- 25 Mar 07, 08:34 PM
Well, I thought it was time I should ask you guys some questions, coz you're probably bored of me, so here goes:
Who's going to be watching Do Something Different? I'm really looking forward to it!
What can I do to improve my blog and get more comments? (I can natter for ages, so what do you want me to talk about?)
What would you choose out of Latin, drama and German and why? I'm really stuck coz I have to decide when I go back from half term. So please tell me soon!!!
And lastly, I'm starting a new comedy radio show at school with one of my mates, so what should I put in it?
Please do give us a comment, just click on the comment button and write something as short or long as you like coz I definitely will reply!!!
PS - Why not ask me a question if you want?
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drama definatly i chose it and is really fun even though there is alot of coursework it is really good
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hi bradley do you enjoy writing your blog and if you havent got anything to say what do you put on it
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Hi Brad!
I love the LU blogs! I will be watching Do Something Different! Well I love your blogs.
I would choose German!Because of the job I would like to have when I am older (Something involving computers!) If you have anything to ask me I will be willing to reply!
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i would choose either latin or german, drama maybe fun, but it's the languages that get you the money when your older
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hiya brad.
i would prefer drama out of all of your options cuz im such a •DRAMA QUEEN• and i wouldnt really like german or latin that much.
must dash now anywayz.
mrs mop ;);)
X x X
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I would choose latin and german. It doesn't really matter because it is all about how much momey you get when you are older!!!
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..x..I would choose drama out of Latin and German.. Im doing Drama this year and its good.. i think you have to do 1 lauange anyway i dont no.. I would never take extra coz there's loooooooaddddddds of coursework.. anyway.. good luck in choosing them..x..
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Go 4 it :) Just believe in yourself and you'll do fine XXX
Luv Zoe XXXx
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i would chose drama because i whant to become well i dont have to tell you do i
good luke on dsd i hed you will meat lil cris and once again good luke on dsd
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i think u shoud choose german because drama may sound fun but may not b good for a career, languages r very useful even if you're not taking a job that requires it. apparently latin is a dead language! thats why i'm choosing German, and u should too! also think about what you want to get as a job, if you want to be an actor, take drama, if you want to be a language translator (you can talk lots!) take german or latin. think how big germany is compared to areas that speak latin!
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i think you should pick german because drama might be a bit scary and think how much more german is used than latin?!any way thats what i,d pick.from rat
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i think you should choose drama because it is dead good for your confidence and you could turn out 2 be a famouse actor 1 day. thats what we do in school but it is up 2 u.
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well brad i would do drama becouse drama is fun and if any one needs sum1 to do sum drama you will be there first cos you already no haw to do it and drama is the mane out of all ok
luv charli xxxx tb
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Hey Brad
hope ur havin a wicked time wid dat radio show
aniwayz i think you should chat bout drama init
coz everu1 loves a bit of drama
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you should do a quiz and see who can get the most right
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i would go for drama cause it could get u a good job when u are older.on ur blog u could put a quiz and see who get's the best score.r u going to be on you get treated diffrent at school cause ur on t.v
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i watched do something different you were amazing with Lil Chris you rule
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for your comedy act use a thing like 10ps and 1ps
the 10ps coin really fast like you could predend to be a 10p and go all dramatic.
And your mate could pretend to be a 1p and they dont spin that long, so you could go like oh i'm loosing it i'm loosing it and WHAM!!!
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Hi guys Im really sorry I havent replied for ages but here I go, flash drama is fun but Ill never b able to do Latin again, to rugby machine, I never really run out of ideas coz Im usually on the go, bnut Id luove to know what you guys would like to see on my blogg.
Well Luke german is a good idea and Im glad your watching DSD what did you think of it. lolspav ur right languages do get you the jobs but drama can be communication skills and latin unlocks languages.
well mrs mop drama does sound like fun, remember Aidau its not just about money but I take your point, thanks 4 the gd luck Helen im glad to see ur still checking my blogg, thanks 4 ur advice 2 zoexx, loz i hope drama helps you on whatever you do that needs drama, easterbunny steph and range drover ur aqll right but im still not surwe, nice name rat and I think german is useful
wel >>>>>>>> i htink mur wright evry1 likes a bit of drama, chazas correct too wiv drama people will pick me 4 palys, tomboy grace a quiz is a good idea i think we might just do that and rachey 12345 a 10p thing sounds great but plz elaborate.
luv ya all.
PPS.My play is next week, and im doing a song from les mis wish me
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CHOOSE DRAMA!!!! it will be fun and give you more confidence, also it is a rest from your other lessons, if you want one of the languages ( DON'T TAKE A LANGUAGE!!!) then take german, latin is never used now adays, i guess that if you want to be a lawyer or something then it could be handy though . . . . but, yeah, PICK DRAMA! :p
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I would choose drama as its more fun and you dont have to do that much work
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I love do something different. especially with sam and mark on it
by the way i got an idea for you to do on it this week.
having to dance with old grannies for 6 hours straight
lolz it would be soooo funny if sam and mark did do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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hey!this is a dudette here[hope u don mind] i agree wid tomboygrace,a quiz is a gr8 idea.....i just luv does get a bit boring though u like quizzing??????
hav loads of fun
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choose German then when your older live there its probably the best place for a job
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i would choose drama cuz im a drama queen
any wayz g8 blog
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I chose DRAMA I think that DRAMA is the best thing in the world but if you like DRAMA but are not very good at it then all anyone can say to help you is "do your best" so that is what you should do!!!
Just remember everyone is good at something, sometimes you just have to figure out what that something is!!
if you think you are no good at anything then you are just imagining it because somwhere down deep in your heart there will be love and a skill you should bring those 2 things out and show everyone that you HAVE got some DRAMA skills in you!!! that could mean acting or giving your comments!!
so i just want you to remember that everyone should and has got a special talent!
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I would choose drama coz think of all da acting u can do!!! o.k. maybe u r thinkin' if u start off know and the next thing u now u r in hollywood!!!! any way good luck mate!!! p.s.THIS IS ONE EXTREMELY WICKED BLOG MAN!!!!!!!!!
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