

Talk about Newsnight

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Wednesday, 2 January, 2008

  • Newsnight
  • 2 Jan 08, 03:59 PM

In tonight's programme: Democracy in 2008.

In people are being killed in the run-up to February's elections.
riots203x100.jpgIn they are being killed in the aftermath of December's elections. In the United States, beginning tomorrow in , the world's most powerful democracy will begin to choose its new leader - a leader who will follow George W Bush, whose attempts to export democracy to Iraq have caused him such trouble.

Tonight we'll hear from Kenya and the United States and will debate what the year ahead might hold for democracy worldwide with an all-star cast list of guests.

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 05:08 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • Augustine Jusu wrote:

The most pressing thing to think about now in the case of the Kenyan disturbance is how to put an end to it and stop the killing of innocent citizens of that country. I'm not very impressed about the lack of enthusiasm expressed by those who could easily restore sanity even for the sake of poor souls. I still want to know why does Kibaki wants to cling unto power by crook when the hook did notcatch the expected fish. It's a clear indication of how our African leaders want fame even at the detriment of the innocent masss.


Democracy is the best revenge.
Fake democracy is the most insidious attack.
Weep Britain.

  • 3.
  • At 05:35 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • Brian J Dickenson wrote:

I greatly doubt that Bush and his puppet masters had any desire to bring democracy to Iraq, or anywhere else for that matter.
If Iraq had not had oil in huge quantities Saddam would still be in power.
The Americans put him there to start with, but he didn't play by their rules.
The Americans whom I have spoken with, in general, seem to think that the USA is producing all the oil that they need.
Orwell was right, brainwashing works.

  • 4.
  • At 06:53 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • alan shadrake wrote:

George W Bush is not trying to export democracy anywhere. He went to Iraq to grab it's oil. It's ok Gavin, I understand that. Better the USA controls the Middle East that Russia or China! It was a geo-political move. But how long ago was it that the original reason for going to Iraq was to stop Saddam from nuking his neighbours? Then it was 8/11 and Al Queda when the WMD story bombed. Excuse the pun. You believe now that he went there to create democracy? What codswallop. But the 成人快手 being what it is today, I am not at all surprised. You sound like a PR extension of the White House - just like Murdoch's outfit in LA. Just tell the bloody truth. It doesn't hurt because we adults know what's going on in this world. We've been around the block a few times!

  • 5.
  • At 09:26 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • de castro wrote:

what democracy !
"The pen is mightier than the sword"

IN UK we are lucky to have a "powerful press" and people are intelegent enough to read between the lines.Press freedom is something that most other countries envy UK for
but hope it remains that way.
It is better to be "envied" than "hated" as per USA.
Bring our troops back home before the newly elected president beats us to it MR BROWN and maybe the british people will support you in your quest for power.
Revenge is "not" best democracy
but it is "sweet" enough to be addctive.Mrs Buto s year 19 year old son will now be the other "martyr" in the name of democracy.wow wow !
cynical mode
de castro

  • 6.
  • At 10:24 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • John wrote:

If getting the next of the Bhutto lineage (however inexperienced or unsuitable) is 'democracy', I'll eat my hat.

The same goes in the US: if having a billion dollars is the criteria for presidency, then the rich will get all the favours from whoever is elected. This is not democracy.

Then there is the congress NED which perverts 'democracy' all round the world.

I believe we've seen one democratic election in Palestine and the west has been busy trying to usurp the will of the people ever since.

It's time that Newsnight along with all other 成人快手 news outputs started to put the microscope on this democracy we often hear of. Often times it's nothing of the sort, yet mantra like it gets trotted out as the best thing since sliced bread.

The media are complicit in creating consent where it is not due.

  • 7.
  • At 11:05 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • John wrote:

According to Gavin Esler's script tonight, we invaded Afghanistan & Iraq in order to spread democracy.

Do not insult the intelligence of your viewers with this nonsense.

  • 8.
  • At 11:33 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • Tony Docherty wrote:

After watching this program, I am disgusted.

You speak of Democracy and I hear no mention in the program of Republican candidate Ron Paul who is ahead of Giulliani in the Iowa polls.(check your own source, pollster.com).
Ron Paul has been shut out of the media arena in the US, as his views contrast with those of special interests, lobbyists groups, and big government. He has now been excluded from the New Hampshire 'FOX News' Republican debate on the 6th Jan for the very same reasons, Murdoch does not want people to hear his message of peace and truth.

People in America are looking for a moral, honest president you say. I'm pretty sure Ron Paul meets the criteria with more to spare (just look at his voting history), but no one is being given the chance to hear his voice. Is this Democracy?

And now the British media follow suit.

Shame on you 成人快手, I thought my country was above that!

Google Ron Paul
Our only chance for peace in our world.

  • 9.
  • At 11:52 PM on 02 Jan 2008,
  • Viewer wrote:

An interesting programme. The Americans in Virginia all seemed quite nice tonight, particularly the beautician lady.

I think John of comment 6 above is right. You could do a programme on corruption and misrule within so-called democratic states. It might be that the programme would need to be a series spread over several nights. I think you could find enough relevant material in the three main countries mentioned tonight: USA, Pakistan, and Kenya, to fill at least two or three hours.

Democracy isn't just elections is it as one of your contributors said on the discussion.

  • 10.
  • At 12:02 AM on 03 Jan 2008,
  • wrote:


Tonight鈥檚 discussion was a rich seam. We had: 鈥淒emocracy and elections do not equate鈥. Well said that man. That ranks with 鈥淩emember you are not a god鈥 directed at self-styled 鈥渓eaders鈥.
Then we had: 鈥淐orrupt leaders are not ready for democracy鈥. But power inexorably corrupts. It follows that NO leader, once installed, is prepared to yield to raw democratic process. 鈥淲estminster democracy鈥 is actually CONFIGURED to facilitate democracy鈥檚 subversion. Taking full advantage of this, Blair was ADAMANT, by 鈥渢he end鈥, that he had been elected ONLY to follow his inner certainty. This conjures the Callaghanesque response: 鈥淒emocracy? What democracy?鈥

  • 11.
  • At 12:27 AM on 03 Jan 2008,
  • Rabid wrote:

Your coverage of the USA presidential candidates succeeded in highlighting the fact that the American people want a damn good change from the status quo, which has brought them war, high taxes, big government, invasion of privacy and trampled all over their constitution (one of the finest ever conceived, it would be perfect if it outlawed fractional reserve banking).

However your blatant liberal bias towards the Clinton/Obama campaigns failed even to mention the credible opposition presented to them under the Republican banner, that of libertarian Ron Paul. His is a message of liberty and freedom, small government, no undeclared wars and no income tax.

The other Republican neocons you shilled for don't even come close to his candidacy, and it's reflected by the movement he has created.

  • 12.
  • At 03:45 AM on 03 Jan 2008,
  • steven wrote:

About Dr. Paul. I can assure you, tomorrow, all will know him. The next president of the United States.

  • 13.
  • At 10:06 AM on 03 Jan 2008,
  • steve wrote:

Sir, The coverage of the election in America was excellent and gave a insight as to how the electorate in America are ignorant, we have a token mixed race contender, a woman and various religious cranks on the nutty right. Before New Hampshire we can assume that the whackoes will be weeded out....except that they won't be, this is America who can fix results better than a banana republic and to prove the point we have a had nearly eight years of Bush. The Americans do not like women running things and are still very racially biased, so Obama will not get there. We get the governments we deserve and America has not come to terms with itself and we are destined to have a few more years of isolationist (excepting the gung-ho military) bible punching and very dangerous America.

  • 14.
  • At 02:20 PM on 03 Jan 2008,
  • John Coombes wrote:

We have lost our Democracy
In the era of the professional politician, where power is sought over integrity and sense of caring purpose, there has been a shift away from democracy by the people towards democracy by the corporations.
How can 21st century democracy deal with climate change or personal health when the driving force for change emanates from the need for profit.
The dictates of profit has its place, but in elevating this discipline to the pinnacle of society's needs has caused climate change and inadequate resources with which to care and protect ourselves in a nurturing manner.
Politicians and business can create carbon markets and "new currencies" with which to combat the problem but these supposed panaceas are subject to abuses that have been perpetrated by financial disciplines since money was first conceived.
Either we are honest with ourselves about the true course of democracy or we suffer the consequences

  • 15.
  • At 04:54 PM on 03 Jan 2008,
  • Jason wrote:

The 成人快手 claim to be one of the forerunners in internet technology and 'new media'. Their total lack of coverage on Ron Paul, shows how it simply mimics current 'old media' in the US, and it has missed the story of the century. The way the biased, corporate based, US media have tried and failed to hide Ron Paul's message from the American public. This should be news worthy enough to be reporting to the new media generation.

The 成人快手 will join the same US media fools tonight after the Iowa caucuses return their votes. The people of America are truly sick of their corrupt government!!!

  • 16.
  • At 05:40 PM on 03 Jan 2008,
  • wrote:

Tony, Rabid, & Steven,

I share your concerns and hopes to some degree, but my hope is a rather thin brew....

" THIS ESSAY owes its existence to anxiety and to insomnia.

"l write, as l must, from the point of view of a country person, a member of a small rural community that has been dwindling rapidly since the end of World War II. Only the most fantastical optimism could ignore the possibility that my community is doomed-that it was doomed by the overwhelming victory of industrialism over agrarianism (both North and South) in the Civil War and the history both subsequent and consequent to it. It may be that my community-its economy, its faith, its local knowledge, its affection for itself and its place-will dwindle on for another generation or two and then disappear or be replaced by a commuters' suburb. If it is doomed, then I have no doubt that much else is doomed also, for I cannot see how a nation, a society, or a civilization can live while its communities die.

"If that were all my thought, then I might find some comfort in despair. I might resign myself and at least sleep better. But I am convinced that the death of my community is not necessary and not inevitable. I believe that such remnant communities as my own, fallen to the ground as they are, might still become the seeds of a better civilization than we now have-better economy, better faith, better knowledge and affection. That is what keeps me awake, that difficult hope.

"My hope, I must say, subsists on an extremely meager diet-a reducer's diet. It takes some strength from the knowledge that we may be looking doom squarely in the face, from the knowledge that human beings, let alone human societies, cannot live indefinitely by poison and fire. It takes some strength from knowing that more and more people seem to have this knowledge; more and more people seem to know that we now have to choose consciously, perhaps for the first time in human history, between doom and something better.
..." -- Wendell Berry (1995)

Namaste -ed

  • 17.
  • At 06:06 AM on 12 Jan 2008,
  • Jan Lund wrote:

Wonder why British people always are talking as if UK were some kind of the cradle of democracy.
UK is an absolutely non-democratic society, but even the intellectuals seems to know nothing about the basic facts:
Which for instance are:
1.The judicial system is completely mixed up with the political system. Actually the parlament (House of Lords) is the highest judicial power in the country.
2. UK does not have a legal written constitution as all democratic countries in the world.
3.The election system functions so, that even in best of times with Tony Blair and New Labour close to absolute power with an overwhelming majority in the Lower House, Labour NEVER had even 50 pct. of the votes cast.
Call that Democracy?
Wake up over there.
You might like your system, which conserves the power-sharing as it has been for some 500 years. And it might be as good as any system. I even kind of like it. But don't insult anybody by calling it democracy.
There's more democracy in China than in the UK.

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