Has anybody seen our Minister? (Part II)
Right, listen up everyone. Crippled Monkey wants you to forget everything I told you yesterday. It seems that the rumour about the new Minister for Disabled People being Liz Blackman was just that - a rumour. Those damn Westminster leaks. But now the true identity of the new person in the job can be revealed (cue dramatic drum-roll), and it's Anne McGuire MP!

I sense you don't believe me after the previous revelation turned out to be a red herring. But look, it's true! I got it from ! (OK, it's just a Department of Work and Pensions press release. And no, I'm not suggesting for a moment that the good folks at the DWP are horses.) It even features a footnote mentioning that our old friend Liz Blackman won't be taking up a ministerial post. Glad we've got all that sorted out, then.
So what can I tell you about Anne? Well, she's MP for Stirling in Scotland, and has been in parliament since 1997. This is her , but she's also one of those MPs with her own , which includes further . Oh, and you can also read a (note: this is a Word document) she issued in December last year, welcoming the publication of a new Disability Discrimination Bill.
Right, I'm going to have a bit of a lie-down, as it's been a confusing couple of days. This is Crippled Monkey for ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Ouch, standing outside the House of Commons, doing a very bad impression of Andrew Marr.