Norfolk culls its deputy chief executive

After months of criticism over how much they pay their chief executive while at the same time proposing major cuts to services, has responded.
It's doing away with its deputy chief executive.
Paul Adams, who is also Director of Corporate Resources and Cultural Services, has been with the council for more than 23 years but axing his post will save the council £200,000 a year.
It's part of a package of changes to senior management pay which will save £2.6m, which the council has decided to announce before it finalises its plans to cut dozens of services and hundreds of jobs.
It reveals that a total of 44 senior posts will go, performance-related pay schemes will be scrapped and there'll be a pay freeze.
For some time the county council has come in for criticism from ministers because its Chief Executive David White hasn't taken a pay cut.
Today's statement from says that Mr White (salary £218,000) will take over his deputy's responsibilities but his pay will remain frozen.
In other words, he won't be taking a pay cut. He'll just be expected to work harder.
That, the council hopes, will keep its critics happy.
Of course other authorities in our region - - are also being attacked over their chief executives' salaries. Will they now follow suit?
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