Newsnight podcasts
- 6 Oct 06, 03:34 PM
The Newsnight audio and video podcasts appear every Friday featuring the best of the programme's interviews, reports and discussions. You can download them or via a podcast application.
You can discuss the podcasts and their content by posting your comments here.
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Love the video podcasts. Plese keep them coming and extend the range to include Newsnight Review. Thanks!
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This posting is only the second on this topic. Will the Newsnight editors, managers and other leaders never get the message that most people who watch Newsnight couldn't care a damn about another risible piece of inconvenient small-screen technology, when all they want to do is watch the programme once on a real television set?
Personally, I want Newsnight to stick to the formula, like Panorama, of exposing scams, illogicalities, inconsistencies and criminality in our society. But once we've watched the programme once, it is old news. I don't want a lot of state of the art geekology whose raison d'锚tre is to regurgitate the programme you've just been watching.
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thank you. i love your news becase you people tale us the corret thing and pls iam not too good in competer . u bear with me . what i want to talk u is that. the musqus in nigeria are planing to cause probem in the 2007 g .on vote card so these is the way i can bring them out because i talk to my people they not do it they back it up . if u want no more about it may be u can email me 4 more information. bye sir . good luck to bbc. com pls try and do some thing
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Eric (2) -
I'm sorry, but I'm not aware of this "message" that we're supposed to be getting. So far, both versions of the Newsnight podcast have received a positive reaction from those who download them each week.
You are, of course, one of our more dedicated viewers, but I'd point out that not everyone watches the programme every day of the week, and not everyone who watches a particular edition necessarily does so in full. So, it's safe to say that a good deal of the podcasts' material will be new to many of their audience.
As for content being "old news" - well, so what? The idea is that the podcasts bring together extracts from the week; as Jeremy has remarked, "news without the inconvenience of topicality".
In any case, Newsnight is not a news bulletin. Consequently, what you'll find in the podcasts is often, like the programme, a much broader offering than merely a round-up of a particular day's events.
As for the "risible piece of inconvenient small-screen technology" - you are, of course, entitled to your view, but thousands of people evidently disagree with you.
There's nothing to stop you enjoying the scheduled version of the programme, but it would be foolhardy of us not to acknowledge the considerable number of people who prefer to enjoy Newsnight in alternative ways. The podcasts, like our broadband offering, endeavour to recognise this.
As ever, though, we'd be delighted to hear everyone's views on this.
Best wishes,
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Damn it! I always enjoy Erics thoughts and now he has to go and shatter my illusions of his omnipotence!!! Keep producing the podcast Newsnight. Not all of us have the opportunity to watch every programme and the podcast means we can catch up on the train, bus, etc. So ignore the luddites (they don't have to listen if they don't want to anyway) and keep producing it for your more technologicaly enlightened fanbase.
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There is only one thing wrong with the newsnight podcast. It is weekly instead of daily. What prevents the 成人快手 from offering highlights, or better still the whole program, as a daily podcast?
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I think it's an absolutely brilliant idea, as sometimes I don't always get the chance to see Newsnight/record Newsnight on my DVR, so catching it on Podcast is fantastic, especially if you're on the move. The show "The Week on Newsnight" on News24 is a fantastic idea. Well done Newsnight Crew for coming up with the idea! Would it also be possible to repeat the show on a Sunday Afternoon as well??
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The Newsnight podcast is great but why is it only available in Apple friendly MP4? I am surprised that the 成人快手 endorses one manufacturer of mobile video devices in such an obvious way.
Other podcast sites make their feed available in a variety of formats to allow their video to be played on a multitude of players.
Come on 成人快手, make your podcast inclusive to everyone!
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VERY disappointed that your podcast didn't include the excellent piece on Nuclear Weapons from Thursday 19th. It was so good to hear Joan Ruddock, as feisty as ever. And salutary to hear the same old justifications for the outdated theory of deterrence being trotted out by the Shadow Defence Minister. This should be required viewing for all who are even thinking about voting Tory - if you vote for cuddly David Cameron, THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL GET AS FOREIGN POLICY. Is there anywhere one can get a download of the Nuclear piece now?
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The podcast is excellent; more (daily?) would be even better!
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I want daily podcasts.
I watch Newsnight every weekday night but miss the odd part of the prog.
This podcast seems to be for people who dont watch newsnight at all or sufficiently massocistic to want to watch it twice!
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As of this week, we're releasing daily video podcasts featuring a highlight from the previous evening's programme. This is in addition to our regular podcast output which will continue to be released every Friday.
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Why have you changed to daily podcasts - too much guys!
I really liked getting the mix of the weeks reports once a week - where you can really decide how the mix will work best. In some weeks I guess the week's most interesting and best reports will come from just one broadcast show - other they will be more spread out - going daily means you are really only taking one report from one show - so now it is no longer the weekly best.
Now I'm just getting the best from the previous day which means I have to watch everyday and there is no commentary to pull it all together.
If you want to keep the daily podcasts - please set up a separate feed for them and return this feed to the once a week, brilliant mix of the week, with a presenter bringing it together - as you were doing - it was great.
You had changed the way I watched Newsnight - gone from the occasional flick past on the TV and stay if I was interested to now spending time every week watching the podcast and some of your best reports.
I find the daily shows are information overload and I think I will just get a backlog and then not watch them - help me please.
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The weekly video podcasts will remain as a best of the week catch-up. The daily podcasts are additional and a response to many requests we have had.
We are carefully monitoring the amount of material we send out. At the moment can only have one feed for Newsnight as this is a trial. And, being a trial, we are finding our way in assessing what works best.
I hope you'll continue to download the weekly edition every Friday afternoon.
Darren #8 - Mpeg4 files are non-proprietry and the 成人快手 video podcasts currently work on iPods, PSPs and some mobiles. Our developers are working hard at increasing the range of devices that will play our files.
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I find it a bit annoying signing up for something that is weekly and knowing how much to expect I'm downloading and the rules then changing.
I think you need to think a little more about your audience as you continue to develop your ideas - you are not the only pod cast I download and changing the rules takes up more storage and more bandwidth.
Please consider this as you decide to alter things in the future - I do not believe it is that complex to set-up separate feeds as you try out new ideas. Get the presenters to advertise them at the end of the weekly podcast - so that your audience knows what is going on.
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You are of course right - it is technically possible for us to have more than one feed. However, as I said, this is a trial and we are only allowed one feed under the terms of that trial.
We are aiming to keep the daily podcasts to a mix of short set pieces and long, landmark films. And as you will have seen from this week's edition - the weekly round-up remains.
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I have only discover this service a few weeks ago, but this podcast service is excellent. Thank you 成人快手. I live in Paris, and watch this and other 成人快手 podcasts on the train to work everyday.
It has really cheered up my journey to work, and has given a raison etre for my 3 year old Toshiba 335 Pocket PC which works really well as a podcast player - probably better than any IPOD as it has a bigger screen! (running TCPMP player)
I still stay up late (11.30pm in France) to watch Newsnight live, most nights of the week, but it's great to have the pocket version.
Keep up this excellent work,
Dan Freeman
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Sunday Nov 12th & still no Newsnight audio on iTunes! Where is newsnight audio podcast this week. My life is incomplete without it. Please keep releasing the audio podcast. The power is in the words not the pictures. Thank You.
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Brilliant for us ex-pats. Pity you can't put Newsnight on to 成人快手 World.
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I am an Irishman living in Italy. I love the podcasts, I try to listen to them as often as possible. I even get my students to download them and listen to them as part of their English lessons.
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Your Questiontime video podcast is a great idea, but I'm having trouble playing it on my Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 Linux PDA. The video's fine, but there's no sound. What's the format of the audio stream in the mpeg4 container? Is it AAC? Evidently one mp4 file is not necessarily the same as another. I need the information to be able to configure my media player. Apple is not the only game in town.
David Tarrant
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The link to today's video podcast (Tuesday 5th Dec - Peter Marshall's interview of Carne Ross) is incorrect:
It should read...
Kind regards, and keep up the very good work, faulty links notwithstanding :)
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When I click the DOWNLOAD button, I get:
"Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at downloadtrial."
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Ta v much for fixing the links ;)
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My ship Safmarine Namibe plies the South Africa - West Africa routes and while I can receive short wave it isn't always possible to catch my favourite programmes! Now video podcasts have brought a world of difference to news reports for me since when am in port I can go into the Agent's office, download these, and watch them at my leisure when I get back on board!
Capt Wahid
Port of Matadi
DR Congo
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This is a very valuable service and I very much hope it continues. A friend was speaking in glowing terms about Tuesday's report from Kenya, which I'd missed, and I was glad to be able to download and watch the whole item.
My frustration is with the terms of use. I understand ruling out commercial use, but what about educational use? What if, say, an economics lecturer wants to show a few minutes of a report on how the Kenyan economy is being transformed, before lecturing on the economic theory. It's not distribution to the public, it's not rebranding the content or misleading anyone about its source, but it's not permitted by the current terms because it's not purely personal use. Think of the service the 成人快手 would be doing to teachers and students at all levels (and the new young audiences exposed to Newsnight's quality journalism) if this sort of thing were explicitly allowed in the terms of use.
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I had problems downloading the Newsnight podcast over the christmas period so i unsubscribed from it. Come the new year i subscribed again and listened to the podcast now i seem unable to receive the podcast again. Other podcasts work fine 成人快手 and non 成人快手.
I use itunes.
Any advice?
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"Well that was Geek Week on Newsnight. Next week we all return to being Luddites," - best quote of the night by the one and only Jeremy!
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I have had the same trouble as Peter (27). The last podcast I got safely was 15 Dec, but iTunes couldn't find anything for 22 Dec, and hasn't been able to since. I haven't tried unsubscribing because I am rather a technophobe and it seems Peter's try wasn't altogether successful. Help, please!
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I have been working away from home for about a year, and will be for another while. The video and audio downloads, both from the Newsnight web site and the rest of the Beebs pages frankly are excellent. Satellite TV, is no substitute, the Radio 4 'listen again service' is excellent as is the R5 service. But for Newsnight [and NN Review] the downloads are an excellent way of keeping bang up to date with what is happening at home, who is doing what with whom and why Gordon Brown should............. another post for another day there. !
Keep up the good work. It is appreciated by one ex-pat' if not by Eric.
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In October, Ian Lacey said :
We are aiming to keep the daily podcasts to a mix of short set pieces and long, landmark films............
It was on the strength of one of these landmark films, the interview with Richard Dawkins by Jermey Paxman, that I bought the book, The God Delusion. High Technology the instigator for a Traditional Purchase. Another good effort from the Beeb.
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Great podcasts - but please say on the website how big they are. At the moment, the only way I know how huge a file is, is after I've already clicked on the download button... It's a bit of a shock to find I'm downloading umpteen meg without any prior warning (I've only just got broadband, and 56k-modem habits die hard).
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Thanks for the great service!
Can you help me, I have a problem downloading last Thursdays (18th Jan) newsnight program. There is a reportage on mobile TV I would love to see.
I have tried several time by clicking the yellow Thursday box with no effect.
Thank you.
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I get the daily newsletters and download the weekly audio podcast and love it! Don't stop.
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Love the pods, but the following doesn't exist even though the link is there. Help!
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The requested URL /rmhttp/downloadtrial/bbc2/newsnightvideopodcast/newsnightvideopodcast_20070221-1300_40_st.mp4 was not found on this server.
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I really like the podcasts, they keep me vaguely sane while I'm away in hot and humid climes, but the links seem to be a real problem. I'm afraid this week it's the audio version's turn, 20070227, to be wonky. It's a real shame when they don't work given that access to the internet here is fairly slow and very temperamental. Ta so much for fixing it...
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I really like the podcasts, but I hope that other mp3 player can use podcast. I think mp4 is just for Ipod, so how about .avi or .wmv also?
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I'm a big fan of the podcasts, I don't usually have time to watch Newsnight anymore but always have my Ipod with me. This gives me the chance to catch some of what I've missed.
I really appreciate the fact you've been adding daily content. My only criticism of this would when a story is covered in both the daily and weekly episode. If you feel you have to cover it I'd prefer you give a quick recap and leave the daily episode on the feed for people to download if they want to see more.
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I live in Canada and greatly enjoy Newsnight podcasts as well as various others such as Breakfast Takeway and Ten Weekly. The downloads are painfully slow, however, and I'm wondering if the 成人快手 could make them available from servers in North America so that the transfer speeds would be much higher. National Geographic and Rocketboom podcasts download at much higher speeds than those from the 成人快手. Just a suggestion but I hope you keep on with the trial.
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This video pod cast by News Night is a wonderful way for me to stay in touch with UK current affairs. I do hope that it continues.
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Thank you so much for making Newsnight avilavleble as a podcast.
I find that during my working week that am unable to get the time to watch television, and I really enjoy watching Newsnight on my Ipod on the Train or the Bus to and from work. To be able to use technology to accesses the content the 成人快手 produces available on the go really is the right step forward.
Thank you to all the team that have made this possible, I look forward to see more in the future.
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I'm an Irish web developer based in Brisbane, and delighted to be able to get good old newsnight, which I hadn't seen in several years.
I'm using a Pocket PC, but had to hunt around for the right codec to install just to get the audio working. If you're having probs with the audio on Pocket PC type the exact error message (probably to do with aac codec) into google, and have a search for the codec installer.
I'm sure it's disallowed to actually give the web address here (because of intellectual property considerations mentioned in the error message) - but somebody at this website should be aware that it is difficult to get this type of MP4 playing on a pocket PC, even using TCPMP.
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Dear Newsnight
Your video podcasts are great - please keep them up.
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Thursday's video download .mp4 podcast of Newsnight is not currently working. Could someone please fix the link.
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I now live in the US and very much miss direct access to 成人快手 broadcasts/programming. Using feeds and downloadable podcasts (video and audio) allows me to keep current with World, local (UK) and special interest stories (technology updates), please keep this service available and if possible add/expand as much as possible.
FYI i video the video content on my cell phone on the way to work - it is great
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HELLO!??? Does anyone at the 成人快手 read these messages?
Could someone please fix last Thursday podcast link (29th March 2007) as I am unable to download it. It's STILL broken. Although, the other Newsnight podcast links work fine.
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Hey NN, just wanted to say that your podcasts are the only way I can view the programme all the way over hear in NZ. Your show is generally of a better quality than the foreign affairs shows screened on TVNZ. So well done and thanks for putting another point of view out there.
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Late to comment as usual, but please be assured I am enjoying the podcasts. There are a few things I miss because I am living outside of the UK, one of them is Newsnight - now I can enjoy this through the weekly podcast - fantastic. It is not so much the topical news stories but the depth of analysis that is important and which I miss, now newsnight to some degree will help to fill that gap
If I was to make a recommendation or suggestion it would be to cover a few more issues and in a little more depth, I realise this is a summary, but I feel once or twice that the podcast has simplified some of the analysis in order to fit in with the timeframe. The interview with John Bolton was a case in point, where if you watch the full interview you get a different impression that the weekly podcast version. I know I am splitting hairs on this, but you did want suggestions. Overall I am delighted to have this kind of analysis and programme available.
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In short - thanks!
I think the podcasts are excellent. News is brought to a wider and younger audience. I normally watch them whilst travelling on business. This allows me to keep up to date and in touch with good quality journalism.
I hope that this service is expanded in an ever tightening 成人快手 news budget.
The future is in this manner of communication.
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The developing podcastorama from Newsnight is great - as the messages above indicate, BUT:
what about a Newsnight Scotland weekly podcast?
for those of us north of the border this is sorely needed. the rest of the news programmes in Scotland are pretty low-fi. The 成人快手's Reporting Scotland is dismal - we call it Reporting Stabbings 'cos that's what it seems to focus on.
so Gordon - what are you waiting for ?
ps. a Newsnight Scotland section of the website would be good as well.
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I love the Newsnight podcasts and have not missed an episode in weeks.
I just wish the resolution was a little better - even viewed on the small iPod screen, the bad picture quality is annoying (not to mention when viewed on the computer screen).
Otherwise, it would be great to see a bit more of the discussions and a bit less of the reports, even though I enjoy both.
Many thanks and keep up the great work.
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Do the podcasts work on Creative Zen Vison M or is it just me?
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It's a pity for 2 reasons:
1. It's not podcasted everynight, and
2. I think everyone deserve to watch the full version as seen on TV. They may missed the programme the night before, but would like to catch up the programme in the tube next morning.
News programmes has to be updated to be meaningful.
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To Jonathan,
Podcasting doesn't work on Creative Zen M - as I have the same problem from as far as Hong Kong! Nevertheless, Zen Vision V plus works.
You may contact Creative's technical support by email.
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Would someone please tell Emily Maitlis how to chair interviews involving more than one person. You don't just sit there pleasantly like a child visiting Father Christmas and let the loudest voice shout the others down. Friday's overview of Gordon Brown's debut should have had Maitlis taking charge, apportioning the discussion equally among her three guests using the time-honoured and simple technique of directing a question at one person at a time, particularly when another is becoming vociferous. Instead the dominant position was rapidly taken by Daniel Finkelstein who used his assertiveness to take airtime from Matthew Taylor and Ollie Grender unchallenged. When there is no-one in control, viewers feel insecure and abandoned. Some words of advice for Emily Maitlis: watch how Paxman does it.
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There is a defect in the 'Week on Newsnight' video podcast dated Friday 29/06/07. The sound cuts out on two occasions while Mr Paxman is addressing the camera. It might be a good idea for you to watch the podcast before uploading it, in order to detect such technical faults. Please do not allow your wonderful podcasts to become as much of a mess as the 成人快手 Scotland News podcasts have sometimes been!
Kind regards and compliments for your excellent work.
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You're right - apologies. The podcast goes through several processes in order to get it into the MP4 format and although we do check it it isn't always possible to watch the whole programme through at each stage. I'm not sure at which point it failed - it seems to have just ignored one track altogether. Sorry if this spoiled your enjoyment - we'll be extra vigilant this week.
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Perhaps someone is still busy being "vigilant," but the 13th July audio podcast is not yet available for download. An error message keeps appearing indicating site problems.
Just because one has 'paraskavedekatriaphobia' doesn't mean it isn't true!
Also, why aren't there ever Monday podcasts available? Sorry, if someone asked that already.
A fan of Newsnight podcasts with and without pictures
P.S. The video versions were especially useful when I was up in Scotland, thus getting only half the England Newsnight on air.
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There seems to be a problem with the sound on the 17th July podcast. Most of the time there is silence, but in some sections there is background noise which seems to indicate that someone forgot to include the main sound channel!
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Oh dear, we seem to have had some podcast problems.
In the case of the audio podcast for Friday 13th (says it all, really), for some reason it didn't publish properly. It's been sent through again.
The video podcast for Tuesday 17th published with only one audio track, making for a rather strange viewing experience. The audio tracks are usually mixed down automatically at the publishing stage but this process evidently failed - I've republished the report, mixing down the audio beforehand this time.
Apologies for the problems - we do appreciate users bringing them to our attention.
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Thanks to all involved in providing this feed.
I for one will miss the video podcast in particular, both the daily reports and the weekly roundup,
Having a podcast feed that supplies files for viewing wherever I am and whatever platform I am using is a lot more convenient to me than having to use specialised software (such as the 成人快手 iPlayer).
I hope that the imminent launch of the iPlayer does not reduce the likelihood of a return by this and other trial podcasts.
I ams sure the iPlayer has its place but until is available on more platforms it will not be satisfactory substitute to a simple podcast feed.
Thanks again.
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Why oh why cancel the podcast??? I'm a law student with a keen interest in politics and current news. I love the podcast as i can listen to it at uni or, like now, when i'm working as a bus driver over the summer. It helps me keep up to date and relieves the boredom. So please, now that the trial has finished, carry on with the podcasts full time.
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I've very much enjoyed the video podcast - catching up on the stories I've heard about from the daily emails but never managed to catch. If the trial's aim was to give viewers what they want, then you'll be bringing video podcasts back on Monday.
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I'm very disappointed that you won't be continuing the newsnight podcasts, or even expanding them. I lived in the UK for six happy years and miss it terribly, this was a little piece of Britain in my ear each week. It will be missed and I encourage you to please reconsider. For every person who writes in a comment, you can be sure there are many who remain silently dismayed.
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I was so disappointed to find out the Newsnight podcasts were being discontinued. I live outside of the U.K. and find them an excellent way to keep informed about U.K. and European issues and to provide a contrasting viewpoint to North American news outlets. I hope that the 成人快手 will reconsider and continue with the podcast 'experiment' indefinitely.
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As a British expat living in Sydney I podcast a lot of bbc audio content and am extremely disappointed to learn of the final Newsnight. I find it hard to get such quality reporting here and I strongly urge you to reconsider this decision as it will be greatly missed.
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As a yank who finds 成人快手 News far superior to any American news (including the limited resources of PBS and NPR), the ending of the Newsnight podcasts will leave an actual void in my life. I am seriously depressed about this.
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I have to agree with the posters above in expressing my disappointment at the ending of the Newsnight podcast.
Unlike some I am a UK resident (licence fee payer), but as I work evenings I don't get to catch Newsnight live. The podcast goes a long to way towards keeping me informed.
Let's have it back full-time please.
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Loved the podcasts- could listen to semi-in-depth news stories once a week and decide which "current" stories had "staying power" and which were just trivialities
Will miss it
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I would like to say how sad I am that the Newsnight Audio Podcast has come to an end. I listen to a lot of podcasts each week and would rate Newsnight as one of the best. So a big thanks to all those at the 成人快手 who have worked on the show and hope that it will be revived soon.
Could we please have a fuller explanation for the decision than "it was part of a trial"?
But no matter, the 成人快手 may fail to see that podcasting is the future of broadcasting but others do not. I used to listen to a lot of radio (almost entirely 成人快手) but have switched to podcasting instead. My ears have been opened to a whole new world of content, not just from the UK but from all over the english speaking world. I would prefer to listen to the 成人快手 but as a proportion of your total output very little is made available in podcast format. By ingnoring the opportunities presented by podcasting the 成人快手 is making itself look like a bit of a dinosaur -and we all know what happened to them.
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A real shame that this podcast is being withdrawn from the 成人快手 podcast portfolio. As an expat posted overseas this has been a great opportunity to catch up on the issues covered in the UK and get a British slant on world events. With the indepth serious Newsnight podast withdrawn and the rather less serious, but nonetheless entertaining, Now show also abandoned from the Podcast format, the 成人快手 have seriously impacted the quality and choice of the news and current affairs available online. Lets hope the podast returns.....
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Terrible news. What am I to do ?
Newsnight was perhaps the best of the downloads.
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Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, as the old anectode goes. But that doesn't stop the heart from asking - why? Why are you stoppin' now? What is the conclusion of your year trial? This guinepig wants to know!
What am I supposed to do now while I travel the overcrowded subway trains under Tokyo streets?
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I join the chorus of frustration at the news of Newsnight podcast discontinuation and hope there will be rethink. How much does it cost for someone to put the package together at the 成人快手? And how much does the corporation gain in terms of prestige and marketing from making avaiable one of its flagship programmes in probably one of the fastest growing formats for digital users?
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Don't stop the podcasts, I will even pay the licence fee!
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I am one of dozens of expats I personally know of who download the Newsnight podcast. It's a lifeline to the type of half-decent analytical insight which those of us far from the UK sorely miss.
Please, please, please bring them back!
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I'm left feeling physically gutted at the news that the podcasting 'trial' has ended. The Newsnight podcasts are an immensely valuable and convenient resource; in short - a REALLY GOOD IDEA. Please don't abandon the concept of downloadable podcasts; they are among the most lustrous feathers in the 成人快手's cap.
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As another ex-pat, I'll miss the Newsnight podcast. It was the highlight of my podcast week.
Please bring it back!
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I wanted to echo the comments of those of us outside the UK who loved watching the podcasts, so perhaps the 成人快手 should consider adding pre-rolls or some sort of advertising at the start to pay for this.
More than willing to put up with that for great programming. Don't be away for long, please.
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I regularly listen to a wide range of podcasts as I really appreciate the ability to choose what I listen to and when I listen to it, without having to remember to set a recorder.
I appreciate that video podcasts will be more expensive to make and distribute but surely the cost of a weekly audio podcast must be relatively insignificant. Can I please make a plea to carry out your review as quickly as possible and bring back at least the audio Newsnight podcast as soon as possible.
I also certainly hope it doesn't mean we are going to lose other excelent audio podcasts like Digital Planet.
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Oh, no...
Another plea from overseas for continuation of the audio podcasts. It's a lifeline. Please. Please, please, please. Too disappointed to be more eloquent at the moment.
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What a pity...I was enjoying the newsnight podcasts..I would endevour to say they were the most informative..casual and to the point news items of any interest to me. Would love BBc to reconsider.
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Another disappointed ex-pat, hoping that one day the newsnight podcast will come back...
One of the best news summaries I could find online.
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There are two issues here:
1) The podcast is being cancelled.
2) There is no communication as to why.
1 is bad enough. The Newsnight podcast is a fantastic example of how to get such things right. It takes an excellent show and distills it for the time-poor to digest when convenient. It does this with very little effort on the part of the consumer.
2 is diabolical. There are legions of people who use this feed, only a small number of whom are represented here. To take away a provided service with no published reason is unnacceptable in any sphere and tarnishes what has been a very pleasant experience.
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Please, please, please offer us an audio version of Newsnight. I am so depressed about this show disappearing from my IPod!
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The removal of the newsnight podcast is irreplaceable. Shame on the person/team that made this decision.
One very disappointed expat. Boooooo.
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Please please please bring back the newsnight podcast. The best independant all round news podcast I viewed. Another disappointed expat.
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Im not an expat but was a regular user of the podcast.
Please please bring this back
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another expat who has been wondering what happened. I feel very out of touch without my dose of paxman every week
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Bring back the Newsnight podcast!
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