Xmas shopping
- 1 Dec 06, 07:39 PM
Hi everyone!
First of December! Only 25 days to Xmas! Come on! So the count down has begun. So hope everyone has done their Xmas shopping because I have. Lol! In skool I have to pick my subjects for next year. My four are hopefully all in a different pool. My favourite subjects are drama, 'cause I rule in it, history, 'cause I'm great in it, Graphic products and ICT 'cause I love doing stuff on my computer. But too much homework! Waahh! Give me a break people! Lol!
I'm going to town and going to shop again! Lol! Let's hope I get games, DVDs, bling, music, games and a new mob for Xmas. Hint hint to my mates for what to get me for Xmas! Lol!
Age: 13
What is he like: He rocks!
Aim: To be the best
So, what you looking forward to? Tell me peeps...
Bye! Luv, the mad Gamer, Avijit.
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Hey. U are so organized. I have been so busy dat I haven't got anything yet. I can't wait for christmas. It is so wicked. Wats ur fave thing bout it? Wr bk
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that is cool
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