Give a dog a bad name
- 20 Sep 07, 04:14 PM
Thanks to everyone who took part in our competition to name Newsnight's imaginary dog.
It's been a cautionary lesson in the dangers of inviting the viewer into the pet-naming process. A few of you came up with droll suggestions - I liked "Mervyn. Chasing his tail", "Warkies" and "Did you threaten to overrule him? maybe Diddy for short" - but I'm sorry to say the early leader didn't show a great deal of imagination on your part.
Last night it seemed certain the winner would be "Paxo", and frankly I thought we might have to overrule you. But then, like the Today programme before us, we fell victim to what was clearly a write-in campaign aimed at distorting the outcome of the vote.
From nowhere the name "Awooga" appeared and quickly gathered steam. By our deadline of 3pm today "Paxo" or variations thereof had 54 votes and "Awooga" had stormed up on the rails to...exactly the same number - 54. What to do?
In the current climate of budgetary restraint we thought it wouldn't be appropriate to have two imaginary dogs, so we've given ourselves the casting vote. On the grounds that "Awooga" was a pure-bred, if coordinated, suggestion whereas "Paxo" came in several mongrel variations, we hereby name the Newsnight dog "Awooga".
Having checked our urban slang dictionary we don't think it's a rude word, but perhaps you, the viewer, know better?
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Finished that a bit quick didn't you? I was going to say of the cat was called "Socks" the dog should be called "Breaches"!!!
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I agree about the haste in closing the competition. Paxo was the obvious choice (assuming that the dog was a Rottweiler) so it seems that Jeremy has a least 50 plus friends at the 成人快手 suggesting the ridiculous 'Awooga'. Incedentally, 108 votes in total? Fixed!!
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Maybe the choice of name is Newsnight's contribution to the somewhat cringe-making Radio 4 series The Sex Lives of Us.
The first entry on awooga in the online urban slang dictionary:
"awooga of and or relating to sex and or sexual intercourse. comes from the sound of the horn of an old studenbaker.
"i havent got any awooga from her yet"
"I heard that they awooga"
Assume you'll have your studebaker horn blaring in the studio tonight.
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Studebaker or stud? If you got a horse I could give Jeremy riding lessons!!
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"Last night it seemed certain the winner would be "Paxo", and frankly I thought we might have to overrule you."
Just as well you didn't, Mr Barron, or you might be looking for a new job..
Mind you in the current climate... the real role of the new pooch can be revealed :-
"Suspend the 20% budget cut or the dog gets shot..!'
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What, you cant call the Newsnight dog Awooga, that's ridiculous!! The last ime I heard that was on the Lenny Henry Show, which was awful!!
After hearing Jeremy's dare for any of us with nothing better to do than name an imaginary animal I thought great, there's loads of us who'll do that purely to irritate him. I evntually get round to logging on to the Newsnight site and I find you've already chosen a name and closed the vote - pretty disappointing to say the least. Admitidally, I dont actually have any suggestions to name the unfortunate mutt (real or otherwise) but surely we can do better than Awooga??
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It is a shame you are not trying to name a pair of dogs. If there were two (imaginary or real) then one could be called "Onion" and the other "Sage". Perhaps the person who had enough spare time on his hands to think up a competition to name an imaginary dog will have enough time to work out the relevance of these names. ;-) Best wishes.
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Oh, dear - another rigged vote, the voting cut short because the 成人快手 was getting the 'wrong' submissions. The only name for the newshound has to be 'Paxo', of course.
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With Black Water (the private security company, not that the Daily Telegraph hasn't heard of it) having its license withdrawn by non other than the US installed puppet regime in Iraq, the risk is that some of your more attentive viewers too might turn elsewhere...
All this obviously being a checkered joke (unless you are someone whose underpants is being relentlessly sniffed at) but can you really blame the Ayatollahs calling certain entities sAtAnIc?
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Am I missing something here?
I am of course used to Jeremy Paxman's sneering attitude in general but this latest exercise seems to be mocking children who voted in a Blue Peter competition.
I think the attitude sums up the derision in which so many 成人快手 employees hold the public who pay their salaries. Personally I have always also taken the rip out of people who vote in those ludicrous TV phone competitions but then again at least I am not actually commiting a criminal act of fraud in taking their money for competitions they have no chance of winning.
Your link to the Guardian website includes the following quote which is more eloquent than anything I can come up with:
"The feeling has always been that when alleged deception involves children it is a bit more serious."
Incidentally, with his well-informed analysis of news affairs, Adam Boulton on Sky News knocks the socks off anything the 成人快手 seems to do nowadays and I would prefer his thoughtful yet incisive interviews over Paxman's bullying interrogations any day of the week.
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Wasn't 'awooga' the phrase that John "Fash the Bash" Fashanu use to shout during 'Gladiators'?! But I don't think you've checked your dictionaries enough:-
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Hey, what about Paxdog?
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You are all wrong, except that the voting closed too soon, I was too busy watching 24 news I also thought paxo would be good or sage and onion then stuffing then I realised it should have been 'niffuts' as everything seems to be going backwards.
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Awooga???? So it means sexual intercourse or excitement?? Oh ha ha ha!Poor imaginary dog! SO who hit the vote button that many times???? :-)
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i think the dog should be called Pants.
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OK, I know I'm well past it in more ways than one, but what about PAXGI
From PAX-man
Ci = dog, as in Cor-gi
Ci mutates to gi.
Result Paxgi
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I think that Cynthia is a very astute lady - and having a name like Tyghts has to give her some real authority in this heavy weight debate so surely it really should have been Pants. It goes so well with Socks ( not to mention Tyghts.......)
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Reading the chat from the week the stats on white differentials was very educative- the reference to nordic blondes got me thinking, its awite since Jeremny's told any 'blonde' jokes. Has he run out of juice?
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Reading the chat from the week the stats on white differentials was very educative- the reference to nordic blondes got me thinking, its awite since Jeremny's told any 'blonde' jokes. Has he run out of juice?
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Reading the chat from the week the stats on white differentials was very educative- the reference to nordic blondes got me thinking, its awite since Jeremny's told any 'blonde' jokes. Has he run out of juice?
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This is scandalous... Just imagine if this competion had been open to kids of all ages and then they would have found that the whole thing had been rigged. I ask you...
My suggestion was going to be Paxo but I had two others, one was Pinstripe and the other was Sterling.
PR :(
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What? No votes for Gnasher?
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Wasn't John Fashanu sued by Craig Charles claiming he owns the copyright on the phrase 'Awooga', I also seem to recall that he won his case. I would suggest you change the name before you become Craigs' second victim. The obvious name for a dog is Defor as in D for Dog but that's my humble opinion.
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If it's a poodle, you could call it Tony Blair.
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The more important question is - Akabusi, Charles or Fashanu?
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Awooga! Oh my gawd, you can't possibly call a dog THAT!
Awooga v. to embrace a cooking device.
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i think that rule 1 is, the name is good. Awooga certainly is a good name, better than Welsh Oranje Fan, or JB which some people tried calling it. :-S
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Awooga is a brill name!
"Here Awooga, good boy!"
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Awooga rules. Great name.
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I'm off down to the Deed Poll office to change the names of my two kids to Awooga. Why couldn't you have had this poll four years ago? It would have saved me a trip to town.
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Awooga is an excellent name. I heard one of Bill Murrays dogs has the same name!
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Awooga!!! Awighty wight. This is gweat. Im so happee i may go and buy myself a new pair of denim dungerees.
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Awooga! Awooga!
Excellent. A victory for democracy!
When and where will he be giving his first motivational speech? Battersea dogs home? RSPCA agm?
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Awooga is a fantastic name.
And on that note is the end of the show, see you next week and AWOOOOOOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Awooga! Awooga!
Excellent. A victory for democracy!
When and where will he be giving his first motivational speech? Battersea dogs home? RSPCA agm?
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OMG LOLZ INNIT - They called it Awooga, just like that Record Breaker Acabussi used to say OMG Rule 1 LOLOCAUST!!!
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That's a paddlin' result !
What a cracking name
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its a pity this vote closed so early
I like the name Skip-skip the can picture him now. a bit overweight, probably snarls a bit especially to new people and getting on a bit
what about Pell-i think that he would be a really stupid dog i think-everyone would love it but not know why. probably should be put down really
i have other names like simmo, wackadu, parker or trishadam that i think would have been suitable ames for a dog
frankly paxo is just a silly name
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Brilliant, I absolutely love the name Awooga, I hope this gets announced on the newsnight program that the 成人快手 do listen to the voters!
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Brilliant, I absolutely love the name Awooga, I hope this gets announced on the newsnight program that the 成人快手 do listen to the voters!
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Awooga is a great name if you disagree i've got a pitch fork with your name on. AWOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGAAAA
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The great thing about the name Awooga is it has a soothing aura about it. I can imagine training being easy, such as telling him to do different things such as RULE 1 etc.
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Awooooga, sure beats the stuffing out of Paxo!! Awwoooooooogaaaa!!! :)
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Awooga, aww what a sweet name. Dress the dog in dungarees and it'll look amazin. roflcopter
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This is a grape time for dogs everywhere.
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Totally agree that you should take the clunge and call it Awooga!
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Are all the people from 25 down one and the same person??
And did that same person vote multiple times??
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A waste of our general abilities...
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ALWIGHT! ANOTHER WOLD WECORD! Awooga to you all, congratulations and a mighty fist pump biggin up the Newsnight massive. Right, lets get paxman off the show and replace him with KRISS KEZIE UCHE CHUKWU DURU AKABUSI MBE MA, Imagine the great man livening up the dull interviews with his bellowing laugh and mighty enthusiasm.
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I think it's a rubbish name. The silver medal of names. This name needs to be put to sleep and the dog neutered for sure.
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I think it's a rubbish name. The silver medal of names. The name should be put to sleep and the dog neutered for sure, for everyone's safety.
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54+ votes and you still don't know?
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