum of sunshine - although Margate stayed resolutely Margate - before the evening closed in and I headed home, which is where I find myself now (secret secret hideaway somewhere in the North Atlantic).

    The Great Handover beckons tomorrow. Any last requests for Lissa? Any special messages? (she blushes easily, so be circumspect)

  24. At 10:48 PM on 11 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Yes - we want Lissa to say goodbye - live!

  25. At 11:01 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Marc, you've done really well today. I think that little chat we had about your schoolwork has certainly improved things. I'm very impressed.

    Just one thing though (beckons him into office, closes door after checking no-one outside). It's about your friend Eddie. I know you've been good friends for a long time, but a word of caution. You're making such great strides in the writing class, and the Art /I T class, with your photos and lovely messages, that I'm a bit worried he will get, how can I say, jealous? You see, it's taken him a long time to learn how to do all these things, - why, when he started at the Blog Academy, he didn't even know how to switch on his computer! Now you're mastering all the same things in 4 days, well, he's bound to feel a bit envious. So try and be tactful, won't you dear?
    I'm sure I can trust your judgement - remember we covered "social skills and making everyone feel valued for their efforts not their results" in the last module before Christmas. I'm sure you can still recall it all as we speak. What do you mean you were eating mince pies? Well you'll just have to borrow someone else's notes and catch up. Now run along, it's nearly time for Miss Cooke's leaving party, and we're all going to have a JOLLY good time, aren't we? Good!

  26. At 11:12 PM on 11 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Ed I - I like it! Didya think i wouldn't?

  27. At 11:19 PM on 11 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Yes, excellent idea RJD. Lissa on PM tomorrow - speaking to us please.

    Could you manage that, NBP? If you can fix it for us, then we'll know you are a real frog Prince! Just a few words will do, (but obviously more would be better).

    Maybe Eddie could mention her role in the Blog, and the WOYW experiment. C'mon, it's got to be more interesting than Posh Spice's shopping habits, and they got enough airtime today!

  28. At 12:07 AM on 12 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Marc in Margate. Nicely alliterative.

    And you pose the question whether any of us have ever spent a wet windy January in that resort. As it happens, I used to live there. As a child. Well, actually, it was Westbrook, but that's part of Margate.

    The best beaches in Britain. The coldest winters, too. But lovely. Lovely.

    Did you go to the Sunken Gardens? Did you climb on the rocks? Did you wave to Tracy Emmin?

    Marc, I envy you today. Much better Margate than Southampton.

    Tomorrow, will you say goodbye to Lissa for us froggers? We can't do it in person. You or Eddie could. Please.

  29. At 12:24 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Lots of love & luck Lissa, I hope you will tell us how you are getting on in Derbyshire, and don't take any nonsense from those boys on your last day!

  30. At 01:00 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh Marc, I'm just beginning to get excited about MY hols now. Off on Tuesdays (No Doubt Dire Media will have a comment to make on my departure :-(

    Now just one question, How big did you make the letters ? It's hard to get it all in perspective ?

    Did you have very sandy feet or boots?

    Very funny anyway, We'll collect all them all together in the Froogers Beach store sometime I hope, bit like the advent calendar -- which I guess needs to be removed now !

  31. At 02:16 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    My name seems to have acquired a link to a website that I don't actually have.

    Sorry, guys. I must have hit a wrong button.


  32. At 03:35 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Indeed Lady Pen!

    I received a very strange error! when clicking on you!

    Exhausted at 03:39 but had to wait up for the Poole revelers to return!

    Last night drinks after their party at a local reataurant.

    Could have gone to bed but lights and fans would have been on everywhere, and think of the Carbon!

  33. At 06:34 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh no, this is it! Lissa's last day at PM. Long faces all round. (Except Mr Knibbs, who probably can't wait to get started on those rabbits)

    Hope you have a wonderful day & everyone is very nice to you, brings you cups of tea, glasses of wine, peels you a grape, etc. You've done a good job training the NBP - my, he's a fast learner, isn't he?

    Trust your move goes smoothly & the drive with Mr Knibbs isn't too stressful.

    Wishing you lots of luck with your new job, & hope to see you back on the blog, (on an amateur basis) soon!


  34. At 08:21 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Marc, I'm adding my voice to the calls for Lissa to say goodbye in person tonight (failing that, Eddie can do a "This Is Your Blog-Life" for her)...

  35. At 09:58 AM on 12 Jan 2007, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    NBP (23)

    Glad you enjoyed writing on the beach. When I did so on Christmas eve I felt quite shy about it, and wondered if there might be anyone on the cliffs above who had heard of Vyle Hernia.

    For Lissa, thanks for all your good work. Thanks too for the email. (The Company has edited out the picture for safety reasons, but no wonder Knibbs is so huge of he gets kitty biscuits!)

    RJD (24) Excellent idea.

    Annasee (27)
    "Maybe Eddie could mention her role in the Blog, and the WOYW experiment. C'mon, it's got to be more interesting than Posh Spice's shopping habits," - TOO RIGHT. Any reporting of PoshSpice's shopping habits has to be too much. Glad I missed the item.

  36. At 10:00 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Can I add my (considerable) weight to the calls for Lissa's last day to be marked either by getting her on the show to discuss the success (or otherwise) of the blog, or by giving her and her work an honourable mention.


  37. At 10:40 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I detect the beginnings of a listener- inspired movement here, for Lissa to speak to us before she leaves. Best take note, Peter, or Eddie, or whoever's in charge today. We want Lissa mentioned (at least) or speaking (preferably)!

    Anyone else who thinks so, write in now - quick- before she runs away & hides in the stationery cupboard.

  38. At 11:13 AM on 12 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    I'm put in mind of that Beatles number
    Hello Goodbye,
    though the lyrics aren't truly appropriate, as we don't want to say goodbye, not to Lissa, though we're very happy to say hello to Marc, and I'm starting to ramble, ramble, ramble.

    Lovely Lissa, Blog Lady Extraordinaire, please do not forget us. Join us on the Blog. We'll make sure Marc doesn't overstep himself (!), although we're happy for him to be an Honorary Frog Prince.

    You, however, are the Queen!

    "Win or lose, sink or swim
    One thing is certain, we'll never give in
    Side by side, hand in hand
    We all stand together"

    (Rupert and the Frog Song)

  39. At 11:16 AM on 12 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    We want Lissa!
    We want Lissa!
    We want Lissa!

    Please, Eddie-just this once!


  40. At 11:21 AM on 12 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    ...and another voice requesting public recognition for Lissa - an interview even?

    ...pretty please....

    And all the best to you, Lissa and Nik and furry friend. Welcome to Derbyshire.

    (and would you believe 'malicious posting' when it's my first of the day! - well yes you would because most of us have had it at some time. OK let's try again...)

  41. At 11:42 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Could Lissa not do the plug for the blog that is usually a recording of Ms Singleton or A N Other?

    Good luck, Lissa & Co. If you bump into someone looking confused in your new local Tesco or Morrison's it's probably me.

  42. At 11:49 AM on 12 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    What puzzles me slightly is how Marc will be able to commute regularly from Greenland to London, and why, too, he tried to get to France via the Kent coast.

    Surely they run ferries from Nuuk to Calais?

  43. At 11:52 AM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    And so say ALL of us!
    Friday January 12, 2007 at 11:50:39 GMT

  44. At 12:23 PM on 12 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Jason: I think Lissa may have already done that ....

    Eddie: Am I right?

  45. At 12:29 PM on 12 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Oh yes! Please speak to the nation Lissa!
    It would be lovely to hear you!

    Good Luck and very Best Wishes for all the moving and new job etc and I shall wave across the Thelwall Viaduct towards Derbyshire!


  46. At 12:46 PM on 12 Jan 2007, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    Please give us notice if Lissa is going to broadcast - otherwise I may have to lissa -nagain.

  47. At 12:50 PM on 12 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Presumably Marc should be at his desk by now. Perhaps the 10.54 from Nuuk to London was delayed?

    Lissa - are you ready to stand in?

  48. At 01:22 PM on 12 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    New Blog Prince

    Now you did ask way back at (23) for any last requests or special messages for Lissa and you must agree there has been a pretty unanimous answer - don't you think?

    So, to heck with any protocols or studio practices that may say otherwise – we want to hear Lissa say farewell to us!

    I'll even risk my full name for this one!


  49. At 01:32 PM on 12 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    So, still no sign of Marc then?

    Oh, just checked the Network Rail site. The 10.54 from Nuuk appears to be .... No, after all, it would appear to have disappeared..... in the North Atlantic.

  50. At 01:48 PM on 12 Jan 2007, Gillian wrote:

    We would promise to listen to the whole programme if we thought we'd hear a fond farewell from Lissa.....honest! Good luck and thanks for this blog, the only one I've ever wanted to contribute to.

  51. At 01:50 PM on 12 Jan 2007, Mark Intime wrote:

    Wishing you all the best for the future, Lissa. And yes, I'll put my voice behind the calls to hear you this evening.

  52. At 02:08 PM on 12 Jan 2007, wrote:

    It's nice to see that the PM programme is really just there these days to support the blog.

    Eddie, Does anyone know how many hits the blog actually gets ?

  53. At 04:55 PM on 12 Jan 2007, Lissa, PM's Blog Ed for One More Hour wrote:

    Dear all - you are too kind but I'm afraid an interview with me is rather below editorial par. You might hear me voicing up a letter this evening - you'll have to guess which one.

    On more serious matters (52) - Jonnie, in December the PM blog got 138,612 page impressions. If you keep that up in 2007 it'll mean more than a million and a half by the end of next year.

    The "PI metric" (as Richard the Blog Wizard calls it) counts every time someone clicks through to a new page. I'm afraid we don't have numbers for commenters or visits. It's a rather imprecise science.

  54. At 05:49 PM on 13 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I have to admit, that after being "on the .net" since about 1992, all this blather about "BLOGS" intrigued me.

    I looked in..... and what do I find....?
    Basically a NEWSGROUP with fancy bits (HTML).
    Anyone who thinks this is a brand new, CEWL forum should look up the newsgroups on USENET which number 38,000 nor so interest groups.
    As usual, porn accounts for about 60% of them, but there are groups on radio:
    check out the one on R4: uk.media.radio.bbc-r4



  55. At 09:13 PM on 13 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I did wonder if we were asking too much re Lissa's departure. It's not quite like an ordinary office 'do', is it'!

    Well anyhoo, I am pleased that we expressed our affection for Lissa, and that the programme did, in its way, recognise that.

    Now we just have to hope that she'll come and visit us soon!!


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