President Bush wields the knife...
- 19 Apr 06, 03:13 PM
Here at Newsnight the afternoon has sprung to life as a series of wires with yellow lightning flashes in the heading indicates that George W Bush has begun a reshuffle in the White House. Karl Rove is to "lose his policy role", while press secretary Scott McClellan has resigned. The is already alive with paranoia and schadenfreude. Follow it all on 成人快手News24, and have your say by hitting the comment button below.
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Is Bush wielding the knife, or are the rats jumping ship?
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It is widely thought that Ronald Reagan's wife felt that her husband was too nice to dismiss close associates and played a part in bringing about the departure of Donald T. Regan, his strong-minded Chief of Staff, in her husband's best interests. Mr. Reagan never made a secret of the fact that he owed a great deal to his wife Nancy. There is no suggestion, however, that she actively influenced policy.
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watching news 24 yesterday they had a supposed space expert on.when a pic of the shuttle came noone had a clue what they were looking at?!!!!!!!!it was the centerline camera looking up through the shuttles docking port at, the station.also how com the live docking was at 4pm intstead of 3pm??????????
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