Power cut - update
The lights are slowly coming back on but will the PCs and the air conditioning?
Plans to move the whole programme to TV Centre have been abandoned. It was too much fun sitting in a pitch black studio with Stephen Timms, Oliver Letwin and Simon Hughes.
You need air conditioning at 4am in the morning?
Is this a sign of our times (and would the Green Party be spinning in their green rosettes?)
your missing out on all the action Nick-Labour have now lost more than 200 seats and thats before the bulk of London results have even come in!
Lewisham to NOC??? Good God! I've lived there for 18 years and my parents for 35 and no one every thought it would ever be anything but lab. Lib dems +10? wow.
Good good, I can confidently say that Oliver Letwin has probably never looked so good as he does right now, in the dark.
Is there anything I can say about that last sentence that won't see me sued for libel?!
Why don't you nip down and join Emily in the pub?
Check Tessa Jowells pockets for the fuse.
鈥溾t was too much fun sitting in a pitch black studio with Stephen Timms, Oliver Letwin and Simon Hughes鈥︹
Be afraid, Nick, be very afraid鈥.
I do hope you'll be back soon, as the coverage has been excellent. In the meantime, keep us updated!
I bet you lot had an enlightening conversation...
I suppose i would be good to see some MP's sweat!
Sitting in the dark with Simon Hughes...I can only imagine the fun that may ensue, oh by the way Labour are taking an absolute pasting in London.
Admit it, your equipment failed when faced with the monumental task of transmitting the splendour of Jeremy Vine's collars.
Lucky on two counts though, its not a full moon and Michael Howard isnt one of your guests, or things would have got really scary....
I have to say, I think I'd be rather frightened in a pitch dark studio with Simon Hughes, you should definatly have went for the pint with emily option...
"成人快手 HD" hasn't even been launched yet, ha...???
Hooray for the 成人快手 wrestling with the very powercables themselves! We expect more blogs!
Emily just said: "We are having a little... major problem tonight"
Sounds like sabotage to me. Expect someone was fed up with the bad news starting to come in about Labour vote in London.
Have Oliver Letwyn and the other bloke got a sleeve each they can lend Simon Hug-yous? Or is he having the last laugh cos he came dressed for heat?
Credit to Emily for the great job she is doing, under clearly difficult circumstances, at the pub.
But please, please don't drop that stack of paper on the floor!
Please Nick can you raise the point about Ealing. Is not that as the Labour councilers have been saying all night that the defeat is down to national headlines BUT the huge failure or Ealing council who are in massive debt/massive waiting lists in the NHS/have spiralled council tax and not listened to local residents who are against the west london tram.
I think the failure of the labour government to improve the services on the ground is the major problem in london-sprialing living costs/no improvements. Propaganda NOT action
Chris / ealing
Please Nick can you raise the point about Ealing. Is not that as the Labour councilers have been saying all night that the defeat is down to national headlines BUT the huge failure or Ealing council who are in massive debt/massive waiting lists in the NHS/have spiralled council tax and not listened to local residents who are against the west london tram.
I think the failure of the labour government to improve the services on the ground is the major problem in london-sprialing living costs/no improvements. Propaganda NOT action
Chris / ealing
Go team. Good effort keeping the show rolling. Stumbling around in the darkness appears to be a trend lol.