Your Letters
Can anyone explain why the Sydney was on Saturday 1 March, when Shrove Tuesday was 5 February?
David Richerby, Leeds, UK
On the financial news at the beginning of the Today programme at 6.15-6.25 this morning the presenter actually said that 'the rise in the price of coffee was filtering down to the consumer'. He really did - honest. I nearly fell out of bed laughing...
Alan Wesson, Exeter, UK
Monitor: We can confirm that the business presenter did indeed say this, probably accidentally.
Can we have some pronunciation clarification please: despite the double "t", is he still called Warren Booff-AY or actually Buff-ette?
The Bob, Glasgow
As a kid myself, I am fed up with the comments currently in the media about kids. While I accept that some children are troublesome, the majority of kids aren't.
Mike Johnson, London
At first I was worried about . But then I read that "the council has a snazzy modern brand depicting a man springing forwards, looking to the future". So that's all right then.
Edward Green, London, UK
Molly from Dorking (Wednesday's letters) - you've made my day. Would you like a signed photo?
Stuart, Croydon
From today's Scottish news: "". Before reading the story I assumed that a body of a tourist had been found - couldn't for the life of me think what the "gaffe" could have been.
The Bob, Glasgow