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More rugby

  • Level Up Gamer - Bradley
  • 12 Dec 06, 01:47 PM

Hi level Uppers!

Well, here, as I promised, is my report on my house 7's rugby tournament!

It was a frosty December morn' as we trundled down to the pitch. There was a feeling of suspense in the air. The captain was worried about a missing prop. Our scrummy had the wrong shirt. Everyone was nervous. This would be a match to remember!

My first match was versus our neighbouring house. I was very nervous. Our spirits were immediately dampened by a try one minute into the game. This was succeeded by two more! All seemed lost but with our first scrum we managed to gain precious ground. It was tough but we pulled through .Soon it was half time, with no trys and signs of exhaustion we were losing badly. We went back in even more ferociously but almost immediately their star player ran up the wing aiming for what should have been a glorious try... But there on the horizon was our saviour. With a savage tackle he took the man down and our speedy back received the ball. He was heading for the final straight but at the worst possible time the ref blew the whistle!!!

We were ready for our next match and there was almost a glimmer of hope!

We had a much better line up in the next game. Once again our opponent's scrum was tough, but not tough enough! This was a much more evenly matched game. A beautiful kick sent the ball way into our half but we fought back like a pack of rabid dogs. Me and the forwards made sure we took out some opposition. The same thing happened another two times but on the final go the "speedy Gonzalez" of our team tore the pitch into shreds... He was at the touch line, just about to place it and then BAM! He was out cold! Even more determined now, we struggled on. One of the youngest members of their team took the ball in, handing off like crazy, driving them back! A quick and skilful pass to me ensured I got the ball further along. Soon I was faced with a lump of a lad, but before he could take me down I passed it off to our amazing scrummy who sprinted to finish. But he was met by a monstrous tackle for his efforts. It spilled on to our prop, who fumbled it, picked it up ,fumbled it again - just inches from the try line! Their second row scoped it up and, tackling three of our men, scored a try and conversion! Then after a dodgy kick from our team he did the same again! Every one was intensely frustrated. Then, just when the other team thought they had nothing to fear, we let out our secret weapon - our house cross country champion! Just one slip of the ball and he was in there like a shot, seizing the opportunity. And before they could even stick their gum shields in he was over the touch line smiling at them with seconds before the match was over.

Then we had the match everyone was waiting for. Last year's champions! It was tense, this was a good team! We were taking no chances, not underestimating them...

It was clear that they were the stronger side. They scored five trys before we had even blinked. There was no way we could top that, was there? But we weren't giving up that easily. We had spent a lot of time training and this was what it was for. We weren't going to blow it. Soon it was half time. We returned hardly having caught our breath but with a few wise substitutions we were even better. We were holding up like an iron fortress. The game was drawing to a close but we weren't going without putting up a fight. We'd used all the skills we'd learnt in training. We tackled hard, we dummied, we side stepped. It was the final frontier! We were a metre away from the try line... Nothing could stop us! After a successful line out we passed the ball to our wing, he was almost there... Almost... Just a bit more... A few steps... Beeeeeep!!! The shrill whistle sounded just seconds too early! In the end even our formidable rugby team could not escape the clutches of time!

Special thanks to our vice captain and captain and our sixth form for taking us training. A good day of rugby but sadly this is the end of my rugby for this year. :( But I guess there's always next year.

Until next time
PS - Check out C成人快手 eXtra for the Gamers Christmas special!!! It's brill!!!

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  • 1.
  • At 07:43 PM on 17 Dec 2006,
  • themealgang wrote:

wow wot a long post!

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  • 2.
  • At 05:59 AM on 18 Dec 2006,
  • ian g wrote:

hi i like rugby, thanks 4 the blog its cool

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  • 3.
  • At 11:59 AM on 18 Dec 2006,
  • Bradley the gamer wrote:

Hi im glad you like rugby where do you play it, with a club? or at skool?
until next time

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  • 4.
  • At 03:28 PM on 19 Dec 2006,
  • some one u know wrote:


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  • 5.
  • At 11:55 AM on 12 May 2007,
  • kat wrote:

wow!that was long

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