Your Letters
Mo Farah has an identical brother (10 Things, Friday)? Who can run faster? Hmmm, Mo's spectacular recent successes are suddenly explained, methinks... Perhaps you should check the footage again, and see if there's any moment where Mo runs behind a tree or hedge?
Rob, London, UK
I bet the repeats we get now .
Malcolm, Wrexham, Wales, United Kingdom
Okay, please form an orderly queue to correct me here, but given the whole Moon/gravity situation, would it not actually be reasonably easy to get someone up the ladder? I only ask because leaving someone on the Moon seems a bit harsh...
Sue, London
Mike, Friday letters, possibly a Triumph (Act 3 Scene 4)?
Mark Esdale, Bridge, UK
It's a bit of a novel twist on the Man Bites Dog story.
Basil Long, Nottingham