Ball tampering.
There, I've said it again. Or if you're reading this from the top, for the first time.
I'm very excited that the quality of my blog is being matched and sometimes exceeded by that of the comments. Yes, it's all that poor.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, looks like someone. I was considering whether Woody Allen could play him in the movie but having looked again at his pictures (the president that is), I no longer see it. Maybe it's more how he dresses. No, scrub that: I've just looked again at his outfits. He has that brown jacket, and a long untucked shirt and in one shot on his website he appears to be dressed only in flowers.
Oh - here's the page, you'll see what I mean.
I would have said he looks like an older Henry Winkler who played the Fonz in Happy days.
Don't you mean
"A mad Dinner jacket".
He is so strange it is quite frightening. i'm not sure if he is just incredibly naive (sorry can't put the double dot in) or going to be a real problem in the future. As i live in the UAE he has got us all quite worried.
I'll second the Fonz! Yes, he does look vaguely familiar.
Still tampering with your balls, boys? Leave them alone or things'll get nasty.
Hedgehog in Bottom methinks.
ctrl+ :,a gives the two dots thingy's. Oh no not in this text box!! Need to play with HTML settings arrgh
Yes, I'll go for the Fonz as well! Have you seen that scene in (I think) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang which is all about vague look alikes but with the wrong ethnicity? Think "middle eastern Fonz"...
PM: "A programme about the news. In the afternoon."
Not sure where the Woody idea came from - I can't see that at all. Mind you, I've always wondered if "Woody" was more a description than a name.
Not sure if this will work because the blog text box reinterprets the codes, but the code for i with an umlaut is ï (that should be ampersand-i-u-m-l-; and it comes out like: 茂
I don't know. These mad men always look quite normal to me, people come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. That is what is so worrying, what lies behind relatively normal exteriors.
Nothing to do with what is happening now, that has always been the case.
So usual bromide, don't judge by appearances. Oh dear.
I'm feeling really shallow now. I've just thought about Paul (from the UAE) 's comments and realised that it's not really a joking matter. I suppose poking fun at a potentially dangerous world leader is a way of making him seem less potentially dangerous.
I remember feeling a bit of a chill when he was elected -
- but I'm still not sure if that's just because if Iran had elected a more moderate leader it would have reinforced my "hope" that people everywhere are warm and fluffy. Apart from the "obviously bad" ones.
Oh this has moved on now but for those sad enough to want to know
alt+ 0196 gives 脛
and alt+0228 gives 盲
use the number pad.
Why does he find it necessary to cultivate on his face what grows naturally on his bum?
But, John H, the vast majority of people are 'warm and fluffy'!
Most people wouldn't dream of stealing or being violent towards another or wanting anything much more than peace and prosperity for their family (and maybe a flat screen TV on their living room wall, if you include me)
The kindness of strangers and therefore people (cos I am assuming they're not just being kind to strangers) never ceases to amaze me. A bus driver in Egypt once turned the entire bus and its passengers around and drove 20 mins back to pick up the handbag which I'd left on a bench outside the bus station! How warm and fluffy is that?!!
But the fact that nice people go day after day not doing horrible things to each other, is not news..although reporting it might well give rolling news programmes something to do!!!
So, despite Ahmadinejad being elected and his clearly worrying pronouncements and activites - don't give up hope!!!! Not yet anyway!!
I have seen the President of Iran's Web Blog. I have also heard his speeches. He looks more like Andrea Bocelli under the influence of narcotics.
I think President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad looks like the man at our local fish and chip shop. Come to think of it, I've never seen them in the same room together.......
Come on, you know he's Said from Lost.
Amadinejad is a pretty effective and charismatic speaker as well, and has a quick amused smile. Despite (or perhaps because of?) considerable effort to demonise him, he is rising in popularity. I reckon our resident Iranians are probably right to consider him dangerous, though. No more so than Shrunb and al Poodle...
Sorry, it's Sayid, played by Naveen Andrews, obviously another Scot (they get everywhere!)
Yours Aye,
I don't want to hear what Ms. Church has to say about anything. So thanks for the advanced warning : I shan't be listening. Great blog. I loved yesterday's fight ..more please!
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a man of many [stolen] parts. There is a little Jose Mourinho, a touch of George Dubya and a grim slice of Mike Leigh - surely a winning combination for any international statesman.
"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a man of many [stolen] parts."
Where did he get the stainless steel cojones?
Aren't they classified as 'dual use'?
And then he gave Hizbollah night vision equipment so they could see the Israelis coming, how unfair!
Surely Mad Dinner Jacket looks just like George Dubbya - it's the eyes what do it.
I think he looks somewhat like Peter Falk.
Hi! Yes, rules of the game should be observed. I visited Iranian site that attracted me to visit the other site too. Was surprised finding President Isreal site saying he was born/raised in Iran. It must be interesting for those wanting to compare both sides.
Yep, this looks like the place they were talking about. Must say it's pretty impressive, AND you can even see the beach.
Right let's go with that report.
Glad to see you here. I think this place could work very well. I've put my stuff in Chalet No.4.
Looks great, and I needed to build a bigger oven anyway. Lots of good firewood as well. I think we might be able to build a treehouse in that wee wood. It's amazing how neither deer nor nosy folk searching for contraband never look up...
Still, don't want to miss the millennium frog on Dayone. B-N, allow me to compliment you on your skills and apologise for inadvertently being wrongly credited. Sorry.
Hi there,
Just taking a look around - like the view and the shade from the trees will be welcome. Looks like the apples on that one will be ripe soon. And I'm sure I can smell wild raspberries.
Must go and have a look....
Well, since I'm here, I leave these few bottles in this fridge for the next day or so, ready for after the millenium party.
I'll bring my father's toolbox with me when I return here afterwards, I think he'd be pleased to see them being put back into use, in the treehouse and the like.
Whoops! Before Val P turns up I'd better make apologies for the double negative.
(blushes) ed
By the way all, I've left plans here for a beach-hut come treehouse come bar. Can be built in the trees here, or on the beach. Solar panels to power the fridge, all the rest, and it can be dismantled and moved as we explore this beach. Cannot be here tomorrow. If we choose a different beach tomorrow, someone please remember these!
Well, the access roads seem passable, and I think the treeline offers quite a few opportunities for hammocks :-) Mind you, we haven't heard Eddies' big plans for the beach yet....
I've got all your stuff - off to the new beach!!
Well the comments seem to have forgotten me - again but at least I hadn't forgotten how to get here despite last night's wonderful party.
OK so what shall I do first? Perhaps I'll just pile up some of the loose wood and broken branches ready for a Ed's new oven.
Oh dear, perhaps it was too good a party after all - seems I'm on the wrong beach...
Wait for meeeeeee........
I like the trees here. I feel much more at home walking around piles of detritus and squelching mud than getting sand between my toes.
I'll take some firewood to the beach though, and kill two birds with one stone.
Quite nice to have some shelter in the trees though? I see what you mean, Ed I, about the natural as opposed to the New. I'll even let you off with the double negative. Gee whiz, I'm not that picky these days am I?
Careful about killing birds. We have some rare ones visiting this site.
Three man-traps and 4 snares - all done.
That'll do for them if they ever return!
Oh I'm so happy being miserable.
I just know that Ed Iglehart has been snooping around here.
Well SODIT they can have the place if they want it.
Looks like I'm first then. I always knew that this would be a good place.
Hi Preston, where's the drinks then?
I'm told that Dayone Council are so glad to have you back that licensing hours are now 24 hours. Dayone Douane have been informed to turn a blind eye to incoming consignments.
Where's the Guinness?
Croissants, coffee, cold meats and cheeses now served under the shade of the pines.
Oooh, thanks, RobbieDo, sounds even better than the porridge I've just had, Elevenses, perhaps?
But I'll have some of that coffee, it smells so good.
The great thing about the fixtures that were on the new beach is that they can be moved with ease. And they leave not a trace behind them.
So here's the barbeque, next time the bar facilities etc. but that won't be until tonight, so if someone else can bring them in the mean time
Hum, nice coffee, and croissants, would be good with jam as well.
Ohh, y'all are up a bit early. Me too on the coffee, bit of a thick head this morning. Nothing to do with last night's activities, of course.
We'll have to see if Bill 'n Ben can cadge another barrell of the liffey water. Nice to see the local spoilsports have softened up a bit, or is it a cunning plan, I wonders.
Just off now to count my neighbour's koos and hoggs - oh what an onerous task, all that scenery and (against the promethean forecast) the blue sky and sunshine - that should clear my head.
If town folk can get those batterypowered mobility units on the NHS, can I have a big quad bike when/if I need one?
See y'all later. Vrrroooommmm.
Morning, all! I'll partake of a coffee if I may...
Hi there Woodsters! It's as sunny in November today as it is here, no leaves left on the trees there now though, after all the winds of the last week.
A cup of that coffee would go down a treat thanks. So are we going to move here permanently? I see Eddie has posted this morning in November, but is not accepting comments. Or is that me and the technology again? I'm using TD's PC because I'm downloading photos on my own - and I see this pc is remembering me in old money (valery pedant).
Ed - did you get the Longmorn Glenlivet I left at New Beach for your birthday?- if you can find it you can have the rest of the bottle on us!
I've just been to the New Beach, and it looked like we were going to decamp, so I thought I'd better check it out. I think this is brilliant, it suits "our" split personality. While I'm typing this, I'm also sound asleep in a hammock on the beach.
Ed, GUESS WHAT I'VE GOT!!! Shall we test it, purely for quality control purposes, you understand.
Cheers everybody
Well - true to type (I actually typed typo - hey ho) it seems Eddie has finally posted a bit more about the photo competition. But as so often - the comments page does not work.
I think I'll just recline awhile beneath the trees and enjoy the mingled scent of pines and coffee.
I could murder one of those croissants though. Here have some of my home-made plum jam to go with them.
I was just out for a stroll and was drawn by the delicious smell of hot coffee....I don't have much to bring as my fridge is down to the 'Ready steady cook' level at the moment - 2 shrivelled peppers, raspberry jam and a bottle of champagne. Can anyone make a delicious meal from that selection in 30 minutes?
In the meantime, may I have a cup of that lovely-smelling coffee? Then I might have gained enough strength to go hunter-gathering from S***'s. If I do I'll get some nice 'Black Farmer' sausages for the barbecue...
Anne P (49) yes I couldn't get the 'comments' button to work either, or the 'Next' button from the page before.
I wonder if they will tell us in advance which day it's going to be? I only get to listen live on wednesdays so I'll miss it otherwise. How will they know we haven't cheated and taken it on the wrong day or at the wrong time? Will we have to hold up a copy of the newspaper and a clock?
Ooo I like this beach, we are getting adventurous, and I don't usualy adapt well to change. I was just at the last beach, bidding a fond farewell, & someone had left behind a sunhat. I've put it in the beach hut nearest the trees, if it belongs to anyone, there was no lock on the door so you can just pick it up.
Just off to loathsome DIY store hoping to replace the fittings for a bed which were lost during the house move... Back for sustenance & the DIY self-help group later.
Oh it's nice here. Is there some of that coffee left, and perhaps some cheese?
Having seen Eddie's post just now I'm a bit worried about taking a photo at 5pm. I'm often driving. And my camera is on my mobile so I could get fined for using a mobile phone whilst driving. Not sure what sort of picture I could get at that time. I suppose I could stay at work a bit longer if in the office and take a copy of the vanishing backs of my colleagues rushing home.
While I fixed myself a belated bacons-moked brunch I was listening to the food programme, and I recommend a listenagain to all and sundry. It hasn't anything to do with my neighbours the Finlays (Cream o' Galloway organic ice cream) winning top award. Nice to know the spirit of fresh and local is gaining ground.
The pizza oven is over under that makeshift shelter, and only needs a little work to finish it. Of course, it isn't limited to pizza and will do quite nicely for nutroasts or haunches of venison. (another old friend , Nicola Fletcher got a mention for her venison on the F.P.)
Anyone who wants to attend a course on building one next Easter keep in touch. We're also doing a general gourmet camp cooking session over a long weekend. For a look at the site, try or .
Now, I'll join Brian (and anyone else) in a quality control test of the Liffey and see if I can tune in the Rugby - Oh, the schadenfreude!.
Got the new Pynchon Novel as a birthday gift from my excellent son, so I'll give y'all an opinion in a year or so (1000+ pages of Pynchon!)
Now where are those highlights...
As to the 5PM photos, it's the wrong damned time of year! I might as well leave the lens cap on....unless we do it on Dec 3rd or 4th, when I might catch moonrise....
So this is where everyone is!! Its too late for coffee and croissants, how about a late lunch?
5.00 I am usually feeding the animals, so everyone will get to see them ....if it is chosen.
Thanks for the lovely coffee. I finally made it (not to S***'s but to another supermarket which was available) and have some pork, leek & caramelised onion sausages. There's plenty to go round so please help yourselves.
Do you think we can light a fire or would that be too dangerous amongst the trees?
We have an excellent fireplace in this discarded tractor wheel, and there's loads of deadwood and the ruins of an old shed to use as firewood. Son Tom doesn't believe in SAD being due to lack of sunlight. He says it's lack of firelight and starlight, and he should know.
Great to watch Ireland in their last time at Lansdowne Road. Great to see England lose. Ah, Schadenfreude!
Thanks Brian and Valery (I did find and enjoy it) and I don't know what I would have done watching the rugby with no Guinness at hand. There were logos everywhere!
Those sausages smell good, Gossipmiss, I don't mind if I do, and I might just have another Guinness while the fire warms up.
To repeat what i said elsewhere, have you been to the updated
Really impressive. We just need to fill it, or rather begin to fill it!
Hello Everyone!
Right! Where's RJD with me Chablis?
jonnie - you are magnificent!
Now as we're in the woods, I have a literary Q. milling round in the sludge that is my brain of a Sunday evening (along with the still sharp joy that I don't have to iron a shirt to go to school tomorrow) are the faint echoes of jokes that involved 'I'll tell the vicar! --- I AM the vicar' and 'to the woods, to the woods'.
Have I have too much Yellow tail? (aswers self, nope.)
EdI, just looked at your links - I suspect we've possibly been at Waterperry at the same time?
Philosopher mio.
Glad you like the sausages Ed, they're some of my favourites, although I'm eating mine with champagne (I find it goes with most things). Nice warming fire too, lucky about the tractor wheel. I do hope someone checked it for hedgehogs before it was lit?
Just been to visit PMblog Extra - who did you say set it up Rosalind? Very impressive. I'm a bit worried by the way Dr Muir's head is wafting eerily out to sea though..
Auntie, if you've been to , it's highly likely I was there. I've only missed three or four out of more than 25.
Simply incomparable!
Wow Johnnie! Just had a look - impressive stuff!
Well done jonnie. We had a mini chat on the chat thingy.
I am reasonably excited that my comment from the blog has been posted with a selection of listeners views, tho' always loath to blow my own trumpet! (It's Helen in Leicestershire)
Well done Helen. And I see our own Fifi has a comment. I think (but am not sure that there are one or two other froggers there!).
Needless to say Helen I agree with you. This can't go on!
Your Chablis is still on ice - just. I am afraid I have taken the liberty of opening it and wandered down to the beach to watch the sunset, It is August after all.
Looked at your expanded flickr folio - you live in a beautiful part of the world and I like your nutkin friends. Is there a large local population?
Am I impressed or what?
Evening all,
I've brought the rest of the facilities from Eddie's "new beach", to go with what else we've made up here. Neat "pizza oven".
Trying weekend, which means tomorrow is going to be very difficult, so while I may partake a little, I've also got to remain sharp.
Well done jonnie for PM Blog extra, you have my support, and if I can help in any way I will, but am really extraordinarily busy (and Christmas is getting in the way...) at present.
However, should Fifi's lilypad migrate to the Extra site?
sorry not to have been around - horrendously constructive weekend, why was the weather forecast so wrong? If Charlotte got the shipping forecast this wrong people would drown. We shopped and everything on Friday evening so that we could batten down hatches and curl up with fire at w/end and it's been glorious. Admittedly it got dark at about 4 but then it does that here.
anyway, what I came to say was I have just had a look at Jonnie's pm blog site and Jonnie you are a genius. Ir's fantastic . I could even hear all the audio clips. Thank you for that if nothing else. But obviously thank you for eveything else at the same time.
I'm with you Ed on it being the wrong time of year to do the five o clock camera thing. Are you listening Eddie? Lissa? Peter? Rupert? Anybody? Unless you actually want pictures of black night you really ought to move this idea to June, or come clean about it only being of interest to southern listeners. Still no hard feelings eh? Let's raise a glass to daft ideas!
Mmm, lovely, thanks RJD - and a beautiful sunset too! :-)
Gosh! Am I glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow! I didn't tell you earlier but I have two bottles of Chablis.
My humble congrats, Jonnie - I even got the chat thing to happen!
I may need talked quietly through how the Book Club is going to work - words of one syllable seem to be about my level of requirement at the mo, don't confuse me with numbers...
Annasee, having stravaiged from site to site, lilypads, flikrs, froggers and friends, I found myself finally remembering to order your ironing CD - not that I wish to iron, you understand. I just think it might help the little grey cells settle down! I hope you get the email ok!
Ed I and RDJ - photos uplifting!
AndyCroak - separate thanks coming separately, but we're now being happily eaten out of lawn and garden!
Valery P
Good move. Anna C's CD is brilliant. I have it nearly worn out.
What on earth does "stravaiged" mean?
Morning all - sorry to have missed you yesterday evening - had an early night.
gossipmistress(63) - I think you'll find there is no danger of hedgehogs in the fire, since there is an import ban on bringing them to the island following the problems encountered in the Hebrides. Need to protect the indigenous wildlife.
admin annie (71) It's dark here in Derbyshire at 5pm too and from what I remember of working down south, none too light there either. Not sure how the photos will work since so many listen in the office, or as I used to, in the car. But perhaps there's an extra twist to it yet to be revealed?
Good morning all. I am just sat here trying to catch a little morning sun, sipping some very good coffee- who made that? possibly Anne P since she and I seem to be the only people here at the moment - and luxuriating in the fact that for the first time in literally months I do not have to go anywhere today. I can't tell you how good that feels.
And yes, apologies, of course it gets dark down south by 5 pm this time of year. I had actually forgotten that, when released each day from wage slavery in W Yorkshire when we still lived there, it was indeed dark.
I'm sorry, the last para of my previous post was a knee jerk prejudiced reaction and I should have put in two pennorth of thought before I wrote it.
marymary, I was here last night to leave a comment, but then the blog went really peculiar on me but it might just have been my PC. I had been going to say thanks about the veil/cross remark in your post and I agree it can be a bit hairy. Then I thought, isn't it nice that you could it goes without saying you agree, when you did, and nice that we do!
I like it here in August, what is everyone going on about getting dark at 5! We were out on the terrace till 10pm, but perhaps the Midlands is just different.
I often wonder what I am doing here, particularly having been shamefully and almost completely London-centric until I moved, as well as for some time after! The middle of the country even misses out on the north/south divide element of any debate, but now I am determined to stamp my mark on the flat earth that is Leicestershire! Well footprint anyway.
Off to the dentist now, have a lovely day for those with nothing to do, admin Annie!
admin annie (78) - love the implication that W Yorks is 'down south' which of course it is from Orkney.
When I lived and worked in the south-east (of England) I really did have colleagues who thought that anything north of Watford was 'The North'. My eldest daughter's teachers couldn't understand why she want to go to uni in Bradford - so far north of Hertfordshire.
She compounded it by doing her archaeology placement on Shetland! Now that is The North, even for a Scot.
BTW RobbieJohnDo (75) I'm surprised you don't have 'stravaiging' in Northern Ireland given the many linguistic similarities with Scotland. Means wandering, fairly aimlessly, around.
Helen I didn't say I had nothng to do, just that I didn't have to go out to do it. I am enjoying it though, it's nice to have a day at home.
hope the dentist is not too horrid, I have to go myself tomorrow for a check up, and then out again inthe evening for the norwegian class...and don't get me started on Wednesday.
It's these small rural communities you know, people think there is nothing to do but actually we are much busier than we ever were before.
On a semi serious note for the beach, but where else can we go with no blog today from his Lordship yet and yesterday's not taking posts, wonderful to hear a happy Alex Salmon on the Today program chortling because PM, Chancellor and 成人快手 Sec had ALL turned up for the Scottish Labour Party Conference to denounce the SNP. Was Cherie there? I bet she just LOVED Oban, but not so much as I enjoy the thought of her stuck there in the rain. (Other party leaders wives are available)
Anne P - you took the words out of my head before I got down to the box to type them! Thanks for that.
Fairly aimless, just about sums up my whole morning so far, so I might just go for a paddle before I have a cup of that excellent coffee. I've brought some shortbread, home-made, but not in this home.
Alex has one of the best senses of humour in Parliament, and although seriously clever and dedicated, doesn't take himself too seriously. And that cheeky grin!
The best thing of all is that if they succeed in gaining independence, the SNP will immediately fragment and we'll have a real chance at true multiparty democracy with no two groupings abkle to assemble the cursed
Once independence is achieved for Scotland, I'll start fighting for independence for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and then for Palnackie!
I'm with and !
And , for that matter:
"SOME writers have so confounded society with government,
as to leave little or no distinction between them;
whereas they are not only different, but have different origins.
Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness;
the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections,
the latter negatively by restraining our vices.
The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions.
The first is a patron, the last a punisher....
Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence;
the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise.
For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed,
man would need no other lawgiver;"
-- Thomas Paine, On the Origins of Government...1776
adminannie, I apologised on today's apology post page when the new beach/my PC went bonkers on me today. I didn't mean to suggest you were idle (8), it was careless typing, possibly whilst distracted at the thought of going to the dentist.
Talking of rural, I started thinking about rural bus services today, btw. It was all this talk of charging drivers in various ways which set me off, not that there is any congestion here, except when encountering a tractor heading up a 2 mile tailback. Do they know they are supposed to pull over?!
When I first landed in the flatlands (aka Leicestershire) I'd assumed that people only told me how bad the bus service was because they were car drivers. I discovered this not to be true and set out to learn to drive as quickly as possible, it was a very long 18 months; the process didn't come naturally to me!
Every time I returned to London, I would arrive at Euston and feel as if I had wings, not a common sensation in a mainline station I imagine. Despite that, I realised I hadn't appreciated my good fortune until the 2 buses became 1. From my sizeable market town into the nearest city, it was the service which took an hour and a half via all the villages which remained, and the cinema became impossible if you wanted to get the last bus home (at 5.30pm!).
I jest, but I had a choice because I could pay a fortune for lessons, buy a car, run the thing, and continue to be able to pay for parking. I would prefer to be able to choose not to pollute the atmosphere, but cycling the furthest I possibly could, wouldn't even take me to a petrol station!
Where is everybody,
I think I'll just curl up with this barrel of Guinness.
Have we got another bloggage??
More Guinnshish. Hic
Bill'n'Ben wake up you have company! Can I share that Guinness with you (both!) or have you drunk it all?
Anne P - thank you for the reassurance re the hedgehogs. I can sleep soundly now...
Hello, I've brought some Bombay Sapphire - anyone got any tonic?
There's some over behind that empty barrel of Guiness Appery.
Jolly quiet this week innit? and is it me or is access to the New Beach blocked already? I'm getting the error 404 msg that I got all day yesterday on the Sunday Blog.
Struggling off to bed now, crank up the hammock someone please, and give me a hand with this mozzie net I've brought down. There are definitely more of the critturs in the Wood.
Empty? Damn! Oh well, I'll just have to settle for a nip of this Glenmorangie.
Nighty night, all
Sunday morning and it鈥檚 always the big walk that day. I don鈥檛 usually know where we鈥檙e going because I鈥檓 in the boot, but there are always a few clues. This morning I know before we stop where the walk is going to be, because of the very slow tight downhill turns at the end of the journey. He opens the boot and I jump out and yes, it鈥檚 the small harbour. We will be going along the path, round the headland - grass then rocks - and finally on to the beach.
I usually go on ahead. If there are no cars or any danger of going onto the road then Him and Her let me off the lead. They always have plastic bags with them. They watch me as I go along and pick up what I leave. I don鈥檛 know - I wouldn鈥檛 do that!
I don鈥檛 like it when we get to the grassy headland as They put me back on the lead because of the sheep. Don鈥檛 know why because I鈥檓 sure the woolly ones scare me more than I scare them.
Finally we reach the stile and as usual They don鈥檛 help me and I have to clamber over myself. Then it鈥檚 the beach. It鈥檚 great - hardly anyone here at all. He pretends to run into the sea and I go in and splash around and back out. He throws a stick and I ignore it as usual. You鈥檇 think after ten years He鈥檇 know that if I want a stick I鈥檇 get it myself.
In the middle of the strand the body boarders and surfers are in the water. It鈥檚 all very gentle here 鈥 mostly novices. The real surfers will be on the beaches in Donegal where we sometimes go. There鈥檚 not much more that a 2ft swell here and even I can handle that.
But today there is some idiot out by the rocks at the far end of the beach where none of the regulars go. He鈥檚 lost is board and is clinging to the rocks where the cormorants and eider usually rest. He鈥檚 waving his hands and shouting.
She says 鈥淐辞补蝉迟驳耻补谤诲!鈥 and He says 鈥淚 know, I know!鈥 So He puts His hand in His pocket, looking for the mobile. I know He hasn鈥檛 got it because it鈥檚 on the couch at home - I know because I was sleeping on it. 鈥淚 haven鈥檛 got it with me.鈥 He says.
Next thing He鈥檚 taking off His fleece and His walking boots and She鈥檚 grabbing His arm and pulling Him back. I鈥檓 barking like mad in a way that I know really annoys Them but it doesn鈥檛 help. He goes into the water - doesn鈥檛 pretend like He usually does with me when He wants me to go in. I鈥檝e never seen Him in the water before. A lot of splashing and He鈥檚 heading out to the rocks.
After a while I can鈥檛 see Him and I look at Her. She鈥檚 looking out at the rocks. A few minutes later and She says 鈥漅obbie 鈥 Where鈥檚 John? Where鈥檚 John?鈥 She doesn鈥檛 say 鈥淲here鈥檚 John鈥檚 shoes?鈥 - I know what that means and what I have to do. This time it鈥檚 鈥淲here鈥檚 John? Where鈥檚 John?鈥 So I head out after Him.
For the first time I go to where I can鈥檛 feel the sand under my feet. It鈥檚 very noisy and I can鈥檛 see properly. After a while I can鈥檛 see the rocks, I can鈥檛 see Him and I can鈥檛 see Her. Then it all goes dark.
It鈥檚 very quiet and it seems like a long time later. I鈥檓 in the car, only I鈥檓 not in the boot but on the back seat, lying on His fleece. I鈥檝e only ever been inside the car once before. She鈥檚 in Her seat and a man with a yellow jacket is in His seat, but there鈥檚 no sign of Him. We go home very slowly. The yellow jacket man doesn鈥檛 speak and She doesn鈥檛 say anything either. I must have fallen asleep again.
I鈥檝e had dinner twice since then. The girls are both here, one home from university. He鈥檚 still not come home. I鈥檝e got His shoes for Him in my bed.
Hi Robbie,
Daddy showed me your picture. You look very nice but a little bigger than me.
It's not very nice here at the moment. I seem to have spent all day in my box and there seem to be a lot of very loud types around invading my space.
Daddy's Mummy who they call Granny, took me and Granny's doggies called Billy and Sophie out for a walk in the beach today but WHY does she always have to stick a tartan coat on me?
I'm actually German for starters as all mini Schnauzers are - and I'm certainly not Scottish! and what's more I was as warm as toast.
My two Daddies are getting all excited about all their pantomime guests arriving and I'm being totally ignored. Tomorrow they have Anne Charleston coming to stay and then Brian Cant and Bobby Crush whoever he is and maybe Peter Duncan and what's more Daddy seems to have his head stuck in that picture machine listening and playing around with that man who is always on before the lovely gongs at six when I get fed! Oh - and then this other man staying who is playing the Dame from 成人快手 Radio Devon called Douglas Mounce managed to spill coffee over me and then banged me twice on the head saying 'There There' ........
Anyway better go incase Dad wanders back in -- It's a doddle this computer stuff especially when he leaves the laptop on the floor!
Woof Woof! zzzzzz xx
Brain Cant, I'm immediately start struck, as I was when I met Peter Purvis when I was little, but little did I know then that I would become so supremely nonchalant that I would later wander across Leicester Square as my soap companion鈥檚 fans called out his name.
Someone once joked that they could follow me around with a dustpan & brush to sweep up the names I dropped; actually I might鈥檝e said that so others could use it! In reality, I dish them out for comic effect or for pure entertainment value, since I am entirely ordinary, & in fact had all my belongings in a supermarket carrier bag on the day I met a big star, as well as very greasy hair.
T鈥檌s always interesting to think of the life I once had, always good to reflect the opportunities I had to meet people, but I am not so dumb as to think meeting anyone of any notoriety reflects in anyway on me. I was just lucky and I had great fun, of the kind that will cushion my old age when I shall surely be wearing purple!
Off to bed now as drunk to much of that bloody Rioja that nobody else wants...
Dear Robbie,
Please tell us RobbieJohn is ok really - you have us very worried.
Anne P. xx
I hope that's no more than a superb talent for tails.
Please. I'm in tears. Its been a very bad morning and its only 9.40
Aagh! I'm not coming back here if horrible things like that are going to happen! Robbie Dog, please tell us RJD - or "John" - is home and fine!!! PLEASE!
Brain Cant, I'm immediately start struck, as I was when I met Peter Purvis when I was little, but little did I know then that I would become so supremely nonchalant that I would later wander across Leicester Square as my soap companion鈥檚 fans called out his name.
Someone once joked that they could follow me around with a dustpan & brush to sweep up the names I dropped; actually I might鈥檝e said that so others could use it! In reality, I dish them out for comic effect or for pure entertainment value, since I am entirely ordinary, & in fact had all my belongings in a supermarket carrier bag on the day I met a big star, as well as very greasy hair.
T鈥檌s always interesting to think of the life I once had, always good to reflect the opportunities I had to meet people, but I am not so dumb as to think meeting anyone of any notoriety reflects in anyway on me. I was just lucky and I had great fun, of the kind that will cushion my old age when I shall surely be wearing purple!
Off to bed now as drunk to much of that bloody Rioja that nobody else wants...
Hello, remember me?
Thank you all for your birthday wishes. It was a mixed sort of day. Best friend's stop-valve somewhat unexpectedly came off in her hand and her kitchen, dining room and utility immediately flooded.
I was on mopping-up and flask-of-tea-brewing duty most of the day.
Folk club at night was brill though. Lots of cards, even prezzies, and an emotional reunion for 3 folkies who hadn't met up since the 1970s.
Belvoir on Sunday was amazing. I will have a link to some photos soon ... I played and sang all day with my chums, under the famous Holbein painting of Henry VIII.
Whilst wearing a replica early-medieval gown and cloak. Let me tell you, it's a good thing cloaks went out of style. So impractical!
Am I the only one a bit concerned that we've muscled in on a thread that had a perfectly good discussion going, with new people who appear to have fled now?
Come back! Come back!
Nasty boy, Robbiedo last posted on27th at 12.28. Must have been back from the Sunday walk for some time then.
Maybe I'm an optimist. But I think RobbieDo is finding himself busier than he expected to be today, which is why he hasn't been back to give us the happy ending.
Do you really think someone would bother to hoax us all quite so carefully on purpose?
Now, cheer yourselves up with this
It's our first attempt at something resembling a video. And includes footage of me helpless with laughter.
How appropriate, given the song title....
If you would like to see what the new Woodybeach looks like, email me (either direct or go via the website) and I'll send you Ben Thompson's invitation.
You need to be able to deal with a 991KB pps file.
Fifi ;o)
Panic not Fifi - this thread had been long abandoned when it was re-adopted for other purposes.
Fifi, you warm the heart.
Come, partake of the fresh cromer crab, smoked mussels and delicious chardonnay. Then I'll do some work. Probably on that barista about him over roasting the beans.
I can only apologise for that dog 鈥 I go away for a day and look what he gets up to. They must have been feeding him cheese again.
The only true parts of the story are that we do indeed walk that stretch of coastline and he does take shoes to his bed 鈥 current shoe record is three and half pair.
I have no idea where he got the password from and in any case he knows he鈥檚 not allowed on the internet. Privileges will be withdrawn.
Fifi (101)
Great video - glad the fires of protest have not yet been extinguished!
Wow - that was so upsetting. I've had a bad few days and it set me off again,,,,give me a stiff brandy quickly!
Rupert - tell Jonnie to look after Madge well - I used to watch her when my hulking anthropoloogist was a tiny baby....seems like yesterday.
btw Helensparkly - if you hunt back to the early days of the frog, you'll find much squeaking from me when I tried to post the very poyum from which you quote. The only time, to my knowledge, that I have been moderated.....silly pixies. Great poem though.
Oh dear Valery, I hope your 'bad few days' are over, and all is well now?
RobbieJohnDo (105) re Robbie dog (91) have you considered that this may be a cry for help from little Robbie? He is clearly very distressed over something and using the blog to bring it to your attention as he knows you'll read it here.
Have you been spending too much time on the blog and not enough with Robbie? Or has he had a recent shock of any kind (eg new shoes, change of butcher). I can recommend a good canine therapist......
I'm putting it down to middle aged angst as he has just turned 10. He may feel that life has slipped him by somewhat, that he could have used his talents more productively and is employing this medium as some sort of escapism.
Although reasonable comfortable in his situation he considers he has not challenged himself enough and that he......oh. .. mm... maybe I'm confusing him with...
I think I'll leave it there.
Morning all,
RobbieJohnDo have you considered diverting Robbie's talents and getting him to submit his tales to the 成人快手 short story slot? That way his skills would be fully recognised and the rest of us could start breathing again.
On a more serious note, does anyone else feel we have become just a tad indisciplined over the last few days and have spread our 'beach' into threads that might have held more serious comments.
I only ask because I am concerned that we should not be scaring off any lurkers who are intimidated by seeing us as an 'in-crowd' and who might actually want to post an opinion on the latest news.
Or is it just that with two deaths and subsequent attempts to cheer us up Eddie hasn't really invoked a major discussion since the heroin debate on the 22nd?
Anne P.
I agree Anne. I suggested to Big Sis that we ask Eddie for a new Beach, which she says she has done.
This will enable us to keep the more frivolous and "in themes" off the main debates.
It won't stop any lurkers visiting or indeed joining us on the beach if they want to and doesn't prevent us putting the odd frivolity into the main debates.
If you would like to see what the new Woodybeach looks like, email me (either direct or go via the website) and I'll send you Ben Thompson's invitation.
You've completely lost me on this one. What have I missed?
We really do need a new mooring for the beach, don't we?
I won't be frogging at all today. Toooooo busy.
And I do hope it wasn't our video that upset you so, Valery! If so, I apologise.
* hug *
My real reason for dropping by is to share this with you.
If you like a little background music, this could be just the thing.
Fifi xx
Re a new beach etc how about having a new mooring each monday morning? Then everyone would be able to find it. I lost the link to this one for a while when someone's 'highlighted' comment disappeared from the main page and had to trawl through pages to find it again.
Speaking as one who only manages to dip her toe at the beach every so often, it would at least make it easier to find!
Fifi (115) excellent link thank youX (It's playing 'American Pie' as I write)
RobbieJohnDo (111) maybe you should let little Robbie keep blogging then so he can let it all out....
Oh nice one Fifi!
Though if anyone comes in and hears me listening to Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson I'll be in trouble.
I know a joke about Willie Nelson.... no.... maybe not...
Sounds a good idea. Can you suggest it to Eddie? Email him on the newsletter comment address marked for his attention. It MAY work .....
Sounds a good idea. Can you suggest it to Eddie? Email him on the newsletter comment address marked for his attention. It MAY work .....
Methinks a move every Monday would be a great idea. Can we stay in the summer though? That way we shouldn't disturb the need for serious debate.
I think you've come up with a great idea. It looks like a week is about as long as the mooring should be, as after that, the number of frogged comments tends to get unwieldy. I', with BigSis. Just reply to the newsletter this afternoon suggesting it. I'm sure Eddie & Lissa will agree..
Helensparkles (I do love that name!) I think the weather can be whatever you want it to be. The climate here is under our control, so you can have as much or as little sunshine and heat as you want :-)
Hi all
Whilst on the second beach last week, Mrs. Trellis (462) posted a link to a clip of the Helsinki choir singing a number of complaints. Someone else suggested that maybe we could have a similar song. But I was thinking 鈥淲hen have any of us made a complaint?鈥 鈥淲hen have any of us had anything to complain about?鈥 I would like to offer the following lyrics, to be sung to the tune of Jerusalem.
And did the newsletter arrive
Before the program went on air?
And did Aperitif receive
A mention by our Eddie Mair?
And does the comment counter work?
Are posts there soon once they鈥檙e received?
And does the Dayone beach still display
The thousand posts that we achieved?
Bring me my stereo divine.
Bring me my new style DAB.
Bring me my 鈥淟isten whilst on-line鈥.
Bring me my 成人快手.
We know that Lissa with-an-a
And all the members of her team
Are working tirelessly, day by day
To make this blog work like a dream.
As with the original lyrics, the answer to the questions raised in the first half is 鈥渘o鈥 (or at least have been no at some point; well done and thank you to Lissa and the team for all the work you have put in so far).
PM 鈥 Thinking allowed!
OK I will try an email.....wish me luck....hold my ankles I'm going in....
Thank you Fred, I was given my name (by my close friend Mrs Twinkletoes!) & it's stuck. There were 2 Helen's at the time, and the other one got something equally lovely but I forget what, probably something a bit sophisticated because she was. We're all sparkling here though!
Just been to have a look at Day one beach.
The erosion is getting worse - Down to 864 posts. At this rate the whole beach will be gone by Christmas. Anyone know how to make a groyne?
Those reindeers have made me feel homesick, so I'm coming to a place with lots of trees to feel better. Anyone up for a camp-fire? I can get some marshmallows!
Santa, try finding Ivor, I think he has one.
Humph - a gem
Where's the booze - all that talk about not smoking has made me thirsty?
Phew, that's been a tough day. But productive. Sorry to leave you all for so long. Just so you know, I am limiting my frogging to a minimum number of threads, as otherwise I get nothing else done!
Oh, and I'm only on this beach now. More than one was too much for me. ;o)
Big Sister (114): Email me privately and I'll send you some pictures of our beach. Or our beach as I was imagining it.
Same goes for anyone else ... if you haven't got my email address contact me via the website by clicking on my name at the top of this email.
RobbieJohnDo (118): Please email me your Willy Nelson joke and I'll share it with those who've asked for funnies!
Humph (123): Your lyrics are brilliant! Can anyone other than me sing harmony by ear? Who can carry a tune while others are doing harmony? We could try this out here tonight, before we all get too 'relaxed'...!
Fifi xx
Heavens to Betsy, as I said on the most recent thread, I pop out for a bit and you all go mad - it's taken me almost as long to catch up as I was away.
Like a full-scale map that you have to walk across to find out where you are.
So if it's OK with all of you I am now going to chill with a wee dram of the Auchetoshan under the pine trees.
Have one yourself.
So I'm a bit down because I have to go to court tomorrow. Some of you may remember a few weeks back when I was mentioning a case of racially aggravated assault here: to wit a man shouting at someone else and calling her son 'an english pouf'. Husband and I have both been cited as witnesses for the defence. This has really ticked me off as I don't see why on earth I should be called to assist the defence case of someone who was being so objectionable. Or obnoxious, since now I've managed to spell objectionable it looks wrong.
I know why it is. It's because the woman has said the guy hit her, and we didn't see him do that and he denies doing it. But we left long before the altercation was finished. Anyway we have to turn up at 10 tomorrow morning and goodness knows when we'll be finished. I suspect everyone is asked to go for 10. This might be the last case of the day. I've watched trials in crown court but that's as close as I ever got. I'm trying not to think about it.
So I'll need a clear head, but if someone could just give me a hot dog with a proper sausage in it with a good mug of strong tea I'll have that for ballast, then a couple of glasses of whatever single malt we've got hanging around just now.
I'll feel better after that.
I suppose I should just look upon it as an experience, and take a good book along for the wait...
Anne P - don't mind if I do, thank you.
admin annie, as your resident criminal defence laywer, let me give you some reassurance.
As a witness you should be given the support of the witness services (volunteers who do a great job). Before the trial you should be - ask if you are not - shown around the court and given an explanation of what will happen.
As for the 10 am start, it is likely that there will only be your trial listed (sometimes they double book as often deals are done or something prevents some trials going ahead).
Finally, if you are appearing for the defence and don't feel comfortable about this speak to the lawyer. No good defence (or prosecution lawyer) will call a witness if that witness is not likely to be helpful.
Oh and the law about racially aggravated assault in the mags court is that if the prosecution cannot prove the racial element even if the person did assault someone they will be found not guilty. The prosecution should always lay a charge in the alternative of the assault without the aggravation, so that if the court does find that the defendant assaulted someone they don't need to concern themselves about the racially aggravated element.
The result will not be your responsibility. Tell it as you saw it. That's all you can do.
You'll be fine!
Hi admin annie, I've spent a lot of time in courts & I am sure you know about the delays caused by legal arguments etc. This is usually ameliorated by sheer nosiness, unless you are a witness when you don鈥檛 get to find out what is going on, but you do have to be constantly available.
Somehow the court system doesn't work like any other organisation, and timing is simultaneously fluid whilst also rigid; thus if you don't turn up when they say you're in trouble, but you could spend the whole day there without being called. I am sure this won't happen to you!
Take the book and prepare to loiter and/or have long quality time with husband! Good luck, I hope you can let us know how it goes.
admin annie & marymary
are you psychic or what?
I've just been "smoking" and invited you over here for a glass of Anne P's Auchetoshan.
I get back and find you already here!
admin annie
You shouldn't worry - you will see very little of it I would imagine.
If you are called just listen to what you are asked and tell what you know. If you don't know something or haven't seen something then that is what you should say.
Judge or Magistrate will not let you be intimidated.
Now have a malt. This time tomorrow you will have a new experience to relate.
Hi admin annie, I've spent a lot of time in courts & I am sure you know about the delays caused by legal arguments etc. This is usually ameliorated by sheer nosiness, unless you are a witness when you don鈥檛 get to find out what is going on, but you do have to be constantly available.
Somehow the court system doesn't work like any other organisation, and timing is simultaneously fluid whilst also rigid; thus if you don't turn up when they say you're in trouble, but you could spend the whole day there without being called. I am sure this won't happen to you!
Take the book and prepare to loiter and/or have long quality time with husband! Good luck, I hope you can let us know how it goes.
RobbieDo! I was just about to ask for something comforting. I was at my dad's funeral yesterday.
It was actually very nice (oddly).
The sun shone, there was a spot of rain but we never got caught in it, but did see two rainbows!
There were ducks and other assorted fowl, there was a smashing lady vicar, there were tears and laughs and a good drink down my dad's local in Fownhope (the New Inns - recommended).
yes Robbie here we are, chatting away like the old friends we really are underneath it all , not to mention giving and getting some good advice.
thanks mary and helen and Robbie too. I'll just knock back a wee dram of Auchentoshan - it's got an n in it Robbie which will be useful knowledge when you go to buy a bottle!! and take myself off for an early night in preparation for tomorrow.
I will let you know tomorrow how it went and let's hope that turns out to be quickly, if you see what I mean.
Tooka minute to g**gle Fownhope. Lots of information but I don't know Hereford at all.
I don't know that it is odd that you should have found it nice. I have "enjoyed" very many funerals.
It's tragic if somebody dies young or unexpectedly but if someone has had a good life then you can be sad and happy at their parting.
Just noticed on another thread that you have given a reasonably uncryptic clue that your birthday is next Tuesday or did I pick that up wrong? Maybe Eddie is going to buy you a camera.
I have had to add the real "John" to my blogname ever since my dog started doing his own posts - see (91) above. I think he actually did upset someone.
Robbie, it's an absolutely beautiful part of England especially at this time of the year with all the wonderful autumnal colours.
If you haven't heard of Fownhope, you surely will have heard of Much Marcle, famous for cider and something to do with Fred West.
A truly gorgeous part of the country.
Yep. My dad did have a good life for the last few years in his second marriage.
Another drink?
Mary. Yes, to the drink.
Just found Fownhope on the map and I must have been very near to it many years ago.
Before we were married, my wife used to live in Cheltenham and then Gloucester and when I visited we used to tour quite a bit all over the countryside. I used to love the village pubs. Totally different and yet somehow similar to pubs in Ireland.
Santa Claus (126)
I know how to make goyne men cry with a really bad pun
just a pity I can't spell groyne
Santa (126),
Ivor Grype and his like removed the groyne, carefully made from wine bottles, some time ago. Hence the erosion.
Yes, all, I know, I've been away, doubt if I will be back again apart from flying visits for the next few days. Missed a lot, I know...
Robbie Dog's John, I missed entirely the tragic tale/tale. I've just caught up. Your dog has talent. I'm rather glad I didn't see it till you pointed it out. I think I would have been a bit upset.
Not a very cryptic clue as to birthday. Do you really think Eddie will get me a camera? I'd rather have Zelda The Twighlight Princess (New nintendo game for the new nintendo console for my 51st birthday) but a camera would do nicely.
Fifi (129) I can sing harmony but you're probably tucked up in bed now. I'm out late because I was out singing harmony...maybe another night then!
Admin Annie - good luck for tomorrow, I'm sure it won't turn out to be as bad as you may imagine.
Robbie dog - are you curled up comfortably with a shoe?
Night night! GMx
Have just been back to the second beach and noticed Bill'n'Ben's corporate gig frog.
Just a thought, out of the blue as it were and with no particular place to go, but, apart from Annasee, Bill'n'Ben and me, how many other froggers are musicians and in what sphere, stylisticly (or should that be stylistically?) do they practice and, if this is not too complicated a sentence, how important is the act of creating music, alone or with others, to them?
Answers on a postcard please because I think I should now go to bed.
a thousand apologies Fifi, how could I forget?
So that is at least 4 semi-pros/pros out of, perhaps, 15 regular frogs. Be interesting to know if there are more.
Admin Annie ... currently at court ... we're all thinking of you.
MaryMary ... ah, lass, it's horrid losing a parent. * hughughug *
Steve ... I have a feeling there will be a Frog Reunion one day. If you were to find out who sings/plays what, first, then we could have some genuine musical entertainment!
Or is that a stupid idea? ;o)
Fifi, is that with or without giggles?
Valerie P (108) belatedly, what poem? I love to be credited with quoting but not sure I did.
Apologies for comments being posted twice, my internet connection was a bit mad towards the end of the day, over-surfed.
marymary, really sorry to hear about your dad, but odd how nice funerals can be isn't it. Losing a parent is always difficult, but I hope you've got lots of nice memories, people live on in our hearts if you shall excuse the schmaltz.
Steve (149), Fifi (151) & gossipmistress (148) I marvel at your musicality, being tone deaf, and someone people prefer not to sing. A singing teacher once told me anyone could learn, but I haven't been brave enough to explore, however a frog union (can it be a reunion if we haven't met before?!) with talent would be delightful.
A little oddly Steve, I visited your site before I encountered you here coincidentally, your work is beautiful.
I've just come back and caught up with this thread, as some of the things mentioned later left me a tad confused.
Marymary, So sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope you are doing OK.
Humph (123), Very entertaining - shall we sing this at the (re)union?
HelenSparkles or may I call you Sparkles (it's shorter)?
How strange about finding my web site. What brought you there? And thank you for your comment about my work, much appreciated. Don't worry about being tone deaf, so am I! Got away with it for years, the art is to play an instrument with fixed notes e.g. guitar, harp, piano, just don't go near a violin, cello, etc., or try to sing ;o))
HelenSparkly - 153 - too-oo tired to trawl back through, but I thought it was you who said something about growing old and wearing purple, wasn't it? Apologies if it was someone else, I've had to do so much catching up reading posts this past week, that I haven't found it easy to take part :o(
The poyum was written in the 60's (I remember them too well) by Jenny Joseph and is really called Warning, I posted it in its entirety in very early frog days, but it was moderated, quite a new phenomenon at the time. We thought copyright things, but since then many others have posted song lyrics and so on. It rankled. Perhaps I got a trainee and superkeen moderator!
Oh Valerie P, it was me, my memory indicating that my purple days might be closing in!
Steve, Sparkles is fine of course. I can't remember what took me to your website, but I love woodwork, if you shall excuse the use of so pedestrian a term for something so lovely.
I had been somewhere for an exhibition, in Cardiff I think, and seen some just beautiful bowls, so must have been googling around similar sites which took me there. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I had it bookmarked ages ago, & then I do like to click on a link...
I've just had a bit of a read too, and it's really interesting; predicting distortion. Sitting here trying to write a paper & virtually having to glue myself to the chair, I began to wonder how you avoided running out of motivation during your 12 hour stint?
Sparkles, it's not the 12 hour stint when I'm actually carving a piece that requires motivation, that's the exciting bit. It's the, sometimes, 50 hours of sanding (by hand, unfortunately) that require the motivation!