Prospects for Friday, 7 December
- 7 Dec 07, 10:21 AM
Dan Kelly is today's programme producer. Here's his early email to the team.
Good morning.
Some good stories today.
Peter Marshall is in Washington and has been investigating what will happen to Bush's Iran policy in the light of Monday's US intelligence report. He has interviews with key behind the scenes figures, and can reveal the tensions and rows that have marked the administration's strategy towards Teheran.
Rupert Murdoch has carried out a huge shake-up of his media empire, and has effectively anointed his son as his successor. James Murdoch now has responsibility for his European and Asian businesses. What does this mean for News Corp's global strategy, and how will James Murdoch influence the media and politics in the UK? We need some good guests on this…
Other stories today include the visit of McGuinness and Paisley to the White House, the dairy fixing confession and fines for British supermarkets and Northern Rock.
Ideas for stories, treatments and guests all very welcome.
See you at 10.30
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This just in:
Enjoy the ride!
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"Ideas for stories, treatments and guests all very welcome."
IDEA: Joni Mitchell said, a few days back on TV: "the sediment has risen to the top". She was referring to the music scene but it is equally true of politics - perhaps always was. Might you not expose to public view the psychology of the typical party politician, where allegiance to party, trumps allegiance to voters and (costly) defence of the party citadel is paramout? That this state of affairs attracts "the wrong kind of MP" and leads to inept - even corrupt - government will surely become evident. One relevant guest would be Oliver James.
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Joni said it, and Ed Abbey said it another way,
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up, you get a lot of scum on top."
60 years of Labour control in the West of Scotland without enough stirring....
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Here's another one.
As more and more incarcerated innocents are identified in our jails (own gaol?), I presume we still have, in our system of (much vaunted) British Justice the notion that refusal to admit guilt is righteously punishable? When other "disgraceful" regimes elicit false confessions from imprisoned Brits, how affronted we are! Do we have any idea how many have "confessed" to avoid further British injustice?
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Barrie (#2) & Ed (#3) Yet we see the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ continues to pay a fortune to serve it all up on a daily basis e.g.
The 'humour' it values so highly is cynically and corrosively self-destructive, and sadly, it's been that way for years. Yet most don't see how, as it's 'funny'.
Most sadly of all, instead of SETTING standards, the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ has clearly been driven by ever suspect populist consumer surveys, which, as I've (perhaps too subtly?) pointed out elsewhere, is WHY it's self-destructive.
Instead of a media psychologist (whose area of expertise appears to change to suit the producer's topic), how about someone less fettered by the constraints of the media circus/academia/status quo? I've suggested a couple of names before.
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I am quite happy to defer Adrienne, as long as the charade can be ended.
Perhaps aliens Kang and Kodos might be sufficiently neutral. They are only interested in galactic conquest - small beer by comparison to some of our lot.
Regret I missed your suggested miracle workers.
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