In a little while, I'll be interviewing a man who does blog about something written on blog. Obviously, I'll write about it on my blog. And maybe, just maybe, put something on the radio, too.
Eddie Mair | 12:30 UK time, Friday, 29 September 2006
In a little while, I'll be interviewing a man who does blog about something written on blog. Obviously, I'll write about it on my blog. And maybe, just maybe, put something on the radio, too.
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Good grief - does anybody ever do any work nowadays or do we all just spend all day blogging/posting/frogging and eating cheese?
(Eating cheese is about the only other thing I've completed today)
You just wanted to be a hero. But you're going to end up a legend.
Talk about multi-tasking. Gosh!
I managed to cut my finger opening a box for my boss. Does that count as work, Apery?
Dear Eleanor
Try this blog for size1
Hi Appy, spookily we've just had some cheese too. Do you think if Gordon Brown knew how much otherwise-productive time was wasted on this blogging business he'd put a tax on it?
Who else noticed that the World at One spoilt Eddie's exclusive of a poll, commissioned by PM, that showed the nation's attitude to the war in Afghanistan? What is Eddie going to say now. And what about Lissa....was she the editor of WatO today?
Anyone got any comments about the blogs mentioned by Eddie?
Having looked at them, they are exceptionaly dull.
Can't see how Eric can do an item on them without falling asleep, or worse.
I don't have any cheese in my house at the moment - must go to the shops. Anyone recommend what I should get? Do they still do those little triangular things with silver foil that tingles your fillings?
On the subject of 成人快手 PM presenters Friday working habbits, I should point out that as I received the PM newsletter TWICE this afternoon the serious party attitude that clearly inhabits the PM office on such a day most certainly began earlier than usual!
Then again, typing this without TOO many errors has been quite an exercise in patience and correction for me as well!
HipPy Fr1dat Ev3ryome! *hic*
An MEP's blog? How droll... but to make up for it, we get two whole newsletters today :D
Shame they are both the same tho
mmm, today's newsletter - So Good I Got It Twice!
mmm, today's newsletter - So Good I Got It Twice!
I just had a cheese scone, does that count? Post Office have rejected Teenage Daughter's passport photo on the grounds that there is a LOCK of hair over one eyeBROW! Damn, and I've booked the holiday now.......
Watch this space, if you can bear it.
FF, yes they do, more kinds than the original too - lite, and laughing semi-domesticated milk givers too.
oh ignore me, huge amounts of stress today.
成人快手' shas helpfully provided some advice "How to blog - and keep your job" can be found at
I've got two newsletters as well.
I also watched Jon Snow, last night, at the end of Channel Four news, do an impersonation of Les Dawson or was it John Prescott? It was very amusing.
I wonder if the 'mighty' Eddie can do impressions?
Dare I point out to Valery that for a pendant to object to Post-Office Passport Pedantry.......
No forget I even started that thought. I'm off to hide on Pluto, where Valery can't get to me (until passports are sorted).
Look on the bright (ish) side, at least you found out at the post office rather than sending it in, and having to wait until they sent it back with a rude note.
Oh, and I apologise for the pretentious alliteration - just trying to show off!
Lovely newsletter, images of everyone rolling about the office, yet informative too. I'm jealous. I'm "working" at home again today. I want to get squiffy with the PM team. :(
Stephen, what does a Plutonian passport look like?
Is it pleasingly circular?
Do you think the first paragraph of Eddie's newsletter deserves to be added to Wikiquote? Is that the reason he sent it twice?
Cheese? Yes in my (rather soggy) sandwich
2 newsletters? i have only just got my first one at 1505hrs so hopefully another one to come -- please keep me in suspence as to what it contains!
I spend too much time reading other blogs to write my own!
Did we all get 2 PM emails? - both with mistakes - 'drunk beyond words' is quite appropriate, don't you think?
How much do you think I'd get on Ebay for a full set of PM newsletters?
Does everyone else keep them too? Or am I just a sad "completest"?
just read the newsletter (i got it at five past three!! how come I'm so late?? grr)
as for drinking...
actually i now work for a company that have beers in the office every Friday. As I mentioned last Friday, all a bit dot com boom, but still, can't complain.
It is quite odd though seeing some people drink and chat while others work furiously to get something finished before the end of the day. With coy (and not so coy) looks passed between them all.
Like seeing social drinkers at a recovering alcoholic's wedding.
as I have a hangover (still) and someone has explained why hair of the dog actually works, I'll be the one 'working' with a bottle at 5.30...
Two emails, two mistakes, "the people it ICM did it".
Jay (22) - that bit was read out in Eric鈥檚 best New Zealand accent.
Doc (23),
A distant New Zealand relative (are there any other sorts?) once asked me whether I thought she had an ixent.
the world's dullest blog is maintained by my husband's cousin from Melbourne who is currently visiting relatives in Poland. Not only is the content fairly dull, it is pretentiously written.
on another topic entirely I have just discovered lemon and lime jaffa cakes and they are just gorgeous. Possibly in more heavily populated regions they have been available for some time, but they are certainly new here.
I think it's rather off that someone should win a PM competion and thenhave the bad taste to disappear without so much as a by your leave.Anyone would think she didn't want it.
I can (exclusively, naturally) reveal that a few weeks ago my other half won the BH preserve spoon and we were certainly fairly quick in our response to the request for our snail mail address so that it could be posted out to us.
...and your inswer was?
Rupert asks me to make clear on his behalf that Mark sent the Newsletter twice.
In reply to "Rupert's Mum" who yesterday suggested a new strapline ("PM - Something Rupert does between meals..."), Rupert would like to make clear that he is a) not fat and b) this person is not his mother.
So be nice to Rupert and don't start being nasty about Mark.
Thanks to Jemina who called Eddie's new blog "brilliantly entertaining (in a techie way)". But said our use of photos was "gloriously amaterish".
I've found a scanner in the office so it's the future's bright.
Have a good weekend and hope you are enjoying the programme.
Found a scanner?
Cancel the whip-round chaps.
re 25
Ixtreme laughter ind choking on moy drink.
She had no idea why.
Yeah, but no but, Our probation officer has made her intentions known on the perv blog.
Also she provided a sad story about a goldfish.
Have you just heard about the Hampster? The other one, a real one. It nearly did for an Australian aeroplane.
How topical!
re 25
Anne, I think you ought to provide a link to the "fabulous" blog you referenced... Maybe we can spice it up a little by our comments...
yes appy I too found this concept of 'finding a scanner' rather odd. From being a place where such a tight hold was kept on the petty cash that even a program of the quality and length of PM couldn't be granted a scanner the bbc now becomes the sort of place where financial and other controls are so lax that scanners can be tripped over in the course of the days work.
was totally confounded by your re 25 until I relaised that I wasn't 25 a short time ago which was presumably when you were posting your response. By 'eck, you have to be on the ball here don't you?
LIssa you may be glorious but you're not amateruish, although I grant you may be on a very steep learning curve just now. We do appreciate your efforts on our behalf.
as for being nice to Rupert - are we ever anything else? I suspect the jury is still out on Mark - maybe a photo would help us make up our minds. when you have the time of course.
anyone got any plans for the weekend - as in interesting ones?
Oooh, that's annoying - I posted a reply to Fearless' 3 and Annasee's 5 before I posted any of my others on this one (including what are now 15 and 16), and it hasn't shown up at all, although I know there was no reason why it would be parka-and-mopeded. Grrr!
What it said was (something like) "Yes, Fearless, and I think you ought to be compensated" - and an offer of chocolate for comfort in the meantime.
Followed by: "Yes, Annasee, so, sssh! Quickly muffle the sound of frogs typing with your beautiful ironing music!"
Then some pointless musing on how bizarre the last sentence would sound out of context.
What was wrong with that then?
鈥...with Eddie Mair keeping the blog in keeping...鈥
SB1 on the new blog!
Anne (32),
I plan to spend all of it (and I mean all of it - nights as well as days) working. This is my penance for clearing off for two nights and one day before I'd finished this EU education stuff (don't ask). This no doubt means I will spend as much time frogging as working (like I have today), but it's getting me through. At current rate of progress I expect to get my life back by about Monday lunchtime (which, coincidentally, is my deadline), so expect high-as-a-kite-doing-the-bare-minimum-of work-nonsense all next week, followed by squiffiness next weekend and low-self-esteem-brought-on-by-excess-of-alcohol by about next Sunday. All so predictable, yet so desirable.
Um, so to answer your question "no, not me".
Andycra?? (35),
appy 36 - btw are you happy being shortened to appy, do squeal if not; as you are going to be so tied up this w/end and working hard I have secreted a stash of lemon and lime jaffa cakes behind THAT cupboard - you know the one just for you. There are quite a lot there but try not to eat them all at once.
FF 31 I am sorely tempted to give you a link to Lucina's blog, especially as someone here quite recently was asking for insomnia cures, but I don't know if I am quite that heartless. MInd you if there are any more snide comments on it about how men in my huband's family tend to marry bossy organising women I will post the link so fast it will be nothing but a blur before the eyes.
The Bojates one - see link at [34]. Actually SB3, but no-one from here, so its SB1 of the PM amateurs.
I did look at the link but I'm still not sure I understand: Clearly your post is here, not there. My "eh?" therefore, stands.
re 40 "Eh"s always stand, particularly when a lady enters the oom...
Right. This is what got put onto the Bojates blog (without the HTML style etc):
# andycragg thought: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
There is now a link from the PM blog to this one - so watch out Ms Jemima - the amateurishness may well flow on a wave to here :)
on September 29th, 2006 at 8:36 pm
So you probably can't see it yet then 'cos :
"Your comment is awaiting moderation" might be the important bit.
Does that solve your "eh?".
anne et al - re the scanner find at the office. Surely it just shows that they probably have a gloriously messy office? The scanner was probably still in the box, unopened, as it arrived months earlier. That's my bet.
Anne (38),
I seem to get shortened to all sorts, and I can't say I mind at all - then again, there were a couple of attempts at "Dentures", I recall, which maybe strayed from my point a bit but - anyway - you can shorten me to whatever you like in recognition of your kindness! I'm so excited about the lemon/lime Jaffa Cakes, I'd not even heard of them until you mentioned them earlier (and, although fairly rural, I live only 25 minutes from Nearest City). I shan't go hunting just yet though - save that until tomorrow. Thank you, thank you.
Fearless (41), really? How polite. I think.
AndycraQI, I sort of understand but I remain convinced that you have eaten too many liquer chocolates this evening.
Annasee, "gloriously messy" is an oxymoron of the standard of "working holiday". Almost.
It is politeness, honest! I think "Eh"s should learn manners at a very early age...
Quite right Fearless.
I have decided to call my pillows John, Paul, George and Ringo btw (I have no interest whatsoever in the popular beat combo known as the Beatles - it's sheer coincidence). I thought you might like to know. Fred the duvet, of course, remains my special favourite.
I don't know - you go away to stress and cry quietly in a corner for a bit and when you come back you don't understand what anyone else is saying, and end up feeling very left out. Sob!
I'd better be persistent (not my strong point, well what is, let's face it?) re-read everything I've missed, and do a bit of fast assimilation...
A co-inkidink, eh? I'll trust you on that:)
And I'm glad to hear the other Fred is still the favourite. It's enough to bring a smile to my face on such a grey, depressing day :))
Hope the work's going okay, by the way
Cheers Fearless, just stopping for a coffee.
Welcom back Valery. Happy reading.
I've got to go food shopping now; I hate that, I really do... Trolleys with minds of their own (and they'll be all wet today); husband with a mind of his own (shouldn't be allowed, it costs too much in Vino Collapso); me without a mind of my own (I've lost it, so it's probably hanging about somewhere untoward with the plot I've also lost)... anyway you get the picture.
When is someone going to invent the pill we've all been waiting for, that replaces the need to eat food? Then this supermarket drudgery could be a distant memory [sighs with longing]... Come on guys, one of you is clever enough to do it!
Btw, does anyone know what those toys are called; you know, the ones with a funny looking animal standing on a squat wooden tube that has a loose bottom in it that you push up to make the animal fally-over-drunky-fashion?
Ta in advance
SB51 ish
You've got my sympathies, CtP. I have the "joy" of braving the weekly shop tomorrow morning after the gym.
Mind you, if we did all just take pills instead, wouldn't we rattle when we run? Imagine the noise pollution from the London Marathon!
Aperitif (46),
Don't forget; you will find that your mattress is called Zem.
CtP (51),
They still make those, do they? My one, within a couple of feet of me as I type, must be at least 35 years old, and still works. If careful, can make the cow nod it's head and/or tail. Keeps me amused for hours these days. But no idea what it's called, as a genre.
Oh well, better move to next entry before I have to go tonight. Not that I got all the work done I should have.
You could just give up eating at home. It saves on clearing up as well as having to frequent hideous shops. I mostly only have breakfast at home these days. Which is why I'm mighty hungry now.
oh - just got the "i'm too speedy" thing. weird (maybe a weekend thing?)
anyway, my post was to ask if anyone's been to the webcameron blog.
awful - truly awful. embarressing. I mean a blog?!
I've registered(!!!)I know I know, but I just wanted to know if people can post to it easily. Also, I've discovered something wonderful....
this is gonna keep me amused all day....
Whisht (55),
What's nearly as silly is, I've just been for a look and found your comment. I'm too busy for that kind of thing! Can't believe I spent five minutes of my valuable time on David blinking Cameron!!!
Don't stay there with those mad people, mind you? Come back in time for chocolate tomorrow!
Christhepickle, oh I know what you mean! I LOVE those, used to to have one as a child and it was such fun tweaking it gently as John W points out. Such skill in making it wobble over really quickly to one side (only the one side mind you), or subside gracefully only to spring up again unbidden. Hours of fun.
Nope no idea what they are called but if I'm allowed to mention traders' names, then I bet you could get one at Hawkins Bazaar - they have a website as well as leaflet thing (mail order catalogue, that's what they're called). You probably know that.
btw re the Pill thing, I seem to remember scifi books from my childhood that promised I'd be living on pills and scooting around on my own private jetpack wearing a rather fetching zoot suit. Two out of three ain't bad though?
aw Aperitif, of course I won't forsake PM!
There's a bit more life here!
and yesterday i was bored and weak and just couldn't help myself asking about David's ("Dave's"?) poetry...
I may go back and keep banging on about the poetry if I'm bored. I mean, surely they know about the other webcameron??
If they don't, I feel its my duty to be puerile and keep asking about his faith and poetry... actually - here's a thought. I may start asking the other webcameron about his politics!!
hopefully work'll intrude though.
I used to love those toys as a kid, and I could get the donky to sit down, or even go down on one knee if I really concentrated:)
whisht: I took one look at the first link and felt a wave of shame wash over me for having added to the hit-count!
Yes, I remember I could make mine sort of bow in a really stiff-legged way, I'm darned if I can remember what it looked like though - I think mine was a dog.
CtheP, I've checked through the catalogue (they still send it to us), but can't see any this year. I guess you could call it whatever you want. Duvet?
Why, anyway? Do you want one, or are you just trying to distract us?
Pleased to hear it, Whisht. You could try asking the Tory Cameron what his policies are as well as his poetry. He does seem a tad reluctant to formulate any.
These toys you're all on about - no idea what they could possibly look like but it sounds like they need a ridiculous amount of manipulation for not much movement to me. I know a few people like that actually...
I'm sure Eddie could use his magic and get an interview with the poet regarding policy and poetry... Eddie??
Though he may have better things to do (I'll leave you to guess which I mean)
as for the toy - I remember them too. Very good when you're very young. The ever-so-gentle pressure to get a little plastic donkey to curtsey.... ahhh......
Thank you Blogteam members, even though none of you know what the toys are called!!
ValP; I have 5 of them (no comments about being sad, ok?), I just really want to know what they're called - how can toy shops order them if they don't have a name? (The toys, not the shops)... I mean, you couldn't write "fally-over-drunky-donkey/doggy-wobbly-thing", could you?
Calling them Duvets probably wouldn't help in this situation; Fearless might have ordered his duvet from a toy shop, hence it's twizzling habit!?!
CtheP - LOL!
hey - Chris (the P)
found it!
"Push Button Puppets"
(now - enough links for you to follow and make sure its not just a bunch offibs by Mr. kohner, but sounds about right!!)
and how did i find that gem?
"toy string push base button" in a well-known-search-engine
(although other search engines are available you can guess which i used...)
enjoy yourself!!
oh yes!
Chris - I'm becoming(?!?) obsessed but this is my last ...
If that doesn't work try
(no idea if my clumsy links will work so ya get the full url too!!)
as the song says... "Push the button"...
Whisht, you are a genius! I love the Howdy Doody one, something for my Christmas List already....
I used to have one of those things with a sucker and a spring, which would leap up unexpectedly. This may have had a name.
Dr. H,
no chance! find it yerself!
(I think I had one too... i seem to remember it relied on the power of your spit'n'suction technique)
No comment, Whisht dear.
Whisht - who's a little star then, eh? Thank you! Ooooo, it's exciting! I'm in Push Button Puppet heaven... Err, should I stop now and calm down a bit...??
My hubby thinks we're a load of sad gits, but said I wasn't to tell you all (just ref the toy thread, not the whole Blog Thing) (Apparently).
I'm NOT sad, d'hear? None of us are, are we? NO!
Are we?
ahh, reading this while still at work, brings tears to my eyes.
This laptop's resolution is knackering me.
But glad to be of help to someone today at least!
and Valery - thank goodness I'm not pedantic 'cos "no comment" sounds like a comme...
I'll whisssssshhhht.....
Dear Eddie,
Regarding singing in schools. At last they have realised how important this is, hooray! but let鈥檚 not forget dancing as well. I very well remember Singing Together and the national songbook. This is an opportunity for the government to give people a sense of who they are again and support traditional arts. So let鈥檚 have the national songbook back with traditional songs as this is part of our national heritage and culture.
If this is not supported we will loose this rich and diverse heritage forever.
The Irish government have, over the last decades backed their traditional music with grants and a positive attitude, and we have witnessed the success of Irish Dance and music worldwide. Why is it that the English in particular seem to be ashamed of their traditional heritage? There has never been any support for traditional music in England and it鈥檚 always been up to amateurs to keep it alive
(Cecil Sharp etc RV-Williams鈥),
Now is the time to have the National Songbook back again. I perform traditional music in communities all over the country, and I can assure you that there is no doubt that people do want to hear this wonderful music.
This songbook would of course have to involve Scottish, Welsh and Irish songs, as we are all so closely, as it were, musically related, I also have no objection to songs from other nationalities but please not at the expense of our indigenous culture.
Yours truly,
Robert White
The New Scorpion Band