Quay Questions
I'm on a whirlwind tour of 成人快手 production centres this week, keeping staff up to date about our various plans. It was Aberdeen this morning, tonight I'm in Dundee (preparing for our SoundTown launch tomorrow) and then it's Edinburgh and Glasgow. These briefing sessions always throw up some unexpected questions but I try to anticipate as many as possible. It's always a good idea to get your defence in before you're attacked.
Yesterday in Inverness, for example, I felt compelled to state that I had NOT been in attendance at Thursday night's party in Pacific Quay - the one where the chattering of the chattering classes intruded into the evening news bulletin on television. No, at that point I was at home in Inverness, sliding off my sofa with horror as Mrs. Zed demanded an insider's explanation.
Just as well, really. I'm not known for my self-restraint when wine and nibbles are on offer. Chances are you would have heard me organising a post-party pub-crawl around Govan or actually seen me leading a conga dance through the newsroom.
Phew, lucky escape.
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