Tuesday, 5 September, 2006
- 5 Sep 06, 05:08 PM
The never-ending story of Blair鈥檚 departure timetable, plus an interview with author and icon of US journalism, Joan Didion. Post your opinions of and its topics here.
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The never-ending story of Blair鈥檚 departure timetable, plus an interview with author and icon of US journalism, Joan Didion. Post your opinions of and its topics here.
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No 10 says that 49 Labour MPs have just signed a statement saying Mr Miliband has provided the certainty Labour needs.
So there we have it, Labour now has certainty.
What say you Mr Silent Man in number 11?
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Pathetic ....stop trying to create the news...just report it...Crick ...Wark...your endless self-generated speculation is not news...and not worthy of newsnight...
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How dare Clare Short think that she is the voice of Labour party supporters. And those elected in 2001 were elected because of Tony Blair.
Do any of these people really believe that Gordon Brown has the charisma needed to be a successful national leader? With speech therapy maybe..
Anybody actively trying to remove Tony Blair from office is looking for alittle rest for several years while Cameron and crew mess the economy up again. And I pay higher taxes....
Patricia Adams
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Why does Newsnight always have to repeat the main story just after reporting it? It's so annoying. Viewers are not goldfish with a memory span of 7 seconds.
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I am fed up with the way Newsnight repeatedly sensationalises news. The accuracy is a secondary issue. Political independence is a secondary issue. The big issue is to make every news story the most important.
The problem is that this kind of reporting does not help Britain鈥檚 democracy. I am no fan of Tony Blair of late. Tonight鈥檚 Newnight was so attacking Blair that I turned it off and wrote this. The 成人快手 should be reporting news, not trying to make it. The kind of reporting on Newsnight is what has put pressure on Blair. The 成人快手 should not dirty its hands with this kind of politics.
The Real issue with the 成人快手 and Blair however, as most of us know, is that the 成人快手 has a grudge. The 成人快手 will not ever miss an opportunity to get its own back over Iraq.
There was a time, many years ago, when the 成人快手鈥檚 news reporting was based on principals of impartial new reporting. Now all the presenters have their egos to satisfy.
Please get yourselves sorted out. You are damaging our democracy. The 成人快手 has great potential for good. It is currently failing in its duty and wasting all that potential.
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In reply to the question...yes that same question .. When will Blair give THE date of his resignation as PM... Hilary Benn says" Trust the PM to do the correct thing for the Party"...
Howzat!"! whatever happened to consideration & governance for the Electorate in all these discussions...no mention of them then!!
Blair will be remembered as the best recruiting sergeant for the Tories.."God bless Him".. long may he reign... until the next GE.
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...theme to Blue Peter....a childrens programme...fitting conclusion to tonights programme....in future I will get my news from C成人快手...then I won't have to listen to regurgitated tittle tattle from the tabloids...get a grip editor!
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Newsnight tonight--complete INsanity,
It sickend me.
The only one to speak sense was Claire Short.
Turf the whole lot out, lets start afresh. Barbara Norwich
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blair - may 2007 is four years and forty five minutes too late
are you going to go on blue peter - iraq to make your friendly chappy exit ?
where now ? security consultant ?
hope you're ashamed
by the way, john reid ?...like the guy said about bush in 2,000..."oh dear"
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There are far more important issues to deal with than worry over when Tony Blair leaves office, and to devote a prime part of the programme to discussing it! I turned off at around 10.50 as I couldn't stand listening to any more. The inclusion of the interview with Ms Short who's been anti Blair for years was the final straw!!! I've never voted Labour, but I do feel Blair has been an excellent PM. Having to make the extremely tough decisions he's had to make in the past few years would have defeated any lesser individual.
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Don't listen to all these whiners, Newsnight. Blair has been manipulating the media and drumming up sensationalism for his own ends for 10 years, but as soon as you start reporting on dissent within his party all the Blairites come out and start complaining. You can tell when Newsnight's doing a good job when they try to bar Michael Crick from all the action. Keep it up.
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Sometimes I wonder why there are general elections in this country. Less than two years ago, the country voted TB into office and constitutionally gave him another mandate for up to five years. For a bunch of MPs to try to force him out before the end of his term is downright lunacy to me. I do not care whether his decision to go to iraq was wrong or not, the electorate had the choice to oust him last year, and they chose to re-new his mandate. All the attention seekers should shut up and concentrate on better things.
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Watching Newsnight tonight I got the feeling that there was no news to report.
I just don't give a fig about the Labour Party succession, and to think we are going to be subjected to all this non-news for the best part of the next year whilst the country is heading towards social breakdown makes me want to join the queue of millions heading for the exits.
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Blair's party of misanthropy must end..our labour have empathy common cause and comradeship ...not socio-economic image and enjoyment of vindictive intrusion or alienation of others like he does
The triumph of Blairism..how ridiculous...here's the byedumph of Blairism
100s of 1000s of dead muslims, massive security deployment, increased terrorism..dead soldiers
a generation of vengeful vindictive blairites...who do any kind of evil to feel good about themselves
more and more people fighting to live rather than loving those around them
a million children who will never be born, because women are politicised into man-haters
streets of primitive fight flight culture, barren thinking women, 1000s who haven't been fathers
criminals excused by the police and the lawful intimidated and arrested
criminal justice rather than lawful justice
1 million forced to be mentally ill...
people afraid to be fully themselves and interact with social confidence they had as conservatives
a nation of servants to the obscenity of the 拢94billion uncaring moralities of the nhs
kids deliberately demoralised in schools because they are young men
our future does not lie with him and neither does our past
Not triumph but byedumph
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Dear newsnight, I'm more of a friend of yours than a friend of Blair, but really! What a bunch of venomous blood suckers you are! I find pointing the finger very dull.. This sort of uptight bitchyness talks more about a reporters sexual impotance than it does of real news. If you could avoid sensationalism and just give us as much real information as possible that would be great.
It's verging on.. dare I say it.... Pretentious?
And I agree with Edward Chewtoy (!) - I do not have a three second memory! There must be other things going on in the world, mustn't there?
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I find Clare Short satisfying to listen too - she just says it like it is. Her only real mistake was not to go with Robin cook.
Well I suppose if "serious" editors go on "stars in their eyes" we shouldnt be surprised to see last night antics.
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I always measure how desperate you are by who you trot out to parrot your agenda. Claire Short means almost complete desperation - just above Meacher or Kilyfoyle. We all know when it comes to being in office she would much prefer Sddam to Tony Blair, so why treat us to even more bile and sour grapes. No use in making cooing noises towards Gordon, Claire, given your level of disloyalty he wouldn't let you near his cabinet.
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I find it funny how so many think the leadership of the Labour Party and country is unimportant. Let's look at the facts - Blair is at 23% approval and leading us down a dark path towards never-ending war and prejudice. For many of us it's important that he step down ASAP.
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I understood that there was an item due to be shown on Newsnight (last night, 5/9/06) on speech therapy in the NHS. Can anyone tell me, please, when this will now be shown? Thanks
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Newsnight was such a drag last night. I ended up switching it off in favor of Peaches Geldof attempting to inform us (the ignorant public)-that Islam is not just all full of 鈥淔undamentalists and stuff".
Kirsty Wark tried her best with the material she was given. Tony Blair was appointed democratically and will/should leave after the call of an early General Election with a new Labour candidate -the winner of a leadership contest voted by Labour members and not chosen or appointed by the Cabinet.
Clair Short is determined to ruin the Party she is supposedly affiliated with. She reeks of arrogance and self importance. Selfish, at best- Ms Short is convinced that her views and interests come above those of the voting Public and is determined to let us know that. The party does not belong to any one person and should not bow to Claire or other self-promoters posturing.
This snail paced coup is undermining the credibility and strength of the British political process and adding to the decline in public support of main stream politics and political parties. Self flagellation sums it all up. Slapping a new face on top of (home and foreign) policies that get up backs of the voting majority is like putting a plaster on a stab wound. Debate and new direction is the way forward combined with a healthy democratic leadership contest followed by a General Election- one were the new Labour leader puts forward fresh ideas with supported and consulted policies.
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Hilary Benn asks us to "trust Tony Blair". Isn't that just the problem? We have trusted him so many times and each time Blair has betrayed that trust. Lies, lies and more damned lies, that's what most of us believe. Tony Blair is incapable of telling the truth. And, like Harriet and the Matches, if he does finally step out of character and tell us the truth, we won't believe him.
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Sir, to say the bittering truth, Tony Blair has lost his ground to walk by his own feet.How wecan expect the good more? He can try in the next roundleaving his offis.Aleader like Blair has frustrated the worled.
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I think tony blair has been a great leader of the labour party because the things he has done for them. Yes I admit he has made bad mistakes e.g the iraq war. I think the media should stop scrutinizing him and focus on more important issues of the world instead of worring about the labour leadership race.
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