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Another day at school

  • Level Up Gamer - Callam
  • 23 Nov 06, 06:41 PM

Hey guys. What you lot been up to then?

Well, today I went to school as usual and it was ok. My first lesson was music. Now I like music because you get to play music on instruments and it is well fun. Then I had science which wasn't very fun but never mind and then we had food technology which is basically cooking food and I made choc-chip cookies with sweets in them. They were gorgeous! Lololol! Then we had French and that was boring! Lololol! Then I had my lunch. After lunch I just had two other lessons which weren't very interesting so I won't tell you about them. Then after school I had basketball training which was quite fun! I played quite well but not brilliantly. I came home after that and had my tea.

All the best

PS - I know

Comments (5)


  • Level Up Gamer - Callam
  • 18 Nov 06, 12:34 PM

Hey people!

How you doing? I'm great if you're wondering. Well yesterday I went to school and that was OK. I had maths, English, science and I had PE but we weren't doing football in PE. We were doing rugby... I think rugby is OK. It sometimes is fun but can get a bit rough if you know what I mean. I had a few other lessons, but they weren't really interesting and then when I got back from school I called for my friend and me and him went and played cards for ages. I think it was like three hours! Lol! And then I watched Children in Need. It was wicked!!! Then today I woke up and thought that I would come have a chat with you guys!

All the best

PS - I know

Comments (11)

Footie and chips

  • Level Up Gamer - Callam
  • 6 Nov 06, 05:34 PM

Whoooooo! Hi people. I'm in a well good mood today. Well, yesterday it was bonfire night and it was wicked. I watched some fireworks and they were so good. A bit loud though, but who cares? Lololol! The day before that I did some shopping with my dad. Whoooooo!

Today I was at school and it was quite good. Just normal lessons, you know? English, science, maths and some others but they weren't interesting. Lol! Then, when I got back, I went and played footie with my best m8 and I scored some wicked goals! Lololol! My friend scored some good goals as well, then when we got back we went and got some fish n chips! Mmmmmm.

All the best

PS - I know

Comments (5)

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