Your Letters
I'm not sure whether to thank Paper Monitor for reminding me of my trip to New York or not. I have enjoyed reminiscing about picking up The Onion from a street box and the heatwave a couple of years ago, but it has made me sad that I am not there now! Have any of the papers used the same headline I saw? 'We like it hot, but not THIS hot!'
Ed, Yorkshire, UK
Re: Nifty Folding Webpage idea. Perhaps you could ask if he is any closer to the horizon yet.
Nik Edwards, Aylesbury
With regard to today's PM and the Guardian's Sam Fox on foxes Q&A, one presumes Edward and James were both unavailable?
TS, Bromley, England
Can someone please explain what football is? Everyone keeps talking about football so I asked my friends who answered "It's that thing that means Corrie is on a different day".
Angel, Coventry, UK
I'm pretty sure I wasn't alone in repeatedly saying "Den Dover, Dendover, Den-dover, Dend-over" and so on in response to Fred's post in yesterday's letters. Not only did I sound like a complete idiot but I came to the conclusion that it must be a 'chief whip / bend over' pun - or am i missing something? Sadly, this is what you'd expect from someone called Fred (say it quickly).
Jinja, Edinburgh
'Old faithful' indeed! (Make your own foldie) After I've given you some of the best years of my life... I could have had any website I wanted you know! (Waits to be traded in for younger model).
Pix6, Vienna, Austria
Re today's quote of the day, I know Aberdeen is a long way from London, but it's a long way from the Outer Hebrides too!
K, Edinburgh
Alain Williams asks () "Where would we be if the original Magna Carta was unreadable?" I don't know if he's had the chance to peruse the Great Charter recently, but it is actually unreadable, or at least unreadable to anyone lacking the appropriate software (Latin language interpreter), and extensions (knowledge of Medieval abbreviations and legal language). Quite a lot like a 1980s Word Perfect document, in fact.
Ian Rutt, Swansea, UK
Why do physicist like smashing things together? , and Looks like fun though...
Edd, Cardiff
Music played by gastric band: Fatboy Slim?
Henri, Sidcup
Re Jo from London's 'accusative determinism' (Letters, Monday). I'm happy to find someone else who enjoys the odd grammar-based witticism. I'd suggest we meet up, but am afraid you would decline.
Claire, Oxford
Stupid ideas of the world, no. LXXII: a diamond-studded handbag with giant detachable diamond (). Any cloakroom attendants out there who fancy early retirement?
Edward Green, London, UK