Paper Monitor
A service highlighting the riches of the daily press.
Ah, it must be half-term.
Paper Monitor usually finds out about this occasion because the office suddenly gets much quieter.
And there are ankle-biters thronging public transport even during the day.
But this time the cue is snaps of the Camerons on holiday in Ibiza. The papers on Sunday reported the extraordinary news that Samantha Cameron had been to a "rave". Cue reporters again digging up those stories about SamCam's friendship with Tricky.
Today it's just common or garden pap shots of the Camerons. SamCam gets praise for her "bikini body" (copyright Daily Mail).
The Sun tries to explain to its readers what the appeal of Ibiza is with a column from DJ Dave Pearce. Strange, as one would assume Ibiza was a place many of the newspaper's readers would be familiar with.
If the subject was "Provence Interiors" (see ), some degree of context might be necessary.
The Sun also insists on mocking up a DVD cover with Cam & Sam Go Large, replacing Kevin and Perry.
Some of the papers noted the prime minister's unwillingness to take off his T-shirt (possibly for well-founded concerns about skin damage), but the Daily Mirror is vicious.
It notes that Mr Cameron only ever seems to wear the same dark polo shirt on holiday, with illustrative pics from holidays in Granada and Cornwall.