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Eddie Mair | 11:49 UK time, Thursday, 28 September 2006

We need more ideas for the captions which appear each day at the top of the blog. Go on.


  1. At 12:14 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Susan Wakefield wrote:

    Go on, you know you want to.

  2. At 12:16 PM on 28 Sep 2006, big sister wrote:

    Away Day

  3. At 12:18 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    PM - the programme that needs a atrapline (apparently).

  4. At 12:20 PM on 28 Sep 2006, on the ledge wrote:

    Strapline? Busty regulation? Can't you think of anything else?

  5. At 12:21 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Mark Funnell wrote:

    The complete Mair

  6. At 12:21 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    I once ordered some perfume via the internet. The paperwork and free post-it notes (!) that came with it had the strapline "How do you want to smell today?"

    You could plagarise that if you like.

  7. At 12:22 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Jezetha wrote:

    I'll repeat the one I already offered long long ago: PM - the fun way of keeping totally abreast. Use it, please! Make my Dutch heart beat faster!

  8. At 12:24 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Jack Scribbs wrote:

    News juice.

  9. At 12:28 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:


    PM: Newscast not a snooze cast

    but that's a little like my previous effort
    How about
    PM: News with the crusts cut off

  10. At 12:28 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Colin Allcars wrote:

    Listen 'N Go.

  11. At 12:30 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Robin Herbert wrote:


    PM - sometimes quite interesting

  12. At 12:32 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Mark Drew wrote:

    From today's NY Times

    "There are four enemies of human rights: oil, gas, the war on terror and geopolitical considerations. And we have all four."
    YEVGENY A. ZHOVTIS, a human rights advocate in Kazakhstan.

    As your strap line "Fearless advocate for listeners in the face of politicians and politics"

    I know it breaks your 10 words rule but...

  13. At 12:34 PM on 28 Sep 2006, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    "A great blog - now with added radio programme"

    "Not The Kirsty Young Show"

    "Eddie's Evening Newstravaganza"

    "Insert strapline here..."

    "Help! I'm trapped in a quirky radio news programme!"

    "Disasters! Catastrophes! Terror! Crime! Eddie Mair!"

    "Multiple Sony Award Winners... listen to PM as well."

    "PM: For a cold nose and glossy coat..."

  14. At 12:34 PM on 28 Sep 2006, john quinton-barber wrote:

    PM- 'it's lite yet filling'

  15. At 12:35 PM on 28 Sep 2006, john quinton-barber wrote:

    It's Lite Yet Filling

  16. At 12:36 PM on 28 Sep 2006, john quinton-barber wrote:

    PM- 'it's lite yet filling'

  17. At 12:38 PM on 28 Sep 2006, May Tron wrote:

    How about

    "The Hair Mair Bunch" ...err - on second thoughts.....

    " Post Mandleson"

    By the by I had noticed with suspicion that with all these references to the 5th floor and bloggers using their unusual names that this blog is turning into a Woganesque TOGdom.


  18. At 12:43 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Whoopee!!!!! Photos! I got photos!!!! 8-0
    Thanks Lissa.

    OK, so that was over-the-top, but I work in the attic and someimes it's not very interesting...

    ...I mean the work, the attic is never interesting...

    What are the chances of SB1? What, indeed.

    Strapline: "The News - Properly Mused"?

    No, probably not.

  19. At 12:45 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Susy wrote:

    news for PLUs

  20. At 12:48 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    PM is the reason why I can enjoy the slow driving on the 5PM traffic jam!

  21. At 12:52 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Rupert's Mum wrote:

    PM - Something Rupert does between meals... or so I'm led to believe

  22. At 12:53 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Fantastic wrote:

    "It's this, Scott Mills or Chris Evans."

  23. At 12:53 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Don't have nightmairs.

  24. At 12:57 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Stephen - does Pluto have a stropline?

    (I am, of course, desperately hoping that no-one has asked this before...)

    Could we make suggestions?

    "Pluto - it's nearer than you think"

    According to the RAC Route Planner:
    it's only 37.2 miles from here.

    And that is nearer than I thought.

  25. At 01:01 PM on 28 Sep 2006, RobbieDo wrote:


    - Tomorrow's Today programme today

  26. At 01:08 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Hillman Hunter wrote:

    The Sound of News.

  27. At 01:09 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Paul H wrote:

    How about

    "Who needs a theme tune?"

    "Paxman-free zone"

    "Tucked up in bed before Newsnight starts"

    "News for the Jackanory Generation"

  28. At 01:12 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Susan Orty-Boyden wrote:

    NEWS - never knowingly undersold.

  29. At 01:17 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:


    鈥淭rawl through this blog for an array of my strapline suggestions鈥

    鈥淚f you want a strapline, get someone to whip you鈥

    鈥淚鈥檓 doing some work just now, but if you can hold on a while...鈥

  30. At 01:22 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    It may be a mess, but it's our sort of mess

  31. At 01:23 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Owen Dunn wrote:

    The late sleeper's breakfast show.

  32. At 01:23 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    PM- it's a news show, alledgedly...

  33. At 01:24 PM on 28 Sep 2006, on the ledge wrote:

    "PM - For the concerned Busty Regulator"

  34. At 01:25 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    PM - What's through the news window?

  35. At 01:25 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Other news programmes are available...

  36. At 01:36 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:


    " More hygienic than 'Today' "

    Homing service

    Those of us in Manchester may be missing the seagulls of the towns which usually host party conferences, but 成人快手 journalists have acquired their very own feathered friends.

    "The 成人快手 newsroom at the back of the conference centre has an infestation of pigeons," I'm told.

    "They are up in the rafters above the Today programme desk and it's fair to say that they are, ahem, leaving their mark. We've had to invest in a pair of rubber gloves and some disinfectant."

    So ...
    Was it sequin who put the bird seed up there?
    I think we should be told.

  37. At 01:37 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Joe Palooka wrote:

    Strapline how about...


    Bloggers might need to read it upside down.

  38. At 01:44 PM on 28 Sep 2006, on the ledge wrote:

    Question for Lissa:

    Does Eddie ever read any of this? And if so, when does he ever get time to do the day job?

  39. At 01:48 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    jj : do you know my brother Dunc?

    Wrong forum for this sort of thing, but hey ho.

  40. At 02:00 PM on 28 Sep 2006, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    "Not known to be fattening."

    "Hitting the news gremlin with the mallet of wryness."

    "May contain nuts."

    "Lifting the lid off the can of words."

    "Prodding the news poodle to make it bark."

    "News and stuff."

    "Keeping Eddie Mair off the streets since 2003."

    "Mair in the community."

  41. At 02:09 PM on 28 Sep 2006, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    "When you're bored with PM... go and play with your bandelure!"

    (Cross-threading! Ah, the joys of having far too much work to do, but not actually having it on my desk yet...)

  42. At 02:16 PM on 28 Sep 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    "PM - it's flippant marvellous"

  43. At 02:33 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Jezetha wrote:

    PM - Her Majesty swears by it.

  44. At 02:39 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Robin Andis-Merrymen wrote:


    Hunting news is our delight.

  45. At 02:42 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Joe (37)

    Not nice.

  46. At 03:07 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Captain Square wrote:

    ...No sea to rough, no subject to tough, we dive at five...

  47. At 03:17 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Rufus T. Firefly wrote:


    With the speed and grace of a thousand Gazelles.

  48. At 03:30 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hear Mair here.

    Mair the force be with you.

  49. At 03:39 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Jean Allison (Mrs) wrote:

    This isn't just news, this is PM news.

  50. At 03:45 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    鈥淧robably the best news programme in the world ever, volume one鈥

    鈥淒efinitely two of the letters in the current alphabet鈥

    鈥淗ands up if you can spot which of the two, above, I have previously submitted here鈥

    鈥淚 hope you鈥檝e noticed that I have taken to conducting all blog conversations in the strapline format鈥

  51. At 04:08 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Royston Smith wrote:

    PM - "Your daily newsfeed that may give you NightMairs "

  52. At 04:18 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Appy (45) I agree with you about 37. Not our usual standard of rudeness. I think he's misunderstood the nature of this blog. Only Polite rudeness is acceptable here.

    Apologies if someone's already done this one, but
    "P M -it's a sort of Post Mortem of the day's news" sprang to mind.

  53. At 04:19 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Chris Carter wrote:


    'Lithe - damned lithe.'

  54. At 04:20 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Donna wrote:


    KEBABED - betwixt - five & six.

  55. At 04:51 PM on 28 Sep 2006, whisht wrote:

    PM - Other news programmes are available

    PM - Making fun while the hay shines

    PM - news on demand

    PM - how often will you hear the same thing today?

    PM - Listening makes me think I've just had too much sugar

    PM - getting our MPs in a twist

    ok ok back to work - god there's a lot of energy in that dried fruit stuff...

  56. At 05:11 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Pete Hesford wrote:

    I'll go with my original choices which I haven't seen yet:

    "The best thing for earache"


    "Your One Stop Current Affairs Shop"


    "The programme before the 6 o'clock News"

  57. At 05:27 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Tony wrote:

    PM - Tea time - every day, not just once a month

  58. At 05:30 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Tony wrote:


    Where would you rather be right now?

  59. At 05:49 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Hot Chili wrote:

    "News for the Listen With Mother generation"

    (SB 58)

  60. At 06:21 PM on 28 Sep 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Dr H, 50, - the 2nd one - I claim my prize, a desk'll do nicely thanks.

    Hey Joe, my lunch has just gone down far enough for me to stand on my head, and now I really wish I hadn't. Bad form. Still at least it limbered me up before I go off to Keep Fit...


  61. At 07:02 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    PM - the nut cutlet in the meaty world of news programmes

    PM -meeting Gov't targets by recycling the day's news

    PM- Pleasantly Meandering news for the slow drive home

  62. At 08:17 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Charles Hatton wrote:

    "See you on the ice at 5"

  63. At 09:01 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Chris (53) - excellent - thanks for the giggle.

  64. At 09:25 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Annasee wrote:

    "PM - The Corporation pound for stray newshounds"

    That's definitely the last one I'm writing.
    Surely you've got enough here for the next few months.

  65. At 10:06 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Adding to Chris's entry, (53)

    Lithe, damned lithe, and sadistics.

  66. At 10:50 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Teejay wrote:

    PM - Permanent Mondaymorningfeeling

  67. At 11:01 PM on 28 Sep 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    John W, 65, that's priceless, If Sir Ed doesn't use that one, then he doesn't deserve to have a Strapline!

  68. At 12:31 AM on 29 Sep 2006, Charles Hatton wrote:

    The sound of one jaw flapping.

    Chaos, without the butterfly.

    If PM was a biscuit, it would be a Chocolate Cookie.

  69. At 12:38 AM on 29 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Valery, your desk is on its way, in the form of a no-prize.

  70. At 01:07 AM on 29 Sep 2006, whisht wrote:

    65 - gets my vote

    but Charles - a man of your distinction should try harder than quoting. c'mon - you always make me laugh!

    its there - i can feel it.....

  71. At 01:29 AM on 29 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    oh, I like "the sound of one jaw flapping" - let's have that! Although it makes me feel a tad queasy.

    I can't sleep for worrying about not waking up on time to do all the stuff I have to do tomorrow. Is this the most ridculous dilemma ever?

    Any dropping-off suggestions welcome.

  72. At 09:29 AM on 29 Sep 2006, whisht wrote:

    oops - sorry Charles - missed the sound of one jaw flapping.... doh!

    i'll get me coat

  73. At 09:37 AM on 29 Sep 2006, Enoch Ramsbottom wrote:


    NEWS! With some guts behind it!

  74. At 12:38 PM on 29 Sep 2006, Charles Hatton wrote:

    Thank you whisht for your gentle encouragement. You are dead right though, my rushed entry should have said:- I nominate Eddie's "See you on the ice at 5" - Which is what I meant.

    Thank you also for the explanation of your name the other day and everybody else's recognition of it. I must get out of London once in a while!

    P.S. I'm glad you didn't take your mother's advice.

  75. At 05:32 PM on 29 Sep 2006, whisht wrote:

    Charles - for fear of upsetting people who think this is some kinda big love-in chat(up) room.... ta.

    As for mum's advice - I've been wracking my brains trying to think of something funny about advice she may have given... but I cannot think of a single thing she advised!!

    Although it was more me dad saying "whisht", although I've been desperate to get a gag outta this, its odd I can't think of anything she advised except "As long as you're happy, that's ok"

    smart woman huh?

  76. At 04:47 PM on 30 Sep 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Smart woman indeed, whisht. V appropriate advice at this juncture, as I've just had to run away from session of trying to help Teenage Daughter with UCAS Form. Suffice to say, words were being used - well, more like WORDS actually.
    Having re-girded my loins, I shall now return and give her a hug for being her.

  77. At 08:28 PM on 30 Sep 2006, whisht wrote:

    Valery - i'd say "give her a hug from me" but.... completely inappropriate!!!

    However - yes, wisdom in not giving advice (advice says more about the giver than the taker) though I wish I could resist theurge more often!
    But I'm truly glad you're able to give her a hug.

    She'll appreciate it now and in ten years.

  78. At 10:26 AM on 01 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    I wouldn't be 17 again for all the tea in China - how much tea do you think there is in China actually?

  79. At 12:18 PM on 01 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Valery (78),

    There can't be much left, I've drunk so much this week.

    Is the UCAS form finished? Best of luck with the whole process.

  80. At 05:46 PM on 01 Oct 2006, Jon wrote:

    We've heard much (perhaps too much) over the years about the Blair-Brown partnership.

    With Tony's impending elevation to something better, and the speculation that Gordon will be the new PM and Ed (no relation) his trusty sidekick as Chancellor, how will PM be able to report, before the watershed, on the new Brown-Balls partnership?

    Mind you, make an interesting strapline...

    PM - All the Brown-Balls news!

  81. At 10:58 PM on 01 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Appy, thanks for asking, and no it's not....watch this space some more!

    Enjoying Cracker?

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