Your Letters
Do you make up to see if we're awake?
Ed, Clacton, UK
Re: .
Surely the word should be spelled "titfer", as in "tit fer tat"? "Titfa" makes it look, well, Welsh to me, certainly very far removed from its Cockney origins.
Gill, Hastings
I see . What, even the invisible heavy weight he used to "carry"?
Mark, Reading, UK
When I got home yesterday evening I had received a Christmas catalogue in the post. Is this the earliest ever?
Basil Long, Nottingham
Re web monitor: Twitter they were making a TV show and that there was a different explanation for the rumours.
David Faulkner, Chelmsford, UK
Following on from Tim Barrow's letter (Tuesday letters), can we also have a moratorium on pathetically banal post-match interview questions?
After losing: "How do you feel?"
"Did you think you would win?"
"Are you disappointed?"
After winning: "How do you feel?"
"Were you expecting to win?"
"Are you happy with that?"
After a recent loss, Andy Murray recently lost his rag with a journalist who asked if he'd gone out there expecting to win. Murray confirmed he always went out expecting to win and asked the interviewer if he expected to have a job next week if he couldn't find anything better to ask.
Fi, Gloucestershire, UK