Last blog of the year
- 20 Dec 06, 09:47 PM
Hi people,
This is my last blog this year so I'm gonna make the most of it. You've been great viewers and I just wanna say thanks! U may see me on tele again soon so I won't be gone!
Yeah, I think I may get a phone, but I wanna know wat else I should get and what phone should I hope 4? Come on guys, I need ur help! It's so close to Christmas and I need something else to tell my mum! I know I got the new Man U kit. What should I get 4 my girlfriend? I got her a white gold chain with a teddy bear, but I don't know what sort of card I should get her.
But the biggest present I have ever had has been u all year! You've been a great audience! Thanks! I g2g for now.
Stay kool stay Ryan
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hey ryan whats up i think you should get a great phone like a like a nokia n70 which is great and you have got a Man utd kit which is great for you aswell
and the card you should get your girlfriend is with one with santa at the front people in sheffield send lots cards with santa on it
have a great great christmas make it to remember
good friend from sheffield to a friend in london
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yoall should get her one that says eat cheese
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Heya Mate You Look Cool And Fairplay To You
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i think you should get the sony ericson cyba shot phone as it has a 3.2 mega pixiel camera and all the phone gadgets you could wish for
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your cool
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hiya ryan your ma fav boy on level up i've got a motorola l6 it's dat really thin phone. u r so cool plz do another blog and tell us what u got 4 your girlfriend ope dat level up will start again but at da moment sam and mark r doin tmi but still lets ope we c more level up
c ya bi !!!!!!!!!!
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hey ryan hope u had a great christmas and got everything u asked for.
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:)elo Ryan,
i miss yoo and lvl up sooooo much...
cnt wait til april comes blogs reali gd:)...
HaPpY nEw YeAr! x x x x x x x x x x
ur ma best gamer eva x x x
neway gd luk thiz yr!x i got GCSE's nooooooooooo!~ lol x luvyoo x
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i thnk u shld get a motorola razor or a crazar
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iiyya i got me girl friend this gorgeous necklace she lurved it!!!!!
av u thought wat ur gettin ere 4 valentines day?????? i gt a ps3 n psp lol there wel kl
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nice! gettin a big teddy 4 ur girlfriends is gd.....seeyas all!
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about ur card prob why not make her one iv heard girls really apreicate a card tha a boy has put a lot of effort into
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Hi! I hope you have a grat 2007! :-)
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you r so cool i just wanna say your girlfriend will love it if u make her a card ok i am a girl i should know lol xxx
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hi, ive got a problem only and i mean ONLY 5 weeks til my sats if you have tips i need them.
drama queen
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